Un adevar pur este ca avem vicii si secrete...Am observat ca, cu cat le ingropi mai adanc, cu atat se straduiesc mai mult sa iasa la liman.De cele mai multe ori tindem sa ne ascundem dupa degete, sau dupa perdele inexistente...cand defapt, covietuim chiar daca numai noi stim asta alaturi de secretele noastre cele mai bine pazite.Nu stiu sa mint, si evident nici sa tin un secret, a trebuit sa invat in timp sa tin secrete, macar cele care nu imi apartineau. A fost greu, dar am invatat...inca incerc sa invat sa mint, pentru ca uneori o minciuna mica, te poate scapa de un dezastru iminent.M-am lasat de tigari acum 3 sau 4 ani, dar se pare ca tigarile nu s-au lasat de mine.Cum beau putin alcool, cum tigarea devine un "must have".Nimeni nu intelege cum renunti partial la un viciu, dar asta este micul meu secret.
I was wearing : Stone Creek - boots ; Accessorize - bag ,and the rest of the outfit - no name .
Thank you very much Klaudia.
We all have secrets that are buried deep inside us...but when you less aspect they come outside, hitting you ,because you've let them in that box without air or light...although they somehow escaped. You don't really know how, but they managed well the situation.Maybe they tricked you to let them breathe some fresh air when you visit them, long time ago...or maybe you are so silly that you forgot to lock the chest.Be more careful when you go down inside you because the other you may take your place more than you expect! Officially I quit smocking about 3 or 4 years ago.But when my head is full of alcohol vapors I start to smoke...I don't know why I can't quit smoking for real, I think is just a habit that is taking me is places I've already been and enjoy it...I somehow love and hate cigarettes!:)
Motto-ul de azi : “Here's a rule I recommend: Never practice two vices at once.”
draguta postare ;)
RăspundețiȘtergeremultumesc ;)
RăspundețiȘtergerewow I absolutely love your haircut!:) great outfit!
very nice and inspiring post :) also, I love your colorful outfit :) let there be summer! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereat least we can hope it will be summer!:P
ȘtergerePerfect look! it looks so amazing on you.
RăspundețiȘtergereSTEF xx
thank you very much ;)
ȘtergereI like all different colors you used! Nice and funky outfit! :)
Thank you very much!:)
ȘtergereFabulous outfit! So colorful:)
yep...i love colors!:)
ȘtergereGreat song, I do love it) Your outfit is something special, seriously! so bright, radiant and vivd! Great pictures as well!
RăspundețiȘtergereHave a fabulous time!
Best wishes, Alexandra
Thank you very much Alexandra, you are very sweet!
ȘtergereGreat look: Love the details and color combination!
RăspundețiȘtergereKisses from Miami,
Thank you dear ;)
Ștergereinedita tinuta! culori vibrante,pline de energie si optimism!
RăspundețiȘtergereimi place camasa
multumesc frumos de vizita si comentariu.
Ștergerewow your style is amazing ! i love your hair colour !!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereMaybe we follow each other?!
Let me know :)
Talking about hair color,your hair color rocks.thanks for the visit.
ȘtergereThank you also,Kira!
RăspundețiȘtergeregreat look. love the use of colour. so pretty. check out our blog if you like we can follow each other on gfc & bloglovin. let us know.
RăspundețiȘtergerekisses from Kenya
i would love to check your blog ;)
Ștergeresuch a cute and colourful outfit, loving the prints in your skirt!
RăspundețiȘtergerethank you very much for your visit and comment!
ȘtergereI nominated you for Liebster Blog Award :) come check it out :)
RăspundețiȘtergereHave a lovely day!
thank you:)
Ștergerethanks for your visit!:)
RăspundețiȘtergerethanks for getting back to us. we follow you now.
RăspundețiȘtergerekeep in touch.
Thanks again for your sweet comment! I totally loved hearing from you!!! Love, Kyra
hey,thanks for visiting ;)
RăspundețiȘtergerewow the outfit look so different and colorful.!
RăspundețiȘtergerelovely :)
thank you very much!:)