Partea frumoasa este ca am prins buchetul. Un buchet de bujori cu un parfum inebunitor!!!Sincer mirele si mireasa pareau foarte fericiti si asta a fost tot ce a contat. Pentru zambetul tamp de pe fata mea trebuie sa le multumesc colegelor mele cu care reusesc mereu sa ma distrez! In poza sunt : in rochia inflorata Klaudia, supranumita "Grumpy cat", in rochia mov Tatiana supranumita "Chiobi" , in rochia cu buline/ flori Georgiana supranumita "Satana mica sau Porgi", si Oana care inca nu a primit un nume de scena, dar i-as putea spune "Fata amabila ". Multumesc Gabriela pentru make up & hairstyle! :)Ufffff ca uitasem!:)
Unfortunately the pics aren't all very clear and qualitative but you still can see the joy!:)
Last month I was invited to my colleague's wedding. I had to go alone
because my boyfriend couldn't come. At the beginning I was , OK but
after several drink and some romantic music I started to missed
him...And I started to ask myself why people want to marry?! Why a piece
of paper and a priest can make your love stronger?Why would you want a
day full of things to do and stress? Why every girl wishes that some day
her boyfriend will propose her, and she will wear the coveted
white dress?!Maybe today I'm not in a romantic mood to understand it,
maybe when I'll grow old I'll understand all millions question my mind
pumps! But the best thing was I've catch the bouquet, which was a peonies bouquet, very beautiful!Also the wedded pair were very beautiful and full of energy.
Also i had a good time because my sweets were with me! I thank God i
have crazy colleagues ;) With me in the photo are: in the mauve dress Tatiana also known like "Chiobi" in the floral dress is Klaudia also known as "Grumpy cat" ,near her in dress with polka
dots is Georgiana "Porgi or Little Satan" and in the black dress is
Oana I'll nick name her now "the kind girl" . Thank you girls for making
me laugh all night!:)
Mottpul de azi: "We have the greatest pre-nuptial agreement in the world. It's called love."
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