Vara,cate amintiri trezeste inca in mine!Imi aduc cu drag aminte de vremea copilariei, cand la inceputul verii copiii plecau la bunicii lor, la sat sau poate in cum cartierul ramanea pustiu, pana cand parintii mei au decis ca este vremea sa mergem si noi la bunici la sat.Frumoase timpuri, frumoasa ideea de a schimba aerul incarcat de oras cu aerul proaspat de tara si cu sobra educatie impusa de bunici.Adio mancat haotic, adio dulciuri si adio joaca toata ziua.Bun venit mancare la program, lectura, joaca, dulciuri cu portia si somn de dupa masa!Desi in majoritatea cazurilor statul la bunici era un deliciu si un rasfat la mine era educatie si deliciu.Pentru ca bunica mea era o bucatareasa desavrsita dar si o educatoare asemenea!
Imi este dor sa am 3 luni libere, sa fac ce vreau sa nu am sa mai am teme pentru inceputul de an scolar!3 luni....acum par o eternitate, atunci,erau mai putin de un ceas, pentru ca timpul zbura altfel si parea nevaloros si parca nesfarsit!Valroare timpului am inceput abia acum sa o pretuiesc si sa am grija in fiecare zi sa fac ceva mai mult dect in ziua precedenta..Timpul ,vara, copilaria , ce parfumuri dulci!
Summer,ouuu sweetie.I remember the time when all the children from my neighborhood were going to stay with their grandparents,in town or in villages near the town,and me and my brother where almost the only children left on the was so boring.But my parents decided one day that we can go to our grandparents all summer,it was amazing,because my grandmother was a great chef and also she was teaching us a lot of things.We eat a lot of healthy food and we breath a fresh air.I miss having 3 months all for my when i have a day off I'm in Heaven.Time flies different now, now I'm aware of this,but back then I have not taken seriously anything,only my dolls.Time,summer,childhood ,so sweet perfumes!
I was wearing cheap & no name clothes..typical me. ;)
Motto-ul de azi :
“For in every adult there dwells the child that was, and in every child there lies the adult that will be.”
Thanks Klaudia for the lovely photos! In one photo you can see the sexy mommy Smaranda
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sure i would love to follow each other)already folowed you)now its your turn)
RăspundețiȘtergereand btw,where did you et this cute dress?)i looove it))
xoxo Christy
Thanks!From my mom closet. ;)done i think,only that in the yahoo pic I'm blonde!
ȘtergereThanks,and hope you enjoyed my blog! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI am so in love with your dress!!!
Thx! :)
ȘtergereDone,I follow you also!Kisses
RăspundețiȘtergereAmazing dress! Love the shoes too!
RăspundețiȘtergerexx Karolina
Thx ;)
ȘtergereI followed you too ;)
YEY!!! ;)
ȘtergereYou are so pretty, my dear!
You look incredibely pretty! And this dress is fabulous!
RăspundețiȘtergereI love your confidence and your photographs :)
great job darling!
Thx a lot!:)
ȘtergereI love your outfit, so summery! great blog!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks,and be sure that I would love to follow you back! :)
ȘtergereYou have a new follower here! hope you'll do the same!
RăspundețiȘtergereWow, te invidiez atât pentru rochie cât şi pentru look. Ador aerul retro al fotografiilor.
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc frumos!;)