duminică, 25 mai 2014

About happiness...

Nu stiu cand sau cum, dar am observat ca fericirea nu mai este un lucru care il avem pur si simplu. Cand eram mica tristetea era ca un damf de parfum, pe care niciodata parca nu apucam sa il inspir bine. Acum fericirea a luat acest rol. Trebuie sa lupt efectiv pentru un strop de libertate in care sa inspir si sa expir viata cu BUNE si rele. Ma simt goala emotional vorbind, mai prind din zbor sentimente pe care nimeni nu le vrea si le indes in suflet , sunt emotii nedorite dar macar sunt emotii si nu un mare gol. As vrea sa sufar de fericire cronica, cum am mai suferit. In schimb am descis sa schimb locul cu prietena mea "grumpy cat"...Pentru voi cum s-a modificat fericirea de-a lungul timpului in galopul varstei care nu asteapta pe nimeni sa se dezmeticeasca?

              I was wearing a lovely necklace from Sheinside

                         Necklace Sheinside --> Here
                         Bluza Terra nova
                         Sandale BB-up --> Here
                         Pantaloni Levi's

Motto-ul de azi: "Circumstances in life often take us places that we never intended to go. We visit some places of beauty, others of pain and desolation."
Circumstances in life often take us places that we never intended to go. We visit some places of beauty, others of pain and desolation.
Read more at https://shareasimage.com/i/cc7fd469#R5B1hmJKJs2Z8u7w.99
Circumstances in life often take us places that we never intended to go. We visit some places of beauty, others of pain and desolation.
Read more at https://shareasimage.com/i/cc7fd469#R5B1hmJKJs2Z8u7w.99

I don't know when or how but happiness is no longer a well deserved good. When I was young I just felt happy every moment all day long. Now, I  have to fight, to effectively struggle to feel joy. To be free to enjoy life with all that involves. Now I'm just empty of emotions. Luckily, I can fill my mind with what I capture from outside myself, but the sad part is that what I'm catching are only emotions that people throw away..I wish I could be cronically happy like I was some time ago. These days I have changed places with my "grumpy cat" colleague.  What do you think about happiness? Has increased or lessened with time and age?

miercuri, 14 mai 2014


 Vreau sa dansez, sa ma sarut sa alerg in ploaie.  Asa ca am decis, macar unul din aceste lucruri sa-l fac. Am decis sa ma echipez in hainele de alergat in ploaie, si am iesit sa ma distrez. Nu stiu ce poate fi  mai frumos decat o seara cu ploaie torentiala,o muzica buna, 2 pisici care sa te tina in priza, ganduri multe o sticla de vin, dar nu si un tirbuson. Dar asa este viata, mereu lipseste un mic amanunt. Nu stiu de ce lumea care este prinsa de ploaie alearga, intrucat si daca mergi si daca alergi tot te uzi. Ploaia nu-ti poate face rău .. ea'ti sopteste doar că viața este plină de mister si neasteptat.  In loc sa fugi de ploaie, invit-o la dans bucura-te de cantecul ei si de libertate. Sparge tiparele!:)

                      My lovely vintage dress from Oasap

The first time I saw this dress, i knew that I have to have it. You can find the dress HERE , I can say that it's a versatile one.

I want to dance in the rain, I'm not sure what is keeping me from doing it. But wait a second I just did it.. For a  minute I was like "man how nice is raining.." and after some minutes I was..."man I like how the rain feels on my skin". What can be more joyful than a good music, a torrential rain, 2 cats destroying the house, plenty things to think of and a bottle of wine but no corkscrew.  This is life, you just can't have everything. For no reason people caught in rain run like hell, dunno why. Rain can't really harm you..she's just whispering that life is full of undiscovered. Stay a second and just dance with the rain on her song. It's the best thing ever. Feel free!!!

Motto-ul de azi: "Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."

duminică, 11 mai 2014

"Yes Sir" and nothing else!

Unii oamnei sunt puternici altii sunt sensibili. Cum nu toti putem detine curajul si puterea de a fi lideri, cei "slabi" foloses in mod ironic sau nu expresia "Da Dom'le". Daca am fii nascuti toti pentru a fi leaderi, probabil am fi intr-o continua lupta pentru suprematie,nu?:) Tatal meu zicea adesea "Cel mai destept cedeaza" in certurile cu fratele meu, mereu cedam, intrucat credeam si inca cred cu tarie in aceasta fraza. Si am observat ca daca cedezi, poti evita multe si il poti face si pe partenerul de discutie sa realizeze intr-un final greselile lui. Am văzut odată pe un autocolant: "Silence is golden"si am realizat ca uneori este. Imi place sa ascult oamenii care chiar au ceva intereant de zis, dar urasc oamenii infatuati. Cei care mereu au dreptate, cu ei folosesc adesea expresia "Yes Sir" .

                             Lovely necklace from OASAP

Oasap has lovely clothes and accessories, check them out HERE 

Well some people are bullies and some are the opposite. Since we all can't be leaders, some have to be softer and to just say "Yes Sir", because if we all acted like leaders where would we be now? Maybe somewhere in an eternal fight for supremacy? Sometimes you have to be the "smart one" as my father used to say and just leave something from you and let the smart ass figure out his mistakes as you already did it. In life you have to know when to shut up and listen. As I've seen once on a sticker :"Silence is golden" who know, maybe it is. Sometimes I enjoy listening to others, because I can really learn something, but I hate
perky people. Those one that always they have something to say, and definitely they are always right. With those I frequently use this approach "Yes Sir"

have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers.
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/k/khalilgibr125408.html#otsDEupxcYEltYrU.99
Motto-ul de azi : "I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet, strange, I am ungrateful to those teachers."

luni, 5 mai 2014

Rust and dust..

Si gata, cica s-a mai pus capat unei suferinte...iar eu am ramas cu'n gol imens in stomac. Nu reusesc deloc sa inteleg cum reusim sa trecem peste pierderile sufletesti, defapt problema este ca eu nu pot sa depasesc astfel de momente. Rugina si praful se astern pe lucrurile ei...Castronul ei cu mancare, patutul ei, jucariile ei par nefolositoare acum. Nu stiu cum sa accept momentele astea cand trebuie sa fi tare si sa mergi mai departe. Mereu pierdem o bucatica din noi in astfel de situatii. Uneori ma intreb cata suferinta poate duce o simpla inima? As vrea sa nu imi mai pese asa tare, sa inteleg ca orice are viata are si moarte..Insa nu pot gandii decat ca imi lipseste rau. Imi lipseste respiratia ei de catel batran, imi lipseste sunetul labutelor ei pe parchet, imi lipseste sforaitul ei.. Sa speram ca timpul le vindeca pe toate...

She's gone now. And all I feel is an empty hole.I know that the suffering has ended for her, but still it hurts like hell for me. I wonder when and how we heal after we lose someone we love? Rust and dust is what she left me staring at, her bed, her food bowl, her toys..It's getting harder every time. I had lost so much in life, but when I lose an animal a piece of me is dieing. And I wonder how much I can take. I wish I could just STOP caring so much. I wish I could understand that everything that  lives has to die. But the only thing I can think now is that I already miss her so much. 15 years she was there for me, but now she's gone. I miss her stinky breath, I miss the sound of her paws on the floor, I miss her snoring. :) They say that time heals everything..I hope so!

Motto-ul de azi : “You know, sometimes the world seems like a pretty mean place. That's why animals are so soft and huggy.”