Hey guys, cum a-ti petrecut in weekend!? Eu am fost o putoare, stare care se pare ca ma urmareste in ultima vreme. Dar in toata lenea mea am reusit sa fac o placinta cu mere. ;) Sper sa va inspir si pe voi, si sa faceti si voi una, pentru ca reteta este foarte usoara. Am mai facut pe langa, o budinca de vanilie si nuci.
- foaie de placinta
- 8 mere medii
- coaja de la o portocala (am pus putina zeama de lamaie)
- scortisoara
- zahar (3 linguri)
- am pus si niste stafide
- Pe langa va mai trebuie hartie de copt.
- 500g lapte
- 1 plic budinca de vanilie
- 3 linguri zahar
Hey people ,how was your weekend? Mine was kinda lazy.. but in my laziness I had time to bake an apple pie!:) Hope you'll enjoy doing your homemade easy apple pie. And I mixed this desert with vanilla pudding, and nuts. A delight!
So, the ingredients for the pie are:
- pie pastry
- 8 average apples
- some orange peel (I used some lemon juice)
- cinnamon
- sugar (3spoons)
- and some raisins
- You will need baking paper also.
For the vanilla pudding you need :
- 500g milk
- 3 sugar spoons
- 1 sachet of vanilla pudding
Motto-ul de azi : “There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves.”