marți, 10 decembrie 2013

Vintage, my love...

 Hello dears,

Stiu, a  venit iarna si eu inca umblu despuiata, din pacate mai am cateva tinute tomnatice si apoi trec si la cele de sezon. Iubesc hainele vintage, iubesc mobila vintage, machiajul...cred ca iubesc curentul in sine si ideea ce o promoveaza. As vrea sa mai fie iar  la moda frumusetea naturala. Acum daca nu te machiezi, lumea tinde sa creada ca nu iti pasa de cum arati. Eu nu consider machiajul o necesitate, ci doar un rasfat...asa ca daca ar fii dupa mine as zice ca fetele nu trebuie sa se macheze decat atunci cand varsta o cere...Dar nu este dupa mine asa ca trendul este cat mai multa "tencuiala".

Hello dears,

I know winter is here, but I still  have some autumn outfits to share with you. I love vintage clothes, furniture,make-up...I think I love the word "vintage" itself. I wish women could still have that natural beauty, that now is such a  rare thing. Now if you don't wear make-up people tend to consider that you don't care how you look. In my opinion girls shouldn't wear make-up until they don't really needed. Or maybe when tey go out.

 Motto-ul de azi : "It is easily overlooked that what is called now vintage was one brand new" 

Congrats to the winners. Klaudia and Oana. Hope you girls will buy something nice for Christmas! Thank you all for joining my giveaway!

22 de comentarii:

  1. Cat de frumoasa esti!!!
    Imi place foarte mult intreaga combinatie!

  2. So cute! I love the different patterns and colors. Very stylish :))


  3. Combinația retro te prinde 100%. Îmi plac toate elementele, dar ghetele sunt the best!

  4. Lovely outfit and wonderful pics!

    Thanks for your comment in our blog :)

    Keep in touch


  5. I adore vintage too! This outfit is so sweet and your skirt and hat are just gorgeous! How awesome are your photos, the ones with you on the swing are my favorite!


  6. This is a interesting article by the way. I am going to go ahead and save this article for my sis to read later on tomorrow. Keep up the high-quality work.
    jeux de foots

  7. Yay!
    This is the first time I ever win something. Thanks! :D

  8. superba tinuta! ador fustele de genu', tocmai mi-am achizitionat si eu una asemanatoare si ma chinui sa nu o port pana la Craciun :))) <3

  9. I really get your point about would be so nice if everyone could go out without make up on.but i have to admit that it's super fun to play with the beauty products :)
    your outfit is lovely,love the midi skirt and the heels together

  10. I love this post and your blog!!! Also love your sense of fashion and style. I've just followed you on GFC, looking forward to your next post love!!

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Winter warmth: PomPoms & Legwarmers

  11. Superba combinatia, chipul tau radiant!
    Iti impartasesc gandurile, superba melodia aleasa. <3
    Am si eu camasuta cu catei, hehe :)

  12. cat de mult imi place tinuta taaaa!!! e superba <3 ca si tine de altfel
    imi place stilul asta foarte mult, ma regasesc in el
    te pup :*

  13. Prima poza este nebunie! Asa m-ai bine-dispus! :)))

  14. Really lOve this look!


  15. This outfit is adorable!

    Corinne x

  16. I was just browsing through your posts and just wanted to say that you seem to be such an optimistic person, I love the vibe you manage to send through your images: so serene and fun.Your style is absolutely delicious. Wish you a nice day! :)


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!