sâmbătă, 6 iulie 2013

Sex appeal or inside beauty?!

Acum ceva timp am vazut acest clip, la modul cel mai serios am ramas fascinata atat de linia melodica cat si de cantareti. Stiu...tuturor ne plac oamenii frumosi, din pacate, si spre rusinea mea, atunci cand vad oameni frumosi, tind efectiv sa ma holbez. Eu nu stiu sa ma uit frumos si pe sub gene, eu ma uit insitent,indiscret  si curios!:) Dar ce este frumos si lui Dumnezeu ii place, nu?!Fiecare are o prefeinta in materie de frumusete, pentru mine oamenii slabi, cu barba si buze carnoase...ufff bine bine si cu ceva tatuaje, sunt apogeul! Frumusetea poate fi accentuata cu un machiaj sau o haina buna, insa sexualitate vine  efectiv din interior! Admir oamenii care stiu sa foloseasca haina sau machiajul ca truc,  dar cel mai mult pe cei care isi folosesc increderea in ei ca pe o haina sau machiaj. Imi place sa surprind frumusetea chiar si acolo unde altii nu o vad, imi place sa vad rasul acela parsiv in coltui gurii, ochii aceia mijiti si parul ciufulit! Pe voi ce va da gata?!

Like always thank you my grumpy Klaudia

I adore sexy people, even if  I know that is not OK to stare at people, I do that without knowing, I just can 't help myself. I like watching beautiful people, those who are so damn sexy, I just drool at them. I'm kidding!! But what is beautiful even God likes it. I saw this video some time ago, and I fell in love with the people in it! People can be sexy in so many ways, a look, a  smile, a simple gesture, I don't know, something that no one can't see it, only you.You don't have to use clothing  or make up to be beautiful or sexy, you just have to trust yourself and that is sexy enough sometimes. Any way I love beautiful people, I admire those one that know how to use clothes and make up to make themselves more cool, not beautiful, because beauty comes from inside. Everyone has a  thing for something,I  have a thing  for skinny people with beards, and for that smile in the corner of the mouth, that is killing me slowly, it's so sexy..also I like fleshy lips...OK and tattoos! What about you, what makes you insane ?!

Mott-oul de azi :  “Just because you're naked doesn't mean you're sexy. Just because you're cynical doesn't mean you're cool.”


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34 de comentarii:

  1. :)) ha ha ha, cred ca eu am lansat isteria cu piesa asta prin partile noastre! You look very sexy and just want to say that I love your shoes ;)

  2. Wow lovely Photos and pretty girl :)))

    XOXO Sandl


  3. Lovely pics, I really like the tattoo <3
    Check my blog too if you want
    Francesca || http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it/

  4. I also believe that true beauty comes from somewhere inside :)

    1. The beauty that is on surface, in time vanish...but the inside beauty never disappear !

  5. nice blog.

    follow you!!


    follow me pls?:33


  6. Awesome dress & your tattoo is amazing !

    I follow you now, hope you will follow back ♥

  7. Dear Ella you're so pretty! Love the dress and your tatoos are like poems... Thx for your visit and support M-C

  8. You are super cute babe, love the dress and how it looks on you <3



  9. Wow! Beautiful dress! You look amazing!


  10. Vai cât de mult imi place rochia!! Ador faptul ca e cu spatele gol si se vede tatuajul, care btw e foarte frumos! :) sa nu mai vorbesc de poze, decor, etc -totul e perfect!



    1. multumesc frumos!!!!!Si eu ador rochitele cu spatele gol, mi ser par aasa sexy...:D

  11. OMG!

    Love your tatto, perfect on this post!

    Happy day!

  12. You look really sexy!! Love your dress and your tatoo!!
    Chic With The Least
    Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’

  13. Oh god! You're so pretty! And this tattoo. I love it, I love it, I love it!



Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!