vineri, 30 august 2013

Losing is a foolish game

Pssss..hey tu, da da tu, nu fugii! Hai sa vorbim... Simti ca toti cei din jur sunt fericiti, numai tu nu ai sansa sa fi?! Simti ca mereu ratezi trenul ce duce spre fericire, desi stai la rand mereu si nu te bagi in fata, cumva tu mereu pierzi biletul. Ajungi mai tarziu ce e drept, pentru ca vrei si tu o reducere, ca nu iti permiti biletul la pret intreg, scump dom'le e scump...Dar se pare ca inca nu ai aflat, ca acest bilet nu este mai scump, sau mai ieftin el are valoarea pe care i-o dai tu, e gratis, trebuie doar completat. Te miri cum de ceva atat de pretios e gratis?! Pai este pentru ca toti avem dreptul la fericire, este un bun comun. Nu mai sta la rand, nu se da nimic acolo, decat masti probabil, fericirea e in tine. Incepe prin a-ti satisface pofta, mananca mancarea preferata si intipareste-ti in minte prima secunda cand simti gustul mancarii, mergi acum mai departe calatoreste prin amintiri, primele minute alaturi de fata visurilor tale, mergi mai departe nu te da inapoi , prima ora din cel mai tare film, ce stare euforica, nu?! Mai departe prima saptamana singur acasa, petreceri, fete, fast food-uri, nebunie! Mergi acum inspre viitor imagineaza-ti prima serbare a primului an al copilului tau...Ei, acum mai pare fericirea departe, la mii de ani lumina?! Nu fericirea e cu tine la fiecare pas, e umbra ta, are nevoie doar de putina lumina ca sa o poti vedea si sa iti aduci aminte ca nu te va parasi niciodata. Deschide ochii si bucurate de ziua de azi!:)

                    Thank you dear Katona Klaudia


 Motto-ul de azi : " People are losing the capacity to listen to words or follow ideas."

Hey you, yes... you the one who's reading my post right now. Have you felt like you have just lost the train to happiness?:) That every one had a  chance to take that train, except you.You waited until the last moment, for the last discount, for this "expensive" ticket.The ticket to happiness is not a  low lost one, is free of charge. But the foolish you looses the train every time, because you want to spend something, you stay in line with other "sad faces", you are blind. You don't think that something so hard to get can be for free, hard to believe isn't it?! But it is for free!! Every human been and not only, deserves to be happy. Don't stand in line, get out! And start remember all good things. Enjoy these beautiful seconds when you feel the taste of your favorite cake on your lips, go on remember the first minutes spend with the girl of your dreams, move on now to the first hour of the best movie ever, further the first week alone, with all the house just  for you, further to  the first year of your son... And the list could be completed by things that are small, but important for you. Just for the record, happiness is all around. Just open your eyes!

Also you can visit Klaudia's work here : 

And here you can visit Smaranda's fashion blog :


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joi, 22 august 2013

Behind every curtain is a story.

Stiu ca dupa fiecare cicatrice este o poveste, tot acelasi lucru se ascunde si dupa un tatuaj, sau dupa un om sa zicem "atipic". Blamam ce nu intelegem, numim oamenii diferiti "excentrici", ei bine eu ma consider un om cat se poate de normal(desi adesea mi se spune ca sunt hipsterita,excentrica,etc..) indragostit de tatuaje. Tatuajele mele au o poveste in spate, sunt amintiri, sau lucruri care m-au fericit atat de mult la un anumit moment incat am decis ca nu vreau sa le uit niciodata. Asa ca le'am dat culoare, le'am expus, sunt vizibile, dar totusi criptate. Pentru primul tatuaj am cerut permisiunea parintilor, dar ei crezand ca este teribilismul varstei mi-au zis "DA" fara sa clipeasca, nu pot uita uimirea de pe chipurile lor cand au vazut tatuajul.Si da, a  fost teribilism, dar si dragoste la prima vedere.

Mottoul de azi : “A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition.” 

 As we know beyond any scar there is a story, this thing goes as well for tattoos. In my opinion every tattoo sends a message, this is my belief in  regards with tattoos. I remember that my first tattoo was an act of courage mixed up with rebellion of the age. I was more than thrilled when my parents told me that I can get one if I want, but they were joking. I on the other hand wasn't joking!:) So this is how I got my first tattoo, the dolphin. I like to have stories to tel, stories that I don't want to forget, things that were important for me at that moment, this is why I decided to "encrypt" them on my skin!:)


luni, 12 august 2013

In an inner search!

Ai  avut vreodata senzatia ca, cuvintele tale nu ajung nicaieri, ci ca se intorc inapoi ca un bumerang?! Interlocutorul nici macar nu a  sesizat rostul cuvintelor pe care le-ai aruncat, le-a luat pur si simplu ca ceva neinteles, si a trecut peste...Uneori am senzatia ca nu stiu cine sunt si mai rau ca nu stiu ce vreau...Incerc sa descopar ce vreau, ceva care sa ma defineasca, ceva la care sa fiu "as" doar o "dama" sau un "juvete" vreau premiul cel mare,vreau sa stapanesc un mestesug. Norocul meu este ca atunci cand cad in aceste stari de totala confuzie si haos, mama imi este alaturi sa ma "imbarbateze", sa ma provoace la un duel cu cine nu sa lupt pentru acel "ceva " care vreau sa devin. Pana o sa fiu destul de matura sa decid ce/cine vreau sa fiu, vreau sa cred despre mine ca sunt un om mai bun ca ieri, un copil, un iubitor de animale...un visator fara somn!:)

Thank you dear grumpy friend & colleague Klaudia Katona

 Motto-ul de azi : " I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because I had never belonged to anything or anyone else. "

Have you ever felt like no one really understands you, like you are talking, but your word are coming back like a boomerang, not even touch the other person's thoughts..Some times I have this strange feeling, like I really don't belong to anyone, not even to myself..I really try to find a thing that defines me, that I can call it "my thing". I really don't have something that can be called mine, and sometimes hurts, because i really don't know who I am , not even who I want to become. But thanks to God my mother always is there , challenging me to try to know what are my desires, what I want, and who I am. Until I'll define all this things, I like to think that I'm a  good person,a child, an animal lover...I'm everything that I want, even if I don't know what is that! I'm a  dreamer that doesn't sleeps. :)

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vineri, 2 august 2013

The "rhythm" of your life..

           Hainele, sincer nu sunt simple haine, sunt mult mai mult, sunt "TU". Sunt starea ta de spirit, cultura ta, gustul tau estetic, ceea ce aspiri sa devii. La noi este vorba asta: "nu haina il face pe om" subscriu acestei idei, dar totusi cred ca  putin bun gust nu strica nimanui. Nu sunt in masura sa judec, pentru ca nu sunt buna sa aleg 2 texturi care sa se potriveasca, dar cred ca sunt capabila sa asortez hainele macar in materie de culoare. Ne exprimam prin ceea ce purtam si cum ne purtam, prin vestimentatie aratam ce ne place ca gen muzical, ca stil de viata, ca decizii de zi cu zi. Eu nu sunt in trend si nu pentru ca vreau sa fiu oaia neagra, ci pentru ca aleg sa port ce ma avantajeaza si ce imi place, chiar daca moda a  trecut sau nici macar nu s-a ajuns cu trendul pana la ce imi place.

          Thank you  Klaudia for this chic & kinky  photos!

 Clothes aren't simply clothes, they represent who you are, your everyday decision, your taste  related with fashion, to your mood, your "wanna be" thing, they say a lot about you. In Romanian we have a saying "Clothes do not make the man" , which I truly agree, but a little taste wouldn't hurt. I'm not in the position to judge anyone, because I, myself  don't have too much taste when comes to fashion, but I could recognize a good combination of colors, but not of textiles or textures .My point of view is that we define somehow our self by what we wear, or what we like/ wish to wear! Also every culture is defined by something special, something that if you see in a  second make you think at that country / city. I'm never in trend, because I choose to wear what I like and what fits me the best.

Motto-ul de azi : “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”  


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