vineri, 28 august 2015

Jump, don't think too much

   Poți măsura curajul? Hmmmm 100% nu cred. Acum ceva timp am mers în al doilea team building la Arsenal Park, cu minunații mei colegi. Locația în care am fost, pentru mine, s-a prezentat ca ceva efectiv nou. Era o veche baza militara unde te puteai juca tot soiul de jocuri de forță și echilibru la înălțime care se terminau mereu în tiroliană și multe alte jocuri super interesante cum ar fi: paintball-ul, trasul cu arma, trasul cu arcul,jocuri de strategie,etc.  simțindu-mă toată energizată  și plina de adrenalina curajoasa din mine a zis hai sa te arunci în gol, un fel de bungee jumping, și am făcut-o. Aproape am murit de inima dar s-a meritat pana la ultima picătura de sudoare. E nevoie de curaj sa sari de pe o clădire înalta chiar dacă e sigur, căderea în gol este înfricoșător de faină. Din când în când trebuie sa ne răzvrătim sa fim rebeli, am făcut asta și a fost super, efectiv super!

I was wearing BBup shoes, TALLY WEiJL jeans, Vogue sun glasses, no name t-shirt.


 Todays quote: “If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.”

   Can you measure bravery? Hmmm I guess not 100%.  Some time ago I went to Arsenal Park, a second team building with my awesome people. The loaction we went, for me was something totally new. It was an old military base where you could play strength and balance games at high altitude always ending with the tiroliana, lots of other inventive games like: paintball, archery shoot, gun shoot, strategy games,etc. Felling all energized and full of adrenaline the brave me said let's do something similar to bungee jumping, and I did it, almost died of heart attack but in the end it was worth it. It takes courage to jump from a high builing even if you know it's safe, the fall in vain feeling it's scaringly awesome. From time to time we have to go wild, so I did it and it felt great, just great!

5 comentarii:

  1. “If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.” - Coco Chanel <3

  2. Cute and comfy! Love your hair!

    Come by soon!


  3. From time to time you have to go wild - I absolutely love that. If you never try then you never know your own strength.

    xx Meagan

  4. looks like u had a blast, super cool outfit


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!