joi, 27 februarie 2014

Where are you dream seller ?

Vanzatorul ambulant de vise tocmai mi-a taiat calea.. As cumpara un vis, cu garantia ca devine realitate. Pentru un minut as vrea sa pot pleca efectiv in taramul fanteziei mele. Stiu ca acolo timpul are alta masura si stiu ca acolo pot fi ce/cine/cum vreau. Dar totusi cu fiecare minut inaintez in lumea normala, ma desprind de fantezie si ma contopesc cu normalitatea. Am visuri care ma depasesc  si din pacate trebuie sa recunosc ca nu fac nimic pentru a le da viata, asa ca as vrea sa dau peste misteriosul vazator de vise. Sa-mi cumpar un gram de magie si niste VOINTA.

 Hey you, man with the dreams, how much one? Every day I fight to make another step into the real world. I try to leave behind the fantasy. I'm not sure that this is what I want ,but I'm quite sure is what I have to do. Because I have dreams bigger than me, some are confusing me and I don't have time to just stare and wait the magic to act, instead of me...because I must admin I barely do something  to make them come true. So yes I wish I could buy dreams with the promise that will come true some day....

Motto-ul de azi:  "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

11 comentarii:

  1. Nice :*

  2. I love your blog,and t was a great post :) pls check out my blog

  3. Foarte frumos spus... Îţi urez chiar să-l întâlneşti şi să-ţi îndeplinescă toate visările...

    Pozele sunt superbe, as usual.

  4. oh, I've got to say you look perfect in pink! Such a radiant, vivid outfit) You keep surprising me with your beauty! I also liek the bag, one more cutie) I love your choice. Those photographs are wonderful as well)
    May all your dreams come true)

  5. Ce imi plac bluzita si colierul!! Just lovely!! Iar tu esti super frumoasa :) te pup

  6. Ce frumos, ce frumos! Îmi place mult puloverul, și colierul, și geanta, și ghetele...adică tot! :))
    Dacă te întâlnești cu vânzătorul acela de vise neapărat să îl trimiți și pe la mine! Am nevoie de multă magie și voință!

  7. Your outfit is gorgeous! Your pink sweater is so pretty and that jacket is so perfect to keep you warm and cozy! I love that necklace and you hair accessory is wonderful!


  8. I wish I could buy dreams too :)) Love the headband!



Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!