sâmbătă, 27 iulie 2013

This is about goosebumps!

       M-am hotarat sa iau o mica pauza de la fashion si sa va arat ceva ce pe mine m-a impresionat la culme. Flah mob-urile, sunt un "curent" remarcabil. Sincer pana acum 3 zile habar nu aveam de existent lor, din pacate sunt cam cu capul in nori si ce este deja "fumat" pentru mine este nou nout. :)
        Imi aduc aminte ca la inceputul "blogaritului" am zis ca voi face acest blog despre moda si altele.Hmmm...asa ca m-am decis sa va imbunez cu aceste 2 video-uri magnifice. Pana la urmatoarea postare, va doresc un weekend minunat!:)

I'll let you  with something funny!


    I want to take a  short breath from fashion, and to show you something that made my day. Something that shows us that if we work together we can be invincible. Flash mobs, are the best thing I've seen this days. Didn't know about this "current" but it's the best ever in my opinion. When I started blogging, I said that my blog is about more things, not only fashion, and I try now to keep my word. ;)) Hope that you will taste the flavor of this 2 videos that I've suggest. Until next time hope you'll have a  wonderful weekend!

Motto -ul de azi:  "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."


 winter white dress  winter dresses for women   winter dresses 2012

45 de comentarii:

  1. wonderful post !
    LOVE it !

    xoxo Eva

  2. ahaa those pictures are adorable, seriously))) that one about diet is right about me) I also want to say that I like Michael Jackson songs too, such wonderful words "If you wanna make the world a better place"!!!
    Thank You for sharing such a nice post!
    Have a happy time!


    1. I love all of them but I find myself too in the one with the diet!:)))

  3. Gosh, they're so cute! But I think the cat is the winner lol

  4. Aww these are so cute and funny!

  5. hahahaha the pictures are very funny, they mad my day too :D
    I love animal memes !

    I think your design is very pretty, very exceptional!


    1. I'm glad you visited me, and more glad is that I made someone smile!:)

  6. Amazing :)
    Would you like follow each other on blog and FB?:)

  7. I follow you back :)
    maybe we follow on FB?:)

  8. Hi sweety, wanted to wish you well for the week ahead.

  9. Just found your blog! amazing, you made me laugh with these pictures !


  10. Trop marrant ce post :)


    Coline ♡

  11. Sure we could follow on some of them, because I don't have an account on all of them :)

  12. I love watching flashmobs! I once did a flashmob on the airport and it was soo much fun! Your blog is truly amazing! It's the last chance to join my summer give away party, I really hope you will join <3 Love, Anna


    1. WOwwwwwww that is so nice. I wish I could see for real a flashmob..Thank you four your visit Anne.

  13. Thank you for your nice comment! Of course I like to follow each other :) On bloglovin' and gfc? X Anna

  14. These are so funny!! Love your blog and style!! Did you want follow each other? :) www.junkjournal100.blogspot.co.uk

  15. U make me laugh so much thx dear Ella to share this great post :) M-C

  16. Nice post!!!
    Have a good week! my like in bloglovin for your post!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  17. Olá minha querida, adoro Michel e seu blog também é uma delícia....bjos no seu coração!


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!