Vreau o bucățica, o zi, un schimb de câteva cuvinte cu toți. Sunt frumoși în atât de multe și diverse moduri și toți în același timp. Unii au frumusețe interioara, alții sunt chiparoși. El te face sa razi ca și cum ai Alzheimer, alții te fac sa te simți zeița, alții te pot face sa te simți ca o bucata de carne, dar cu toții te fac sa simți ca trăiești! Cred ca ar trebui sa te lași de băutura draga mea, un sfat prietenesc de la mine, alter ego-ul tău. "
I was wearing my wonded soul and thoughts with a cozy attitude . Beside that Oasap skirt.
Motto-ul de azi: “I was crying a little for the boy I had wanted him to be and the boy he hadn’t turned out to be.”
"What do you do when you realized that you like everybody? It's terrifying and makes you think that you've lost your minds, but after you rethink you see that your just special cuz you're able to see the good & beauty in every person.
I want a piece, a day, some words exchange with all of them. They are beautiful in so many ways and so different at the same time. Some have inside beauty, others outside beauty.. He makes you laugh like you're crazy, the other one makes you float in time, like you'd have Alzheimer, some make you feel like you're a goddess, others could make you feel like a piece of meat, but all of them make you feel alive! I think "you" should quit drinking my dear, a friendly advice from me, your alter ego"