luni, 23 decembrie 2013

Having a thing for something.. fiecare  om are o simpatie ascusna pentru ceva ireal sau nu. Ceva ce poate pentru altii este de domeniul abstractului, ceva ce nu poate fi explicat ci doar simtit. Asta ne face frumosi ca indivizi, unicitatea simtamintelor. De cand ma stiu, am avut si inca am o iubire inexplicabila pentru afro-amercani. Imi place la ei cam tot..imi place felul lor de a fi, de a se aranja, jargoanele lor, cum canta, cum se imbraca...cum arata .Fiecare natie are ceva aparte, iar pentru mine ei sunt compatibilitatea perfecta. Trecand peste asta, cred ca visul meu s-ar putea adeverii repede, insa imi place sa mocneasca la foc mic si scanteile imi dau starea de visare cu ochii deschisi.

In my opinion every one has a  sensible spot, a  thing for something...something that the other people can or can not understand. This is the beauty of being different...what define us as individuals are this little and subtle thing... Since when I was just a  girl I have loved everything about african-american people. I love their music, their style, their eyes, how they wear their hair, how they talk or look. I have  a thing for them. I just  love them without trying to know or understand them. An african-american man is my supreme fantasy... Maybe I could make it real, but I love to have something to dream at with my  open eyes.

Motto-ul de azi:  "Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if  it's realistic or not."

Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it's realistic or not.

vineri, 20 decembrie 2013

Firmoo giveaway.

Hello dear readers,

Because we are in December the month when everyone wants to make or receive presents, Firmoo wants to make you people smile with an awesome giveaway. So this giveaway will have not 1 or 2 not even 3 winners but 6. The first place will receive a free pair of glasses, sunglasses or eyeglasses it depend on what she/he needs. Worldwide free shipping for all 6 pairs. The second price consists in a 50% voucher for 5 pairs of
sunglasses or eyeglasses, and of course free shipping.
The glasses have to be choose from the section:  Firmoo Classic Series.

All you have to do is:
1. Like Color your life on Facebook or follow me on GFC
2. Share this post on Facebook.
3. Leave a comment here or on Facebook page, with your favorite pair of glasses.

Sometime ago I received myself a very beautiful pair of glasses (here you can see it : I think it is french.)  from Firmoo that I really love very much. They have good quality glasses and the delivery is right at your door. Don't miss this great

marți, 17 decembrie 2013

Euphoric time!

Craciun, cadouri, veselie, bunatate, stare de bine, EUFORIE totala. Familii reunite, suflete implinite, fete zambitoare, oamenii mai buni, copii fericiti. Nu e nimic mai frumos decat sarbatoarea asta care se apropie cu pasi rapizi. Ador Craciunul...ador febra cadourilor. Am avut o lista lunga de cadouri si o voiosie la shopping care m-a impiedicat sa vad ca deja am depasit orice buget. Sunt pur si simplu fericita ca anul acesta am reusit sa mai aduc niste zambete pe fetele oamenilor pe care ii indragesc.

                         Thank you my friend,  Klaudia .

Gifts, joy, hope, kindness, people smiling, children hoping that Santa will bring them the well deserved gift. This is the greatest time of the year. Family are reunite, people try to be better, every one tries to help, this time offer us an EUPHORIC state of mind. Only one thing is missing here, the snow!  I love to make people smile. I love to buy them gifts especially for Christmas, this year I forgot that I have a  limited budget, and it look like I have a big hole in my wallet. But Santa will help me some way or an other.

Motto-ul de azi :  “Presents are made for the pleasure of who gives them, not the merits of who receives them.”

sâmbătă, 14 decembrie 2013

Merry Christmas from AhaIshopping.

 Hey there,

AHAI is an online awesome shop. You can find on their store almost everything you wish for, this Christmas. I was looking  trough their shop and some things really caught my attention, I'll let you know later about my favorite items. AhaIshop  have some good quality clothes, and I can say this because some time ago I won 3 shirts from an giveaway hold by them.
Christmas is here and AHAI is offering worldwide free shipping, also some great discounts. Make yourself a well deserved gift this year.  Visit and see what fits your needs the best.

     My wish list  :

                   Find it here  Rainbow woolen sweater

                              Find it here Cape slim coat

                     Find it here Double breasted lace

                            Find it here Army hooded coat

              Find it here Retro Christmas sweater 

                Find it here Snowflake apricot sweater

                     Find it here Deer plover

                     Find it here College style bag

So my dears take a good look at these wonderful things that Ahai online shop is offering, and after that choose the perfect Christmas gift for yourselves.

marți, 10 decembrie 2013

Vintage, my love...

 Hello dears,

Stiu, a  venit iarna si eu inca umblu despuiata, din pacate mai am cateva tinute tomnatice si apoi trec si la cele de sezon. Iubesc hainele vintage, iubesc mobila vintage, machiajul...cred ca iubesc curentul in sine si ideea ce o promoveaza. As vrea sa mai fie iar  la moda frumusetea naturala. Acum daca nu te machiezi, lumea tinde sa creada ca nu iti pasa de cum arati. Eu nu consider machiajul o necesitate, ci doar un rasfat...asa ca daca ar fii dupa mine as zice ca fetele nu trebuie sa se macheze decat atunci cand varsta o cere...Dar nu este dupa mine asa ca trendul este cat mai multa "tencuiala".

Hello dears,

I know winter is here, but I still  have some autumn outfits to share with you. I love vintage clothes, furniture,make-up...I think I love the word "vintage" itself. I wish women could still have that natural beauty, that now is such a  rare thing. Now if you don't wear make-up people tend to consider that you don't care how you look. In my opinion girls shouldn't wear make-up until they don't really needed. Or maybe when tey go out.

 Motto-ul de azi : "It is easily overlooked that what is called now vintage was one brand new" 

Congrats to the winners. Klaudia and Oana. Hope you girls will buy something nice for Christmas! Thank you all for joining my giveaway!