joi, 26 februarie 2015

Maybe karma maybe luck!

    Pentru tine "tovarășe" pentru ca de data asta chiar m-ai uimit . Cred ca sunt cel mai sceptic om de pe Pământ, pentru ca vad oamenii asa cum sunt, dezavantajul de a fi rănit de multe ori la rând. Deși partea buna este ca știu când sa dau înapoi din fata unor oameni. Încerc eu în zadar sa caut numai binele în oameni ca deh, uneori te zgârie pe retina răutatea. Sa revenim la tine, sper ca citești postarea și dacă nu o citești, e ok pentru ca știi ca iți sunt profund îndatorată. Cum ți-am mai zis în nenumărate rânduri, MULȚUMESC! Nu știu ce este cu aceste "excese" de bunătate și nici nu cred ca vreau sa știu, fiind făcute cam din același aluat. Pe bune acum, de data asta mi-ai făcut ziua magnifica, m-ai redus la tăcere și senzația de WOW încă ma urmărește. Cum mi-a zis prietena mea Denis: "E karma, iubita mea. E pentru ca ma ajuți atât de mult zile astea". Vezi tu, mi-am învățat lecția pe ziua de azi, nimeni nu este lăsat în urma. Tine-ți cont de faptul ca orice fapta bune se întoarce triplu inapoi.

                    I was wearing Oasap skirt , Oasap jacket , Oasap necklace , Asos shoes.

     To you my dear fellow, who amazed me. I'm the most sceptical person on Earth, and this is because I see people as they are, disadvantage of being hurt so many times in a row. Though, the good thing is that I know when to step back. Even if I tend to find only the good parts in people, sometimes the bad is so damn loud and annoying. Coming back to you, which I hope you'll read this post if not, it's ok, you know I'm deeply indebted. As I told you many times, THANK YOU! I don't know why you have this kind outputs with me, and I think I don't want to know, because I guess that we are quite similar. Really now, this time you made me smile, you made my day, and the WOW still follows me. As my friend Denis said: " This is karma baby, since you're helping me so much these days". You see, I've learned today's lesson; no one is left behind. So keep in mind that every good deed you  will be paid back triple.

Today's quote:  “Every sunrise is an invitation for us to arise and brighten someone's day.”

20 de comentarii:

  1. Superba fusta ta gri, imi plac si pantofiorii. ♥

  2. What a killing look <3 love it !

  3. Ce frumoasa esti <3 <3
    Fusta e geniala, iar pantofii, absolut superbi!!!!

  4. whaaoww loveee that beautiful enchanted tutu/tulle skirt so much !!!
    perfect pairing with that modern touch like that =)
    stylish but delicate ..
    be friend?

  5. Great outfit. I love your skirt and your mirrored sunglasses. I wondered if you would like to follow each other via GFC and Instagram. Let me know on my blog. That would be really awesome! :)

  6. woooow!
    amazing skirt!
    you look so fab my dear!

    have an amazing weekend
    keep in touch :*

  7. I love this skirt and necklace. So fab!

  8. I quite agree with you here. Since I'm trying to see to see the good in others, sometimes it need to take extra effort, though. None of us is a utterly good or bad, for sure. This is one reason why none of us should judge others. We should look at ourselves with a grain of salt first of all, all of us has a lot to develop:)
    Oh, and that outfit which you've shown here is so pretty, I love the way that skirt looks on you. It's an amazing find, it's so feminine, but gives opportunity for different combinations.

    And Happy international Women's Day, dear! Wish you all the best;)

  9. Hi!
    You look so amazing! Lovely shoes! ! Wonderfull skirt! You look like a fairy!
    I love all of these photos. You look wonderful in each one. Wonderful post.
    !lets follow eachother on GFC. let me know if it is yes. Leave a comment about following and then I will come back immediately and follow you.

  10. Lovely cat hairband and skirt! Great post <3


  11. U look absolutely stunning!

  12. This is one fabulous outfit! I love the mix between the soft tulle skirt and the edgy leather jacket! The whole outfit is just so amazing! Your cat ear headband is such a cute accessory!


  13. Beautiful cat ears, i loved!!!!
    Pretty skirt <3
    Lovely Ella ^__^

    Maki & Vana

  14. Beautiful cat ears, i loved!!!!
    Pretty skirt <3
    Lovely Ella ^__^

    Maki & Vana

  15. No conocía tu blog y la verdad es que me gusta mucho mucho! Me quedo siguiéndote, espero verte a ti también por mi blog :)
    Un besazo de

  16. Wow wow wow, de departe tinuta mea preferata! Fusta e absolut superba, am pus si eu ochii de mult pe ea <3 Imi place mult si lantul si tenta rock-chic data de geaca..lovely my dear!


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!