Motto-ul de azi : "I'd love to be a diva. But I'd then have to send so many apology notes for my abhorrent behavior"
sâmbătă, 29 martie 2014
Like a diva!
Acum ceva timp a trebuit sa fac poze pentru o revista, iar asta a implicat si niste ore la un salon de infrumusetare. Nu va ganditi la epilat, ci doar machiaj si freza.. Ceva nou pentru mine, admit. M-am distrat de minune! Dupa cateva ore de munca aratam ca o papusa scoasa din cutie. Ten perfect...maghiajul magnific, freza super cool ca o diva de pe coperta unei reviste. Uimitor cat poate schimba un machiaj profiesionist si o freza semenea. Acum stiu cum este sa fi "perfecta" , insa cu toate astea prefer sa fiu un om normal care se pierde in multime. Iubesc frumusetea naturala a oamenilor.
For a moment I felt like a true lady. Some time ago I had to do some photos for a magazine
and that involved me going to a beauty salon, not for shaving my legs
or something like that..but to make me look pretty ;)) . I had my make
up and hair made by professionals
in the end I was looking like a diva from some fashion magazine. It's
truly magic what a good hairstylist and make up artist can do with a normal person. It's weird to sit down still
for some hours, but in the end is worth it. Now I know how a true dive
feels. But I have to admin that in the end I'm still a fan of natural
beauty, at least for us, ordinary people.
Motto-ul de azi : "I'd love to be a diva. But I'd then have to send so many apology notes for my abhorrent behavior"
Motto-ul de azi : "I'd love to be a diva. But I'd then have to send so many apology notes for my abhorrent behavior"
duminică, 23 martie 2014
Summer wishlist from Sheinside!
Here is my Sheinside super cute wishlist:
1-Floral bird; 2-Sleeve Witch; 3-Long-Dress; 4-Chiffon-Dress

1- Gold-Flower; 2- Yellow-Beads; 3-Blue Gemstone ;4-Gemstone-Gold
1-Leather-Shorts ; 2-Floral-Bodycon ; 3-Rivet-Bodycon ; 4-Ripped-Denim

Well what can I say now?maybe my wish list is a big long...but I'm positive that I'll have almost all of the items. :)
miercuri, 19 martie 2014
"Comfortable sexy!"
Nu trebuie tone de machiaj, haine scumpe, tocuri pentru a fi sexy. O
minte ascutita si un zambet jucaus sunt destul de sexy. Pentru mine a
fi sexy inseamna a fi increzator ,simplu, timid si sa degaji naturalete.
Sexy e o haina pe care o porti cu drag si peste 10 ani. Nu doar acum
cand ai 20 si de totul la tine degaja frumusete. Sexy este
atitudinea ta in fata vietii, lejeritatea cu care te iubesti asa cum
Here you can find my beautiful dress is from HERE .
Who would've thought that being a sheinsider is so cool?
Sexy is not a hand of makeup, some expensive clothes or high heels. A sharp mind or a seductive smile are enough for someone to become sexy. For me being sexy is about being shy , act natural, trust yourself and be humble. Sexy is a coat that you better to wear it when you are older not when you have 20'something and you look sexy anyway...Sexy is you attitude towards life and the lightness with which you love yourself as you are.
Motto-ul de azi: "Why should 20-year-olds only be considered sexy? I think we get better with age. "
Here you can find my beautiful dress is from HERE .
Who would've thought that being a sheinsider is so cool?
Sexy is not a hand of makeup, some expensive clothes or high heels. A sharp mind or a seductive smile are enough for someone to become sexy. For me being sexy is about being shy , act natural, trust yourself and be humble. Sexy is a coat that you better to wear it when you are older not when you have 20'something and you look sexy anyway...Sexy is you attitude towards life and the lightness with which you love yourself as you are.
Motto-ul de azi: "Why should 20-year-olds only be considered sexy? I think we get better with age. "
luni, 10 martie 2014
Subtleties and little things.
Cuvinte mici, cu rezonanta puternica. Precum "Super Glue-ul"se lipesc de tine si nu te lasa sa dormi fie pana nu mai au importanta fie pana te-au schimbat. Nu vedem ca orice cuvant aruncat poate schimba complet universul cuiva. Imi place sa analizez oamenii sa vad ca nu sunt cu nimic diferita fiind sensibila. Imi place sa remarc ca nu doar pe mine cuvintele ma bantuie sau ma duc intr-o stare de visare. Povestind cu o colega imi zicea ca actualul iubit i-a zis niste cuvinte random, in opinia lui, insa cu adevarat miscatoare pentru ea. Si hop poc m-am gandit sa fac si o postare cu tema asta, sa atrag cumva atentia asupra acestui lucru. Aveti grija cu ce cuvinte "aruncati" in stanga si in dreapta.
This is a lovely dress from AhaI . Cheap and lovely!
Rochita o gasiti HERE. Eu una o ador iar pretul a fost super accesibil.
Motto-ul de azi : “I can’t remember what I said to her, and she can’t remember what she heard. I must have said I love you. ”
Meaningless word for the one who "throws" them like nothing. But for us are powerful words. We never notice how easy we can change people that care about us with just one whisper.. I always tend to notice this silly thing about people. Things that aren't important but somehow are the last piece that forms the puzzle of who that Pearson is. I like to analyze people and their behavior just to see that I'm not the only one so fragile. It's weird how words are stuck with us until that person is no longer important or we are finally changed.
luni, 3 martie 2014
Muffin, muffins, muffining!
It's all about fashion. Even when we cook we like to be called "fashion alike" . Which man would not like to see his gorgeous wife cooking muffins wearing a beauty like this?
Pentru ca e primavara si luna Martie poate fii numita luna noastra a fetelor/femeilor Smaranda s-a gandit sa ne bucure cu un cadou din creatiile ei. Daca sunteti fane sorturi, adepte ale gatitului, iubitoare de fashion ce mai asteptati? Fie va incercati norocul primavaratic pe blog ei the--street pentru giveaway-ul de acum fie puteti cumpara sorturile. Mai multe detalii gasiti HERE .
Multumim Klaudiei a carei munca o apreciez iar pe ea ca fotograf o recomand. Si nu o recomand ca imi este prietena ci pentru ca este un fotograf bun.
Sorturile exprima creativitatea Smarandei . Eu una sunt fascinata de ele.
Pot spune clar ca daca m-ar vedea prietenul meu gatind cu un asa sort, ar fii fascinat.
Sunt momentan 6 modele de sorturi, minunate. Diversifitate si unicitate la pachet.
Nu cred ca pot sa am doar un preferat, mie imi plac toate.
Cine a spus ca gatitul nu este amuzant se inseala. Muzica e cea care lipseste mereu.
Nu uitati de giveawayul Smarandei care il gasiti si pe pagina de Facebook -> Here
Creativitatea Smarandei cu talentul Klaudiei si veselia mea au facut acest proiect chiar frumos.
Sper ca v-ati bucurat de veselia din bucatarie macar cat noi. Nu stii pana nu te apuci de gatit cata veselie poate fii uneori.
" There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves."
Pentru ca e primavara si luna Martie poate fii numita luna noastra a fetelor/femeilor Smaranda s-a gandit sa ne bucure cu un cadou din creatiile ei. Daca sunteti fane sorturi, adepte ale gatitului, iubitoare de fashion ce mai asteptati? Fie va incercati norocul primavaratic pe blog ei the--street pentru giveaway-ul de acum fie puteti cumpara sorturile. Mai multe detalii gasiti HERE .
Multumim Klaudiei a carei munca o apreciez iar pe ea ca fotograf o recomand. Si nu o recomand ca imi este prietena ci pentru ca este un fotograf bun.
Sorturile exprima creativitatea Smarandei . Eu una sunt fascinata de ele.
Pot spune clar ca daca m-ar vedea prietenul meu gatind cu un asa sort, ar fii fascinat.
Sunt momentan 6 modele de sorturi, minunate. Diversifitate si unicitate la pachet.
Nu cred ca pot sa am doar un preferat, mie imi plac toate.
Cine a spus ca gatitul nu este amuzant se inseala. Muzica e cea care lipseste mereu.
Nu uitati de giveawayul Smarandei care il gasiti si pe pagina de Facebook -> Here
Creativitatea Smarandei cu talentul Klaudiei si veselia mea au facut acest proiect chiar frumos.
" There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves."
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