joi, 28 noiembrie 2013

S.O.S romanticism is dying

Romantismul, un curent demult apus. Unde sunt gentilomii? Barbatii, uita sa mai deschida portiera masinii (uimitor iubitul meu inca o deschide), uita sa iti traga scaunul cand te asezi la masa sau cand iti e frig sa iti ofere geaca lor. Acum romantismuul este inlocuit de huliganism. Barbatii (tinerii in special) scupa pe strada, te fluiera daca esti putin sexy, iti fura taxi-ul de sub nas. Acum sunt rea si imi vars necazul pe toti barbatii si asta pentru ca am fost recent la o nunta si la o melodie blues am ramas singura la masa. Din multitudinea de barbatii nici macar unul nu s-a oferit sa ma invite la dans.  Sunt furioasa ca ne-am mixat prea rau si am uitat fiecare sa fim inainte de toate educati si reprezentantii sexului nostru.

  Thank Choies Street Fashion Sketch

Here you can find the skirt
Here you can find the hat 
Here you can find the Cardigan

Motto-ul :  “Those novels with old-fashioned heroes and heroines in them -- are ruinous!”

The romanticism is vanished! Were are all the gentleman's ?!When you go out, they forgot to open the cab door, or to help you with your coat, or maybe to take the chair and offer it to you...n'our days they spit on the street, they whistle when you are dressed sexy, they take your cab and then they
swear you. Some time ago I was to a wedding, and for real I felt embraced because not one of the guys ( my colleagues , or other guests ) invite me to dance a  blues. Like come on it was only a  dance, none of the girls was invited to dance. Man, these days aren't many  gentleman's left! But God blessed me, and my boyfriend does plenty of  "gentleman acts" : like opening the door cab for me, flowers all the time, sweet words...and some other cute things! I'm angry with  the "man of these days", because I still live in a very different world, but sometimes the cruel truth  hits my cheek as a whip, and stings worse.

duminică, 24 noiembrie 2013

Movies, tv serials and great books.

Cartile bune, serialele care te prind, filmele care te motiveaza...Toate astea in ultimii ani mi-au acaparat usor, usor timpul liber. Am inceput cu cititul si am sfarsit prin a sta ore intregi in fata calculatorului sau mai rau "rozandu-mi" unghiile pana la uramatorul episod din serialul preferat. M-au facut sa rad, sa plang m-au motivat, mi-au redat speranta, m-am regasit in povestea lor, dar toate au trecut. Si am mai  terminat un serial, simtind efectiv ca mi-am pierdut un bun prieten care in fiecare seara era acolo asteptandu-ma. Acum o sa termin o carte, un alt prieten pe care o sa-l uit pe raftul bibliotecii. Dar totusi din toate aceste prietenii "pierdute" am ramas cu o farama din ideea de baza.

Good books, movie serials that make you lose all day, movies that motivate you, all these are a big part of our life. Whenever I finish a book, or see the last part of a movie I loved, that is when I feel like I've lost a friend. I laughed, I cried , I've felt in love, I felt like my story is exactly like theirs, they gave me hope but only for a moment. After I've finished with a "friend" I've moved on to the other one! Even if not all of them have something really good to share, I still loved them at some point in my life... Man, how I love the smell of  books!

Motto-ul de azi: “It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen.” 

miercuri, 20 noiembrie 2013

See through my eyes!

Indrazneste sa visezi, incearca sa vezi prin ochii altora .Am incercat sa ma joc putin de-a fotograful....dar se pare ca talentul meu nu se intinde in aceasta arie...stau mai bine in spatele camerei. N-am reusit sa surpind cu camera ceea ce am surprins cu ochiul liber. Sper ca in viata de zi cu zi "dansez" cu esentialul vietii si nu il evit. Splendida meserie are Klaudia dar si foarte grea!

Nu stiu cum reusesc sa sar de la o idee la alta, dar iata-ma in fata altei idei...urasc oamenii talentati, defapt oamenii puturosi (poate ca ma regasesc putin in ei). Suna putin egoist dar asa sunt, fara doar si poate! Iubesc si imi place sa imi petrec vremea alaturi de oameni talentati care nu isi irosesc talentul. Imi plac oamenii care lupta sa fie mai buni, oamenii care nu vor sa cunoasca limite, oamenii indrazneti, omul care sper sa devin si eu. Incearca pentru un minut sa te pui in pielea persoanei pe care crezi ca nu o poti intelege, vezi lume prin ochii ei si poate maine vei avea o alta viziune asupra vietii...

     Thanks Klaudia for letting me see through your camera.

Dare to dream, dare to see through someone else's eyes. I tried to see what Klaudia sees with her camera..But my problem is that I see things, but I'm not able to catch them in a  frame like she does. I do the shot, but too early or too late, never when is the moment. In real life I like to think that I don't miss the essential of things. Being a photographer is not at all's hard,  but the satisfaction you have when you see your work, makes it worth all the struggle. I somehow envy people that have a step ahead, because they were born with an propensity... May sound selfish, and maybe it is...but this is me. I "hate" talented people, that don't use their talent, they let it slap away, but  I truly  appreciate and love the work of those who give all they can, and more. The ones who beat themselves, the ones who amaze you at the end of the day, with their talent and hard work. Those are the people that I couldn't hate even if I want. Because they fight and struggle even if they are good in what they do.

Motto-ul de azi : "Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still."


duminică, 17 noiembrie 2013

Goodies from Persunmall .

Hey dear readers. This days is all about good new and discounts. Persunmall  has this month a great discount. Go and check it. Winter is almost at our doors, also Santa Claus, so what are you expecting for? You need a new jacket because the old one is outmoded (kidding) or maybe the color is not in trend anymore. Or the truth you just don't like it anymore. At Persunmall you can find a great variety of jackets, coats and blouses for this cold season.

Some of my  favorite winter items:
                               Vintage flower coat
                                  Sunflower pullover


                                           Color contrast sweater

                         Colorful striped button sweater

                           Cat face high low pullover


                               Hooded coat with print

                         Europe fashion sunflower sweater

Here are some coupons that will offer you some delightful discounts :

Thanksgiving Day Coupons at (Valid Date: Expires 30th, Nov.):

(1) 10% OFF $100+ Free shipping on all orders
Promo Code: thanks10 

(2) 15% OFF $150+ Free shipping on all orders
Promo Code: thanks15

(3) 20% OFF $200+ Free shipping on all orders
Promo Code: thanks20 

<a href=""target="_blank"><IMG border=0 alt="PersunMall Promo Codes For Thanksgiving Day" src=""></a>

marți, 12 noiembrie 2013

We hit again!

Hello dear readers,
I thought that because winter is almost here you will need some help to choose clothes for this season. I spent a nice time going trough Romwomen's "closet" I meant their web page and I found some lovely winter items. Some are on my wish list already, hope Santa will receive my letter.

How do you find this items? Let me know.












I hope you enjoyed this post as much as me. On  romwomen you will definitely find more beautiful items, that you may like. Take a look.