Rătăcind prin Veneţia ne-a captat atenţia un antreu dubiod unde, zăcea un cal din polistiren, in dimensiune naturală. Curioasă fiindu-mi natura am intrat să mai studiez puţin "peştera" fiind decorat antrel ca una, crezând că este un bar mai ciudat. Când patru capete încearcă să tragă o privire printre scandurile obloanelor,dupa geamul crăpat, la ceea ce se anunţă a fi o cameră artzi, apare craiul asta şi deschide larg obloanele. Ochii mei au privit chipul perfect cu ochi gri şi înlemnită fiind am murmurat ca pentru mine, un "Ciao". Prietenii mei au început să vorbească cu el în engleză, şi uite aşa ne-a invitat să vedem casa de "nebuni":) şi curtea unde cu o seară în urmă făt frumos bea cu the bitch, manechinul fără nas şi cu-n ochi neştiind de existenţa mea, iar eu, eu hoinăream cu ai mei prieteni frumoasele străzi veneţiene vorbind de nebună cu oricine era dornic de un schimb de cuvinte ca între turişti. Au vorbit mult toţi, însă eu am sorbit fiecare cuvânt, i-am analizat chipul ăla indecent de frumos, mâinile alea de artist, părul cărunt şi trupul ăla zvelt şi înalt. Am decis cu greu să mă despart de el şi să-l las să işi termine curăţenia.
Afinitatea mea pentru artişi îmi este reconfirmată. La suc după 10 minute în care nu s-a vorbit despre altceva decât magicul artist cu ochi pătrunzători, am decis că nu pierd nimic dacă fac cale întoarsă, cât încă nu suntem departe şi să-l chem la un ceai, suc, sărut, orice. Ne-am întors...şi deja o mâna de artişti şi-au făcut de muncă în faţa casei, şi curajul meu s-a risipit pe nesimţite, aşa cum a venit. Chip frumos, o să mă faci să rad în zilele în care nu fac nimic decât să mă gândesc cu jind la ce ar fi fost dacă sau cum ar fi fost să..
I was wearing: Jennifer dress and cardigan, Miniprix shoes, Calzedonia socks and leggings, Oasap jacket & sunglasses, no name purse & Venetian scarf
P.s just a tip from my friend Tatiana, always bring a dress with you wherever you may travel. I had only dresses for this trip, and I enjoyed being fashion, although I froze a bit. ;)
Today's quote: "I don't know if I'm very complicated at all. I wish I was. I wish I was one of these deep, intricate people. But I just love having fun really."
Wondering through Venice's streets, something captured our attention, an anteroom where was laying a polystyrene horse in natural size. My curious nature made me go inside that "cave" since it was decorated like one, believing that, this might be just a weirder bar. When four heads, are trying to pull a look through the boards of shutters by the cracked window, to what promises to be an artzi room, this charming boy appears and opens widely the shutters. My eyes looked at that perfect face with grey eyes and being stoned, I whispered for myself "Ciao". My friends started to talk to him, in English, and as one lead to another, he said that if we want to go inside to visit THE house and the yard where, the night before prince Charming was drinking with the bitch, the mannequin without a nose and with one eye only, not knowing about my existence, and me, me wandering with my friends the beautiful Venetians streets, talking like an insane person, with anyone who was interested in an word exchange between tourists. All of them talked a lot, me instead I was sipping every word he said, I analyzed his indecent beautiful face and his artist hands, his grey hair and his slender and tall body. I barely decided to let him complete his cleanliness. My affinity for artists is being reconfirmed. In a bar, while we were drinking soda, after 10 minutes in which I talked about the charming artist with his sharp eyes, I decided that I have nothing to lose, if I go back now, when I still know where he lives, and invite him to a tea, a coffee, a kiss, anything. We went back...but there was a gathering already in front of his house, some artists friends of him, I suppose. So, my courage was scattered imperceptibly as it came. Pretty face, you will make me smile in the days, when I'll have nothing better to do than to think longingly of what might have been if or how would have been to..
P.s just a tip from my friend Tatiana, always bring a dress with you wherever you may travel. I had only dresses for this trip, and I enjoyed being fashion, although I froze a bit. ;)
Today's quote: "I don't know if I'm very complicated at all. I wish I was. I wish I was one of these deep, intricate people. But I just love having fun really."
Wondering through Venice's streets, something captured our attention, an anteroom where was laying a polystyrene horse in natural size. My curious nature made me go inside that "cave" since it was decorated like one, believing that, this might be just a weirder bar. When four heads, are trying to pull a look through the boards of shutters by the cracked window, to what promises to be an artzi room, this charming boy appears and opens widely the shutters. My eyes looked at that perfect face with grey eyes and being stoned, I whispered for myself "Ciao". My friends started to talk to him, in English, and as one lead to another, he said that if we want to go inside to visit THE house and the yard where, the night before prince Charming was drinking with the bitch, the mannequin without a nose and with one eye only, not knowing about my existence, and me, me wandering with my friends the beautiful Venetians streets, talking like an insane person, with anyone who was interested in an word exchange between tourists. All of them talked a lot, me instead I was sipping every word he said, I analyzed his indecent beautiful face and his artist hands, his grey hair and his slender and tall body. I barely decided to let him complete his cleanliness. My affinity for artists is being reconfirmed. In a bar, while we were drinking soda, after 10 minutes in which I talked about the charming artist with his sharp eyes, I decided that I have nothing to lose, if I go back now, when I still know where he lives, and invite him to a tea, a coffee, a kiss, anything. We went back...but there was a gathering already in front of his house, some artists friends of him, I suppose. So, my courage was scattered imperceptibly as it came. Pretty face, you will make me smile in the days, when I'll have nothing better to do than to think longingly of what might have been if or how would have been to..