sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

Love and marriage !

         Luna trecuta am fost invitata la nunta unui coleg, sincer nu sunt eu mare fana al nuntilor dar nu puteam refuza totusi invitatia. Am mers fara iubitul meu, ceea ce la un moment dat m-a intristat destul de rau, vazand atatea cupluri dansand bluzuri si plus ca deja aveam cateva pahare de cocktail la activ. De cand ma stiu ma intreb de ce oameni se casatoresc, de ce un preot si un act au puterea de a te face sa te simti  mai sigur de iubirea ta?!De ce toate fetele viseaza ca intr-o zi iubitul le v-a cere de nevasta si in sfarsit vor purta rochia alba mult dorita?!De ce ai vrea ca ziua ce mai "frumoasa" sa devina un maraton?!Poate cand ma voi maturiza, voi fi capabila sa imi raspund la milioanele de intrebari pe care mintea mea le fabrica zilnic!
        Partea frumoasa este ca am prins buchetul. Un buchet de bujori cu un parfum inebunitor!!!Sincer mirele si mireasa pareau foarte fericiti si asta a  fost tot ce a  contat. Pentru zambetul tamp de pe fata mea trebuie sa le multumesc colegelor mele cu care reusesc mereu sa ma distrez! In poza sunt : in rochia inflorata Klaudia, supranumita "Grumpy cat", in rochia mov Tatiana supranumita "Chiobi" , in rochia cu buline/ flori Georgiana supranumita "Satana mica sau Porgi", si Oana care inca nu a  primit un nume de scena, dar i-as putea spune "Fata amabila ".   Multumesc Gabriela pentru make up & hairstyle! :)Ufffff ca uitasem!:)

Unfortunately the pics aren't  all very clear and qualitative but you still can see the joy!:)

        Last month I was invited to my colleague's wedding. I had to go alone because my boyfriend couldn't come. At the beginning I was , OK but after several drink and some romantic music I started to missed him...And I started to ask myself why people want to marry?! Why a piece of paper and a priest can make your love stronger?Why would you want a day full of things to do and stress? Why every girl wishes that some day her boyfriend will propose her, and she will wear the coveted white dress?!Maybe today I'm not in a  romantic mood to understand it, maybe when I'll grow old I'll understand all millions question my mind pumps! But the best thing was I've catch the bouquet, which was a peonies bouquet, very beautiful!Also the wedded pair were very beautiful and full of energy.
          Also i had a good time because my sweets were with me! I thank God i have crazy colleagues ;) With me in the photo are: in the mauve dress Tatiana also known like "Chiobi" in the floral dress is Klaudia also known as "Grumpy cat" ,near her in dress with polka dots is Georgiana "Porgi or Little Satan" and in the black dress is Oana I'll nick name her now "the kind girl" . Thank you girls for making me laugh all night!:)

Mottpul de azi:  "We have the greatest pre-nuptial agreement in the world.  It's called love."


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luni, 24 iunie 2013

Don't be afraid, mom is here!

 Fi liber sa canti atunci cand notele parca tu le-ai asezat pe portativ, sa dansezi oriunde si oricand picioarele tale parca au vointa proprie, sa urli ca si cum te-ar sfasia dorul cel mai rau, sa saruti ca si cand un alt sarut nu va mai fi, nu inceta sa simti vibratia din jur.Cand simt ca o sa clachez, imi aduc aminte ca viata nu e grea sau urata, ci ca e doar viata si o pot schimba sau lua ca atare. E ca o rama, iar decizia de a umple rama, cu un desen ,sau cu o pictura, fie chiar si o poza ca restul lumii imi apartine. Dar din comoditate poti lasa pe altcineva sa ia decizia in locul tau.Nu imi este frica ca voi da gres cu rama, ca voi pune un desen urat, pentru ca mama imi este mereu alaturi,si ma ajuta sa il ajustez daca este nevoie.

Thank you very much Klaudia  for the lovely photos!


Be wild act like you aren't afraid of anything.Dance where or when ever you are in the mood of doing it, sing when you fell every note of the song , shout like you are insane, kiss like is the last kiss, never stop feeling alive.When ever I'm down I remember that life isn't hard, is just life, you can make it how you want, you have an empty frame, you decide if you want to  draw it , paint it, or  make a graffiti, or maybe you can use a photo, like everyone else...or you can let others do the job for you. I'm not afraid I'll make an ugly paint, my mom will  help me retouch it, she covers my back .

Motto-ul de azi : "My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it."


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vineri, 21 iunie 2013

Color yourself !

Pentru ca suntem oameni, pentru ca suntem complexi si avem personalitate avem si stari de spirit cumplit de schimbatoare, in cazul meu.Se intampla sa ai o ora proasta, o zi proasta , o saptamana chiar...dar pentru mine starea de spirit nu corespunde cu vestimentatia.Mereu incerc sa umplu golul, sau lipsa de culoare din viata mea, prin haine cat mai colorate.Sunt lipsita de imaginatie din cauza caldurii, ma simt ca un pui la rotisor, ca o sarma intr-o oala plina alaturi  de compatriotii mei.Sper sa va placa mixul meu  :))))

Thanks  Klaudia , you can also visit her blog ; http://klaudiakatona.wordpress.com/2013/06/21/secret-garden/

I was wearing :Converse sneakers, and surprise everything else aren't worldwide firm.

Every now and than we have some bad hours, days, weeks..it depends on everyone's way of being! In my case, the "bad moods" hunts me  almost everyday, but lucky me they  stay only for a second...this is my way of being! Some times I feel that my life is very grey, so I tend to color it, maybe  too much, but for me "too much color" does not exist. Even if now the weather is very hot, I  have this photos from some weeks ago. Because of the heat my creativity is down, I fell like a chicken in oven, I'm melting...hope none will eat me :))Enjoy the color ,because the face is not my best in this pics ;)

Motto-ul de azi :  Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.

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luni, 17 iunie 2013

Liebster Blog Award .

When I saw that Andy nominated me for some award, I was amazed, at first I read the comment on my phone, in hurry  and I didn't really got it, but now when I had time to read it with calm, I fell honored , and I feel like a child who has received the gift from Santa Claus.Thanks  Andy ,  (http://flashforwards.blogspot.ro/)  
you should visit her blog, is worth it!

The rules are very easy to follow once you've been nominated.

1. When you receive the award, thank the person that gave it to you and post a link to their blog in your post.

2. Post 11 random facts about yourself.

3. Answer the 11 questions set for you.

4. Choose 11 blogs that inspire you with under 200 followers and link their pages to your post.

5. Create 11 questions for them.

6. Go to your nominees page and let them know you have nominated them.
Hope you find it interesting , like me. ;)
 So here are the 11 random facts about me:
1. I adore animals.

2. I believe in miracles, some day I'll win the lottery ,I'm sure about that! :)

3.I love to travel,but I never find money for that.

4. I like to hang out with friends until sunrise.

5.I adore listening to good music, and dance on it  with my boyfriend.

6. I love my home town, even if it's very small!

7. I always dreamed to have my own house ,I  finally have it, even if is different from the one I've dreamed.

8. I love to drink wine on a rainy day

9. I'm a  foodie person, I really love FOOD!  
10.I believe in kindness, I believe that no one is born evil.
11.I think that I never have enough time to do all the things I want.  
Andy's question for me :
 1. Who do you consider your role model? 
My mother is my role model.

2. If you could have three wishes, which would they be?
No suffering on Earth, I wish to stay in love for ever; like you are at the beginning, and my last wish  is that lies didn't exist!

3. Which is your favorite song?
I really can't choose one song.. ;) 
4. Which is your favorite brand (clothes, shoes or beauty items)? 
Those that are cheap and with good quality!

5. What did you last dream about ?
How would be my life if I could have an animal shelter.
6. If you could change something about you, what would that be?
Tough question, I wish I could be more wiser and more confident. 

7. Complete the sentence: I couldn't live without ...
I couldn't live without animals.

8. What's the best thing you ever ate?
Hmmm ice cream from McDonald's :))   

9. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited and why?
Venice, because my mom worked near Venice and I visited her.

10.What do you like most about you?
The fact that i'm a day dreamer,I laugh a lot, and I'm very silly.

11. Is there something you regret you didn't do up to date? If yes, what is it? 
Too many things, I don't regret them  but if I would have a second chance i would think twice.
And with this being said, I wish to ask you some question, and these are :
1. How would you describe the perfect match ?
2. Do you believe in love ever after ?
3. What is your greatest achievement in life? 
4. Do you have a favorite place that you really want to visit, which is that?
5. Do you believe that people can change?
6. Do you believe in zodiac signs?
7. What was your dream career when you were little?
8. Do you still have friend from your childhood?
9. If you and your best friend had a crush on the same boy, what would you do?
10. What is your favorite thing to do, when you have time?
11. 3 qualities and defects that define you

My 11 nominees are: 
  • Adeline ,from : http://paint-me-blooming.blogspot.ro/
  • Kajal Maharaj , from : http://kajalmaharaj.blogspot.ro/
  • Airish Abella , from : http://gorgeousglance.blogspot.ro/
  • Iletişim Kur , from :  http://trokesland.blogspot.ro/
  • Laila Kandil , from : http://louloukan.blogspot.ro/2013/04/hippie-chic.html
  • Emma Ali , from : http://www.glittergossip.com/2013/05/nails-of-day.html?m=1
  • Regine Karpel , from : http://www.rsrue.blogspot.ro/
  • Selina Röther , from : http://selinalie.blogspot.ro/
  • Denise, from : http://fashionblogbydenise.blogspot.ro/
  • Smaranda , from  : http://the--street.blogspot.ro/


miercuri, 5 iunie 2013

Shhh !! We are talking about secrets.

Un adevar pur este ca avem vicii si secrete...Am observat ca, cu cat le ingropi mai adanc, cu atat se straduiesc mai mult sa iasa la liman.De cele mai multe ori tindem sa ne ascundem dupa degete, sau dupa perdele inexistente...cand defapt, covietuim chiar daca numai noi stim asta alaturi de secretele noastre cele mai bine pazite.Nu stiu sa mint, si evident nici sa tin un secret, a  trebuit sa invat in timp sa tin secrete, macar cele care nu imi apartineau. A fost greu, dar am invatat...inca incerc sa invat sa mint, pentru ca uneori o minciuna mica, te poate scapa de un dezastru iminent.M-am lasat de tigari  acum 3 sau 4 ani, dar se pare ca tigarile  nu s-au lasat de mine.Cum beau putin alcool, cum tigarea devine un "must have".Nimeni nu intelege cum renunti partial la un viciu, dar asta este micul meu secret.

I was wearing  :  Stone Creek - boots ; Accessorize - bag ,and the rest of the outfit - no name .

Thank you very much Klaudia.

We all have secrets that are buried deep inside us...but when you less aspect they come outside, hitting you ,because you've let them in that box without air or light...although they somehow escaped. You don't really know how, but they managed well the situation.Maybe they tricked you to let them breathe some  fresh air when you visit  them, long time ago...or maybe you are so silly that you  forgot to lock the chest.Be more careful when you go down inside you because the other you may take your place more than you expect! Officially I quit smocking about 3 or 4 years ago.But when my head is full of alcohol vapors I start to smoke...I don't know why I can't quit smoking for real, I think is just a habit that is taking me is places I've already been and enjoy it...I somehow love and hate cigarettes!:)

Motto-ul de azi : “Here's a rule I recommend: Never practice two vices at once.”