duminică, 30 noiembrie 2014

Team, team building.

  Acum ceva timp am fost in primul meu team building (oficial) undeva langa Timisoara. A fost tare fain si interesant sa imi vad colegii linistiti si intr-o stare de "coziness". Mereu am crezut si inca cred ca nu m-as integra intr-o companie mare, unde oamenii nu se cunosc. Cand trebuie sa vorbesc cu colegii din US, colegi care pentru mine nu au fata sau personalite, e un chin. Mie imi place sa cunosc omul de la celalalt fir, nu doar o voce si o descriere sumara de la alti colegi. Poate iau totul prea personal, dar asta mi-s.  A fost fain sa petrec(bem si altele) /petrec timpul cu colegii mei si asta pentru ca sunt oameni faini. A fost timp si de un mic shooting yeyyyyy . 

I was wearing TBdress coat , Oasap sweater , Mango jeans, Accessorize purse.

  Some time ago I went in my first (official) team building out of the city. It was nice to hang around with my colleagues, to know each other a bit more. I always say that I wouldn't want to work in a big company, where people that work together don't really know each other. I hate when I have to talk with coworkers from US at the phone or messenger, and I haven't  seen them in my life. It' strange to work with people that have no face or personality for me (I need to put a face next to the name). But that is just me, I need to know everything and everyone. Anyways it's nice to spend some good quality time with awesome people as the people I work with. I had time for a small shooting, yey to that.

Today's thought: "T.E.A.M. = Together Everyone Achieves More!"

Oasap time people. Check the big discounts that Oasap has to offer.

duminică, 23 noiembrie 2014

Strange weapon,vanity..

  Este timpul sa judecam putin. Incerc sa nu judec, eu fiind de cand ma stiu judecata. Dar am si eu limitele mele iar atunci  cand vad oameni vanitosi si prosti limitele tolerantei sunt  cu mult depasite. Cand incerci sa intelegi si sa ajuti pe toata lumea, e posibil sa ai si surprize, nu chiar placute, pentru ca uneori prostia merge mana in mana cu vanitatea. Pe de alta parte imi displac profund oameni lasi care se ascund dupa  functia/pozitia lor de la locul de munca.
 Oamenii care au frustrari si tind sa improaste cuvinte grele pe  fraierii care sunt sensibili sau putinii oameni care mai au inima, si le pasa de cum se simte  X sau Y azi. As zice ca oamenii vanitosi si cei lasi sunt acei oameni care imi pun limitele la incercare. Tie ce iti displace profund la caracterul uman?

I was wearing C&A purse, Mango jacket,Kenvelo t-shirt,Meli Melo neckace.

  It's time to judge, even if it's not a good thing to do. I try to not judge people, since I've been judged almost all of my life. But when I see a shake of stupidity and vanity, man that's my limit. I don't get people that are too vain, when they really don't have any reason to be... When you try to help and understand everyone, you may have a surprise. There are people that don't want to be helped, even if they really need a strong hand, they are too proud to admit that. 
  On the other hand we have revenging people usually people that have a bit of power. If they are injured and they can't harm back that person, they  will stab and bit the first person that is sensible or the first person they see an d gives a shit about them. Vain people and coward  people  are the people that I really can't stand and I wish I could scream this  in their faces.
What get on your nerves?

Today's quote: "Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense."

The winer from the Oasap giveaway is Georgiana Boiasu lucky number 50! Congratulations my dear!

duminică, 16 noiembrie 2014

Oasap Giveaway people!

The requirements for the participants/Reguli de participare:

1. Sign up as a member of/ Inregistrati-va ca membru pe www.oasap.com;

2. Follow at least one of following accounts/ Urmariti cel putin unul din conturile:


3. Click on photos from this post and let me know in a comment your email, facebook, pinterest, twitter AND/OR instagram account /Dati click pe pozele din acest acrticol si lasati intr-un comentariu email-ul vostru si contul de facebook, pinterest, twitter SI/SAU instagram.

4. Provide the correct shipping information if she will be chosen as a winner /Furnizati datele corecte de livrare in cazul in care veti fi ales castigator.

5. The winner will be allowed to choose one of the following pieces/Castigatorul va alege unul din aceste articole:

1) Black White Houndstooth Pattern PU-Trim CapeCoat
2) Brown Elk Pattern PU-Trim Cape Coat

If the giveaway will not reach 50 sign-ups, they will not offer the prize/ Daca acest giveaway nu va avea minim 50 de participanti, sponsorul nu va oferi premiul.

This giveaway is open internationaly and it will end in 8 days (16-24 November). 

                                           Good luck everyone!

miercuri, 12 noiembrie 2014

Life happens

Acum doua saptamani am fost la Festivalul de film francez si am vazut un film fain despre viata lui Yves Saint Laurent. Am citit despre viata lui Coco Chanel. Am vazut multe filme biografice si dupa toate am ajuns la concluzia clara, ca viata se consuma repede si de multe ori remarcam asta prea tarziu. Am remarcat cateva asemanari intre aceste vieti; nu conteaza cati bani au avut, nu au fost fericiti, a iubi si a fi iubit sunt pietrele de fundament ale vietii, fara ambitie talentul e irosit. Cred ca acesti oameni au avut aproape tot si nu au fost mai fericiti ca mine. Oamenii uita sa se bucure de lucrurile marunte, atunci cand au bunuri materiale. Laurent a avut o fraza care mi-a placut teribil "I love him, but you are the man of my life". Cu aceasta afirmatie mi-am dat seama cat suntem de suciti si nebuni.

I was wearing Miniprix dress/blouse,  Sheinside necklace, Miniprix shoes, Bershka belt, and Yessica blazer

 Life happens and some of us realize that too late.Two weeks ago we had the French Film Festival, and I saw a movie about Yves Saint Laurent's life, an impressing movie. I read the book about Coco Channel's life. I've seen many movies about celebrities lifes. I've notice a few thing that they have in common: no matter how much money they had, they weren't happy, loving and being loved are one of the most desired things, if we don't have ambition, our talent is wasted. Anyways these people in my opinion had almost everything, but still they were unhappy or alone. I rather prefer to be normal, than famous but unhappy. People forget to feel the joy when comes to small things when they have it all. Laurent said something really interesting: "I love him, but you are the man of my life". This statement made me see how twisted and insane we are.

Today's quote: Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.

miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2014

Going back and forth.

 Este asa de usor sa zici "decide-te odata" ..atunci cand problema nu este a ta. Este asa dificil sa iei o decizie. Si mai greu este sa zici, gata am terminat aici, este timpul sa o iau de la capat. Iubesc inceputurile dar in acelasi timp le urasc. Senzatia de piele de gaina si fluturasii in stomac sunt partea buna la inceputuri, insa finalul este de cele mai multe ori in lacrimi si regrete. Din pacate nu cred in "happy endings" dar cred in inceputuri fericite...desi, daca stau sa ma gandesc bine, nu am avut multe inceputuri. O parte din mine este asa visatoare, crede in oameni, in natura, in soarta, in dragoste, cred in orice ma poate face sa ma simt bine si imi incalzeste ziua. Tu in ce crezi? Frumosilor nu uitati sa vizitati magazinul online TB.

I was wearing  my lovely TB coat, H&M hat, Bershka necklace, Terra Nova skirt, Miniprix shoes.

It's so easy to say "make up your mind"...when the problem doesn't concern you...And it's so difficult to make a decision. Damn it's too hard to say I'm done, I'm able to start over. Man I love and hate at the same time beginnings. They give you goosebumps and butterflies, but they also could end in tears and deception. Unfortunately I don't believe in happy ends but I do believe in happy beginnings...although I didn't have many..:) I'm a believer. I tend to believe in people, nature, faith, love and everything that could make me feel better and would worm up my day. What do you believe in? Well don't forget that you could by lovely and cheap clothes from Tbdress, online shop. You never know how many secrets could lie in HERE

 Today's quote: "When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about."