marți, 28 mai 2013

About you Mony Mon!

Daca pana acum te considerai o persoana romatica, cred ca  este cazul sa faci cunostiinta cu Monica, prietena mea! Si eu ma consideram romantica, dar se pare ca eram departe de asta. Monica ma depaseste clar. Daca stai sa asculti tot ce zice va reusi sa te faca sa crezi ca inca mai sunt unicorni, ca inca dragonii vor atenta la printesa ta si ca daca pupi o broasca se va transforma in printul mult asteptat!:) Inceputurile prieteniei mele cu Monica erau presarate de discutii interesante daca nu chiar inteligente (probabil este de alta parere, suntem in contradictie cam des).M-a fascinat si inca ma fascineaza ca este o fata destul de inteligenta si frumoasa. Oooo am uitat sa spun ca este si amuzanta, dar desigur numai cand vrea...Am petrecut o seara impreuna acum ceva timp, si mi-am dat seama ca desi ne-am plictisit putin una de probleme celeilalte, vorba ei , sa ne bucuram ca nu avem altele mai rele ;prietenia nu consta in a aduce mereu ceva nou, ci in a-l cunoaste pe celalalt, a-l sustine si a-l aprecia! Ciufut, dificil sau doar certaret, e omul tau de baza! ;))

Aaaaa si are 2 pasiuni ciudatele, broscutele si unghiile!

So... do you consider yourself a romantic person!? Wait until you meet my friend Monica ,I thought that i was a dreamer! She is more than that! She still beliefs that somewhere in this world is her charming prince.. she is so damn cute, because when she talks about her fantasy ,she literally can take you in her world, in that moment you start to believe in unicorns, princess and frogs that transform in prince once you kiss them.Also i love her, because she is smart, very smart! At the beginning of our friendship we talk a lot about interesting things, I spent a night with her a few days ago and remembered how funny and smart she is!Also she is my kinkiest friend! Enough with Monica,now I'll show you some stolen( from Lookbook) photos with her, she dresses very awesome! P.s Monita sometimes I want to punch you in the face, but only sometimes ;)))

She has 2 strange passions frogs and naile:))) 

Motto-ul de azi : Those novels with old-fashioned heroes and heroines in them -- are ruinous!”  

sâmbătă, 25 mai 2013

I miss you, childhood!

Si imi aduc aminte cum adoram sa ma imbac cu hainele mamei mele, sa ii port tocurile, sa ma machiez, si in special sa o imit... cumva privind retrograd nu imi dau seama daca evoluam sau involuam?!Ideea este ca unii efectiv stagneaza, si eu as vrea sa am puterea sa traiesc in nepasare, cred ca poate din invidie spun ca unii stagneaza, sunt oarecum geloasa ca stiu cum sa isi pastreze calmul si zambetul inocent de alta data, stiu sa uite, ca atunci cand te loveai si te pupa mama  si parca iti lua durerea.Acum vreau sa uit si nu pot, vreau sa iert si imi e imposibil, vreau sa schimb si e complicat.Imi amintesc cu drag de perioadele din viata mea, in care pentru stres nu era loc, decat pentru hotote de ras si zbenguiala ! Se pare ca maturitatea nu aduce atata veselie precum as fi crezut.Acum par ridicola cand ma maimutaresc, dar uit efectiv ca timpul trece ca lumea are asteptari de la mine si ca trebuie sa am un anumit comportament, cum cere societate de la cei de varsta mea!Refuz sa fiu om mare, refuz sa cresc(asta mi-a refuzat si natura,cand m-a lasat de 1,60cm :)) ) refuz sa fiu produsul societatii..vreau inca sa mai fac sarmale din nisip:)


I was wearing no name shirt ,vintage(for real) earring, Miss Miss jeans, Terranova purse.

 I remember that  when I was just a  child  I was dying to copy my mother, I  remember that I was wearing her clothes, her makeups, I even  act like her...It's was so much fun, but now, I'm her!I'm  a full grown up woman, I don't  have to pretend that, only to admit it. I don't have to copy someone else...I just have to be like everybody else! Now I'm talking like a spoiled child, that once he has what he wishes for,he doesn't want it any more. Looking back, I'm not quite sure if growing up is the best thing that could happen. I'm jealous of those people that can still act like children, I wish I could still believe that if I'd hit , and my mom would kiss the wound , the pain will disappear, I wish I could just let thing go, to forgive and forget easier...Now when I act silly ,people are staring at me, like I'm killing someone , I really don't wanna be how the society wants me to be! I refuse to be an adult, I refuse to grow up (even if nature refused that, when  left me at 1.60 inches :))) I refuse to be how the society wants me to be .. I still want to do the sand rolls :)

As always thank you Klaudia 

Motto-ul de azi :“Grown ups are complicated creatures, full of quirks and secrets.” 


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sâmbătă, 18 mai 2013

Choose the right path.

     E greu in viata sa alegi calea cea mai buna pentru tine, drumul pe care sa stii sigur ca daca il urmezi la sfarsit nu te va astepta un esec, ci doar un mare succes!Adesea tindem sa ne lasam cumva pacaliti de umbre fie din comoditate fie poate din pura nestiinta... Dar trebuie sa fim pregatiti, precum soldatii inainte de razboi, sa ne antrenam simturile, sa le ducem la perfectiune,sa fim siguri ca nu vom fi inselati decat daca noi alegem sa clipim mai mult decat trebuie.
     Bucura-te de viata, de micile si marile lucruri care ti le ofera , incearca mereu sa faci fiecare moment sa conteze.Alege cu calm drumul care vrei sa il urmezi, si tot asa si oamenii care vrei sa iti fie alaturi in aceasta calatorie .Infrunta-ti demonii interiori si exteriori.Fii un adevarta soldat,un luptator neinfricat!


I was wearing,Terra Nova bag & t-shirt,Converse sneakers ,Benetton coat, Tally  Weijl  pants .

  Choosing the right path, the one without shadows, but with real goals might be tricky, but never give up, always fight.  Like a true soldier you have to update your smell, your strength, your power to resist under stress, the courage to take decision in short moments,the courage to help others,even if you are downer than them..
   So smell life, taste life, play wrestling with life ,put down all bad thing and embrace all that life really means, good things, flowers, sun, moon ,animals, nature, love ,and all those things that for some reason don't matter anymore.Choose wisely in life ,choose the right people along the right path.Face your inside and outside demons!Be a warrior!

Motto-ul de azi : “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”                                                                                                                                      

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sâmbătă, 11 mai 2013

Flip a coin!

      Suferim,si tindem mereu sa cautam un vinovat..Nu ne gandim niciodata ca poate singurii vinovati suntem noi!Si totusi o viata fara durere, se poate numi viata?Adica ai putea distinge negru fara alb, ai vedea curcubeul fara  ploaie?! Ma gandeam daca  viata ar mai fi viata fara durere, sa nu stii daca esti bine sau nu, decat efectiv cand vezi rana...Am vazut un documentar interesant despre durere, sunt oamneni in lume care fie traiesc toata viata in durere, fie nu pot simtii durerea.Dar si durerea asta este de natura fizica sau psihica ,si care este mai usor de indurat?
        De ce nu poti primii ceva gratis, de ce trebuie sa fie mereu un troc, hmmm probabil pentru a  mentine un echilibru.Zilele astea gasesc durerea ca fiind parte din mine,efectiv o imbratisez, si asa cum este nu vreau sa inceteze sa faca parte din viata mea, uneori cedam in fata durerii, alegem sa rupem lanturile si sa fugim de aici, uitam ca suntem atat carne cat si oase.Uitam ca durerea are si ea 2 planuri,si ca nu putem sa fugim niciunde de ea.Fi curajos si infrunta-ti durerea,nu cauta responsabili ,ci cauta rezolvari.


                                            With me was my lovely friend  Smaranda .

 I was wearing blouse ,shirt and shoes no name, bag and sunglasses from Accessorize .

 Everybody suffers, we all blame life when something hurts, physically or mentally, but why?! Can  you be the only culpable, for your "pain"? Could you imagine your life without pain?Can be named LIFE?!Like, can you see black without white?!Imagine a world without pain, how could you know if you are OK ,or can you see the rainbow , without rain?I saw a strange documentary these days about pain, about people that constantly are living  in pain, and on the opposite pol people enable to fell pain.I didn't know about this diseases. 
        There is a  balance in this world,you can't receive something without giving something in return.Yup these  days I  say that I embrace pain, because is a  part of me, but i also say that some "pains" are unbearable,than , in that moment plenty of people jut give up to someone or something,or maybe themselves.What I can't stand is the fact that we have the power to make other suffer,but on the other hand is in our power to make other smile...again the coin thing ;) We have to much power ,but still to less!

Mottoul de azi : “It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness.” 

   Thank you Klaudia , she also has a  lovely blog   :

luni, 6 mai 2013

I just can't live without them!

       Inca din copilarie mi-am dat seama ca sunt iremediabil indragostita de animale!Uneori cred ca animlele sunt cel mai pur si amuzant lucru pe acest pamant.Inca imi aduc aminte, si cred ca si parintii mei, care acum zambesc gandind inapoi, la faptul ca la noi acasa intr-un apartament de 2 camere am avut 2 catei,2 hamsteri,o pisica un porumbel si o cioara.Desigur asta  a fost doar o perioada, insa cred ca am avut toate animalele care se pot gasi pe stada sau pe camp.Am avut: serpi, soparle, arici, pesti, hamsteri,pasari ,si desigur o multime de catei si pisici.La 12 ani mama s-a gandit ca va pune capat acestei nebunii, daca imi va lua un catel cadou, din pacate s-a inselat.Insa, inca o am pe Lady,si este cel mai minunat catel de pe pamant!Am decis cumva,candva sa ma maturizez si sa nu mai aduc animale,dar nu a tinut multa vreme maturizarea ,dupa putin timp l-am gasit pe Seth cel mai razboinic si dificil pisic, apoi pe Charlie ,la polul opus, cel mai iubaret si pufos...Asa ca acum am iar am o mica ferma!Va las sa faceti cunostiinta cu o parte din  iubirile vietii mele!:)





Since I was just a child I realized that I'm in love with animals! My parents still  remember, with a smile in the corner  of the mouth, because now is hilarious, but back than I'm sure it wasn't, that for a  while we had in our 2 rooms apartment, 2 dogs, 2 hamsters, one cat, 1 crow and 1 dove.And in all my life I had all animals that you can find in the city or near,like: snakes,turtles ,lizards,hedgehog, chicken,fish,  plenty of dogs and cats.Some of them had died,because they were very ill, some of them ran  away,and for some of them I found a  lovable home, but at my 12 anniversary my mom decided to buy my a  small dog, and she did it, I still have my unique dog, but that didn't stop me  to bring others animals home.For about 9 years I had Lady, her puppy  that died 2 years ago, damn she was so beautiful, and a cat, that ran away.
       I decided to act like a  mature person,so I decided to have only one pet, but when I went back to my home town my mom came home with this small cat that was yelling for some food, so we decided to keep him  for a while, till he could walk and eat by his own, after 2 years he's the best warrior cat i could find, and one day I found Charlie, I said to myself  I would keep  him until I will find him a  home, that didn't happen because after a  week i was in love with his docility. Above you can see a small part of  the loves of my life!

 Motto-ul de azi: “Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them.”