Zambetul,cea mai folosita expresie faciala.Treci pe langa oameni si dintr-un oarecare motiv,iti zambesc...Nu poti fi sigur ca iti zambesc tie sau lor insisi,dar ce este sigur este faptul ca iti schimba toata ziua.Mi s-a intampla si mie de "n" ori sa ma pomenesc zambind,uneori chiar razand singura,surpinzand fetele mirate ale celor care ma privesc oarecum nedumeriti.Dar am fost si eu in pielea celui nedumerit,cand m-am trezit cu o fata zambitoare intr-o zi ploioasa si undeva pe la ora 8 dimineata,si pot zice ca este cel mai minunat mod de a surpinde un necunoscut.
Cel mai ieftin mod de a bucura pe cineva,este sa il faci sa rada,sa il faci sa rada efectiv din tot sufletul.Nu cred ca poti cere mai mult de la cineva decat sa te faca sa razi.Orice lucru material piere in fata unei "partide"de ras
zdravan...Minunatia rasului mai sta si in faptul ca este
molipsitor.adevarata provocarea vine in momentul in care trebuie sa
scoti macar un suras de la un om ursuz.
Nu stiu unde dar cu siguranta am pierdut din bucuria vietii odata cu evolutia,suntem mult prea severi,prea preocupati,mereu in catuare a ceva,mereu pe fuga,parca nesatui de evolutie.Nu mai avem timp de un suras printre atatea greutati si uitat cum este sa stai efectiv relaxat sa razi ,detasat si fara griji.Pana cand si emisunile dedicate umorului,nu mai sunt deloc amuzante,si maxim ce pot scoate de la noi este un zambet,fals si el pentru ca mintea ta deja a inceput sa isi puna intrebari cu privire la ziua de maine,la proiectul pe care l-ai pregatit ,fie in ce sa te imbarci,fie la vreme sau la lucrurile de a doua zi.Stai chill gandeste-te la momentul de acum,savureaza fiecare moment in care poti sa razi,hraneste-ti mai fi mereu pe fuga mereu altundeva,fi cu mintea unde esti si cu trupul.Maine e o alta zi,traieste clipa!Cred ca trebuie sa radem,sa radem mult si cu pofta...intrucat asta este sigura placere gratis,care nu depinde decat de noi daca vrem sau nu sa beneficiem de ea,relaxeaza-te...stai macar 15 minute si citeste niste bancuri,sau uita-te un ceas la o comedie,sau macar asculta glumele ce sunt pe fundalul zilei(gen colegii tai care rad,sau o amica care iti spune o gluma,sau un catel care nu asculta de stapan).Inconjoara-te de oameni simpli si umili,dar cu zambetul pe buze.Detasaza-te 2 secunde de tine,priveste-te , vezi ce riduri iti poarta fata,cat poti fi de abatut si ganditor,cum ai uitat sa traiesti,cat esti de mecanic si articial.
Si acum de incheiere ceva care sa va amuze : De cati reprezentanti ai aceleiasi zodii este nevoie pentru a schimba un bec
Berbec: Nu te mai intreba, deja l-au schimbat!
Tauri: taurii folosesc becuri care nu trebuie schimbate.
Cel putin doi care sa scoata din functiune vechiul bec, doi care sa
cumpere unul nou, doi care sa scrie o carte despre asta si inca doi care
sa discute intr-un show despre bec.
Rac: mama lor il va schimba pentru ei. Iar daca ea nu este prin preajma, atunci vor aprinde o luminare.
Lei: De nici unul. Echipa de profesionisti pe care o au mereu in preajma il va schimba pentru ei.
De obicei, una este de ajuns. Oricum, va curata priza in prealabil, va
citi informatiile destinate utilizatorului si garantiile becului.
Pai cel putin doua pentru a cumpara becul si alte citeva pentru a
cumpara accesoriile necesare pentru schimbarea becului si poate alte
citeva pentru a duce becul inapoi daca este defect.
Scorpion: Pentru
scorpioni becul nu se schimba. Se transforma. Doar apasa pe un buton si
activezi alt bec. Dar de ce intrebi? Esti de la o agentie de asigurari?
Sagetator: Sagatatorii nu schimba becuri, dar te pot invata pe tine cum sa faci acest lucru.
Capricorn: Secretara va va raspunde mai tirziu.
Varsatori: Varsatorii nu trebuie sa schimbe becuri. Pot inventa unele mai bune.
Pesti: O, Doamne, nu stiu. Dar becul se va schimba singur, daca asta este Dorinta Domnului.
Sper sa purtai zambetul mai mult de jumatate de minut ;)
I was thinking about how a smile can change your entire day...You know when people without a reason,just smile at you.Maybe they smile to you or maybe to themselves,you may never know.But after passing them you realize that you are smiling to...A lot of times,i surprised myself smiling or maybe laughing,without a reason,and i realize that,after several people were looking at me,like i was insane...But one time i had been surprised when at 8 in the morning,in a raining day,a girl smiled at me without a reason,and that girl changed all may day.I our days we forgot how to smile,how to laugh about silly things or how to act foolish ...all the time we have to think about the next steep,when we are seeing a comedy,we forgot to laugh because we are thinking about tomorrow,about work or something else.Just chill and give your self some good time.Watch a comedy,or maybe read some.Make something that will make you smile.Or you can also make some other people happy,and you'll see how nice you can feel knowing that someone's day is better because of you.Brake the rules,stop being somber,and always living in the future.Don't be a robot,stop from evolving just a second!
Something silly but funny :
Aries: "Dear God! Give me PATIENCE and I want it NOW!"
Aries: "Dear God! Give me PATIENCE and I want it NOW!"
Taurus: Well, I prefer natural light if at all possible. Are you
absolutely positive that lightbulb is burned out? I hate to throw it
away if it still might be useful.
Gemini: "Yo God...(or is it Goddess?)...Who are you?...What are you?.....Where are You?.....How many of you ARE there? I can't figure you out!"
Cancer: "Dear Daddy, I know I shouldn't depend on you so much, but you're the only One I can count on while my security blanket is at the cleaners."
Leo: "Hi, Pop! I'll bet you're really proud to have me as your kid!"
Virgo:"Dear God, please make the world a better place, and don't screw it up like you did the last time."
Libra:"Dear God, I know I should make decisions for myself. But, on the other hand, what do YOU think?"
Scorpio: "Dear God, help me forgive my enemies, even if the bastards don't deserve it."
Gemini: "Yo God...(or is it Goddess?)...Who are you?...What are you?.....Where are You?.....How many of you ARE there? I can't figure you out!"
Cancer: "Dear Daddy, I know I shouldn't depend on you so much, but you're the only One I can count on while my security blanket is at the cleaners."
Leo: "Hi, Pop! I'll bet you're really proud to have me as your kid!"
Virgo:"Dear God, please make the world a better place, and don't screw it up like you did the last time."
Libra:"Dear God, I know I should make decisions for myself. But, on the other hand, what do YOU think?"
Scorpio: "Dear God, help me forgive my enemies, even if the bastards don't deserve it."
Sagittarius:"Oh almighty, all knowing, all-loving, all-powerful, omnipresent, everlasting God,if I've asked you once ,I've asked you a thousand times....HELP ME STOP EXAGGERATING!!!!!!!!!!"
Capricorn: "Dear Father, I was going to pray, but I guess I ought to figure things out for myself. Thanks anyway."
Aquarius: "Hi God! Some say you're a man. Some say you're a woman. I say we're ALL God. So, why pray? Let's have a party!"
Pisces: "Heavenly Father, as I prepare to consume this last fifth of Scotch to drown out my pain and sorrow, may my inebriation be for Thy greater Honor and Glory."
Aquarius: "Hi God! Some say you're a man. Some say you're a woman. I say we're ALL God. So, why pray? Let's have a party!"
Pisces: "Heavenly Father, as I prepare to consume this last fifth of Scotch to drown out my pain and sorrow, may my inebriation be for Thy greater Honor and Glory."
Hope you will wear a big smile after riding this. "Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, because you never know who can fall in love with your smile."
Motto-ul de azi :Nu inceta niciodata sa zambesti, nici chiar atunci cand
esti trist, pentru ca nu se stie cine se poate indragosti de zambetul
Nice post! That joke is cool, you made me smile............................................................................................................................................!
RăspundețiȘtergereZambeste, maine poate fi mai rau :))
RăspundețiȘtergereAwesome!ok i've got the more this "....." ;)