duminică, 14 aprilie 2013

Go away, laziness!!!

      Si uite ca alta saptamana trece,Duminica,ziua mea de leneveala...se pare ca azi ma va sari aceasta activitate,pentru ca m-am decis sa fiu gospodina si sa imi impresionez auditoriul.Acum ceva vreme am fost la niste prieteni care erau in plina inspiratie culinara.Faceau o prajitura care,parea usor de facut si cu calorii mai putine decat in general. Sunt o gurmanda, si vad ca acest lucru s-a accentuat odata cu venirea verii. Imi place mult mancarea,insa incerc sa mananc cat mai sanatos si daca este posibil cat mai crud.Norocul meu cel mare este ca nu sunt fana a  fast food-urilor,ca altfel probabil m-as rostogolii.:))
      Pai o sa trec direct la reteta,ingredientele necesare:
1 kg mere,1 pachet de biscuiti ;zahar ;niste unt;1 kg lapte;1 punga budinca vanilie; scortisoara ;putina coaja de portocala;150g orez ;si cateva migdale,daca aveti prin casa.
  Se calesc merele cu o lingurita de unt si 2 linguri de zahar,cca 15 min apoi se baga la cuptor cca 15 min se scot se adauga un rand de biscuiti,apoi se prepara orezul cu lapte,in care se adauga putina scortisoara si coaja de portocala,apoi turnam orezul  peste biscuiti,se adauga si budinca si se presar niste stafide.Cam asta este tot,apoi se lasa la racit cam 40minute. Pofta buna si spor la preparat!

       Sunday...you finally  arrived said my lazy ass!But this time was wrong..today i felt like making my stomach even happier than always.I'm that kind of person that eats everything,almost everything, because thanks God I'm not a fast food fan.But in general I really like to eat.With the arriving of the summer it seems that i love sweets more than usually!
    So i have to be careful with what I eat,I try to eat a lot of healthy food and also very little cooked,mostly cruel.I discovered an interesting cake(invented by a friend), which also i think is low calories. 
    I will share with you the recipe,enjoy it :
Ingredients : 1kg apples ; 1kg milk ;1 vanilla pudding ;cinnamon ;some
orange peel ; 1biscuits package ;sugar ;150g rice butter and if you want some raisins, after peeling  the apples you have to fry  them,with a teaspoon  of butter and 2 spoons of sugar ,about 15 minute,after that bake them in oven  about 15 min.Put the tray on the chopper and cover the apples with biscuits,after that make the milk rice and put some cinnamon and the orange peel.Last layer is the vanilla pudding.if you like the raisins,than sprinkle some above the cake. Let the cake to cool a little,cca 40 minutes.

Bon appetit!
Motto-ul de azi : " When you get to fifty-two food becomes more important than sex ."  


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15 comentarii:

  1. wow, looks super yummy and easy to make!!!!! Bravo) Great pictures as well! Followed you here and on Bloglovin', hope you can do same;)
    Have a fabulous time!

    Best wishes, Alexandra

  2. Of course,i would be really glad to follow each other!:)

  3. Arată exact cum sunt sigură că şi este... delicios... Cu siguranţă voi încerca.

    1. Da sa stii ca este destul de buna..doar ca am pus totusi prea putin zahar!:) Multumesc frumos si sa imi zici daca iti place ;)

  4. Wow! It looks yummy!! :) Following you now on your blog, on Bloglovin and on Pinterest!!

    Airish ♥

  5. Nice dessert! very interesting!
    Kisses from Miami,

  6. Mmm that looks like a really yummy desert!
    Maybe you might consider following each other on GFC and Bloglovin? I will wait for you on my blog!



Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!