joi, 27 februarie 2014

Where are you dream seller ?

Vanzatorul ambulant de vise tocmai mi-a taiat calea.. As cumpara un vis, cu garantia ca devine realitate. Pentru un minut as vrea sa pot pleca efectiv in taramul fanteziei mele. Stiu ca acolo timpul are alta masura si stiu ca acolo pot fi ce/cine/cum vreau. Dar totusi cu fiecare minut inaintez in lumea normala, ma desprind de fantezie si ma contopesc cu normalitatea. Am visuri care ma depasesc  si din pacate trebuie sa recunosc ca nu fac nimic pentru a le da viata, asa ca as vrea sa dau peste misteriosul vazator de vise. Sa-mi cumpar un gram de magie si niste VOINTA.

 Hey you, man with the dreams, how much one? Every day I fight to make another step into the real world. I try to leave behind the fantasy. I'm not sure that this is what I want ,but I'm quite sure is what I have to do. Because I have dreams bigger than me, some are confusing me and I don't have time to just stare and wait the magic to act, instead of me...because I must admin I barely do something  to make them come true. So yes I wish I could buy dreams with the promise that will come true some day....

Motto-ul de azi:  "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2014

I'm not a "midget" ..i'm just not tall !

  Interesant titlu, nu?Totul e de la caciula. In opinia mea este o caciula de pitic. Desi mi se spune des ca sunt scunda (lucru clar neadevarat), eu ma consider cat se poate de normala. Ideea postului este sa ma laud nu cu caciula, ci cu minunata mea geanta de la Oasap pe care o  "vanez" de ceva vreme. Este o geanta versatila, colorata si cu o poveste interesanta.

    Here you can find the bag : Sweet Utility Shoulder Bag

 Motto-ul de azi: “I'm not short. I'm just unusually not tall.” 

    Funny title, isn't it? All comes from the cap. It looks like a dwarf cap. I can say that I'm a normal person, even if for some (very tall )people see me like a "midget" . Anyways I just want to brag with my brand new bag from Oasap . I saw this bag long time ago on their site and now finally is mine. I love it! It is very versatile and exactly how I like it: full of colors and with a story.


vineri, 14 februarie 2014

About beeing different and

     Hi all,
    Today I want to talk about body piercing. One taboo subject, even if people are very evolved these days. Body piercing and tattoos aren't  taboo for people that are living far away from civilization. Indian people or African tribes. Why this fog around piercing? I'm a  big fan of body piercing and tattoos, as many of you already notice. Today I want to introduce you a very cool site where you can find good quality and many models of piercings. This site is: . Take a look, I'm sure something will cling your attention. They have, silver, titanium, steel, zircon, plastic materials.
   Low price, good quality, lovely models, diversification what can you wish more? So I dare you to take a look, to be wild and maybe why not have a new pierce or maybe your first one. ;)

                         Titanium Nose Labret Stud

                      Blackline Labret Stud 16 ga with Spike

                            Darkside Spiral Ear Stretcher

                               Purple UV Taper Ear Stretcher


                                Steel Nipple Bar - Wings

                              Rose Helix Piercing Bar

                        Zircon Gold Circular Barbell

                           Jewelled Steel Belly Bar

                             Flat Jewel Steel Nose Stud

                         Titanium Internally Threaded Jewel 

For more models, detail or ideas please check their site. It's awesome what you can find there. Just take a look. Good luck everyone. 

joi, 6 februarie 2014

Stolen or borrowed thoughts..

"As vrea sa simt gustul buzelor tale pentru un moment. As vrea sa ma desfat cu caldura trupului tau un ceas. Ai putea rade la glumele mele, daca doar le-ai auzi...
As vrea sa am taria sa pot privii adancime ochilor tai mai mult de o secunda. Un ban pentru gandul ce-ti strabate minte cand ma vezi, copilul de mine, nu? Sincer ma bucur de invizibilitatea mea, pentru ca in momentul in care as stii ca me vezi, te-as renega. As merge mai departe si as hartui alte fantome ale fanteziei mele. Fii puternic pentru ambii, tine-ma in starea de visare. O sticla subtire ne desparte, as vrea sa am curajul si puterea sa o sparg, sa te prind de mana si sa fugim in lume de noi insine...Dar stiu ca viata e plina de "un urmatorul" , "altul" sau "alesul". Nu esti special, decat pentru acest moment. Acum un ceas erai un "nimeni" intr-un ceas vei deveni unul iar."

"I wish I could taste your lips and only for a moment to fell the worm of your body and soul. You could laugh at my stupid jocks, because they are hilarious, but you just don't hear them.
I wish a moment just for us, I want to have the strength to look into your eyes more than just a second. A coin for your thoughts, when you see me, silly me. I'm glad that I'm invisible to you, because if you would see me back... I would move on, I would harass other ghost of my fantasy. So be strong for both. Keep me dreaming. I love this trans.  A thin glass is between us  and I wish one day I could brake it and we could run forever from our selfs. But life is full, of next or "the ones". You aren't special, or if you are  it's only for this moment. A few moments ago you were nobody for me and in a  few moments you will become a nobody again..."

Motto-ul de azi :"I have to many fantasies too be a housewife. I guess I am a  fantasy"

I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.
I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.