joi, 22 august 2013

Behind every curtain is a story.

Stiu ca dupa fiecare cicatrice este o poveste, tot acelasi lucru se ascunde si dupa un tatuaj, sau dupa un om sa zicem "atipic". Blamam ce nu intelegem, numim oamenii diferiti "excentrici", ei bine eu ma consider un om cat se poate de normal(desi adesea mi se spune ca sunt hipsterita,excentrica,etc..) indragostit de tatuaje. Tatuajele mele au o poveste in spate, sunt amintiri, sau lucruri care m-au fericit atat de mult la un anumit moment incat am decis ca nu vreau sa le uit niciodata. Asa ca le'am dat culoare, le'am expus, sunt vizibile, dar totusi criptate. Pentru primul tatuaj am cerut permisiunea parintilor, dar ei crezand ca este teribilismul varstei mi-au zis "DA" fara sa clipeasca, nu pot uita uimirea de pe chipurile lor cand au vazut tatuajul.Si da, a  fost teribilism, dar si dragoste la prima vedere.

Mottoul de azi : “A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, so its essence emotes a poignancy unique to the mortal human condition.” 

 As we know beyond any scar there is a story, this thing goes as well for tattoos. In my opinion every tattoo sends a message, this is my belief in  regards with tattoos. I remember that my first tattoo was an act of courage mixed up with rebellion of the age. I was more than thrilled when my parents told me that I can get one if I want, but they were joking. I on the other hand wasn't joking!:) So this is how I got my first tattoo, the dolphin. I like to have stories to tel, stories that I don't want to forget, things that were important for me at that moment, this is why I decided to "encrypt" them on my skin!:)


46 de comentarii:

  1. Yours are mighty! Adore it all :) Dream catcher is amazing on u dear Ella! M-C

  2. adorable post my dear, and you look gorgeous
    i'm following you with bloglovin as well,
    lot's of love,

  3. Would you like to follow each other with bloglovin?:D
    Nu m-am gandit sa imi fac un tatuaj,dar daca ar avea o poveste ar fi mult mai interesant si poate m-as incumeta:)
    Foarte frumoase pozele.

    1. Da desigur ca vreau!:)
      Pai eu asa sper ca toate au ceva de spus, ca doar nu le facei doar de dragul de a avea unul ;)

  4. Those are splendid photos! I like your skirt a lot! And I didn't know you had so many tattos, they are really cool!

  5. Love your blog and photos!

    Maybe you would like to visit and follow my blog -

  6. Your writing is really beautiful :) I love your dream catcher tattoo!


  7. Îţi trebuie ceva curaj ca să îţi faci un tatuaj şi mă bucur să văd că tu îl ai. Şi mie mi-ar plăcea să am unul şi sper ca într-o bună zi să am povestea şi conjunctura care să declanşeze apariţia lui.

    1. Dap,iti trebuie curaj...dar atat de mult imi plac incaty uneori uit de consecinte.Sper sa-ti gasesti inspiratia intr-o zi pentru un tatuaj care sa te reprezinte!:)

  8. I love your tatoos, you look beautiful and these pictures have an artistic spirit!
    I love your writing style too it's a pleasure to read you!
    Kisses, Hindie.

    1. Thank you very much,for reading and for appreciate my writing. ;)

  9. Wow, dar ai multe tatuaje. Iti admir curajul, hotararea de a face asta. Nu am absolut nimic impotriva nimanui, fiecare e liber sa decida pentru el, iar fericirea fiecarui om sta exact in mainile sale. Asa ca , de ce ai opri un om din a fi fericit doar pentru ca nu se incadreaza in propriul tipar al normalitatii?! La urma urmei, normal inseamna uneori banal.

    Imi plac tatuajele tale , desi mari, sunt feminine si chiar exprima fericire. Sunt sigura ca fiecare simbol are o semnificatie aparte pentru tine si asta e cel mai important.

    1. Nici eu nu judec, pentru ca nu cred ca exista un normal, sau daca exista este unul usor fortat!:) Da sunt mandra de ele, si ma bucur ca le-am facut!:)Multumesc frumos;))

  10. WOW!♥

    Mi-ar placea sa stiu povestea din spatele fiecarui tatuaj!

    1. Pai cel mare de pe spare,reprezinta familia mea, in viziunea mea.Cele de pe picioare sunt "reminder-uri",delfinul nebunie de la 14 ani.Stelele,nr meu preferat si faptul ca sunt cu capul in nori, iar ce de pe mana sunt eu caricatura zambind;).Dream catcher-ul este pentru a nu uita sa visez, si pentru a nu lasa visele urate sa vina!:)

  11. oh my, are those tattoos real?! I have never seen anything more beautiful on anybody else. Especially I like those little birds on your back, such a wonderful, peaceful picture! The dream catcher looks also amazing, you had a chance to meet a really good tatoo artist! Your writting style is truly great, I definitely agree with you!
    Those photographs are adorable!
    Have a fabulous time!

    1. Thank you my dear Alexandra. Indeed I've meet some artists,and I hope I'll meet some others:)

  12. your style and your tatoo are amazing! :)

    Like your blog! Would you like to follow each other? :)
    XO MP.

  13. What style blog, congratulations!
    Criticizing the tattoos is a sign of narrow-mindedness, like flaunting them is the bane for them.
    I must say that what you have on your back is really beautiful, one of the best seen in my life!
    I'll read you often! :)


  14. Girl, i LOVED your tatoos!!!
    I'm a fun of ink on skin and i carry a few on mine too, but yours are so special!

    To let you know, i've fixed the problem with the translation on my novel and now you may also read it. Thanks for noticing!

    ♥ Hugs and kisses from Greece! ♥

  15. Following you back:D

  16. Wonderful pictures! Love those big, floppy hats <3

  17. The photos are simply beautiful and so are you. I really love your hat, and the dreamcatcher tattoo's awesome! :)

    wanna follow each other?

  18. i love your tatoos!


    Coline ♡

  19. Thank you for reading my post,and for giving me such a good feedback! :) Also thanks for your visit.

  20. woow in love with your tattoo's they are awsome

    ooh and I like your blog too, I would love If you could check out mine and follow each other. xoxo take care


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!