luni, 27 octombrie 2014

Some dream in black and white!

Nu toti oamenii viseaza in culori. Cercetatorii estimeaza ca o persoana din opt are visuri in alb si negru.
Cum e oare lumea in doar doua culori? Era la un moment dat si un episod din Powerpuff girls in care lumea ramane fara culoare, totul este alb si negru...ciudat. Sunt oameni care traiesc simplu cu "Da" sau "Nu" fara "Poate" fie alb, fie negru.. Eu imi pierd viata petrecand printre nuante, oare cum e mai bine cu doua culori sau cu o mie? Cum iti place sa iti traiesti viata; intr-un mod complicat sau simplu?

I was wearing Oasap cardigan, no name dress, Miniprix boots, Stradivarius bag, and Meli Melo earrings.

Did you knew that not everyone dreams in colors? Researchers estimate that one out of eight persons dreams in white and black. How is the world in two colors? There was at some point, an episode of The Powerpuff Girls when some malefic person made the world without colors....strange. There are people that live their life simple, with just "Yes" and "No" no "Maybe" either black or white. I spend  my life among shades, and I ask myself  it's better with two colors or a thousand? How do you like your life, simple or full of uncertainties?

Today's quote: " If you're searching for that person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror."

5 comentarii:

  1. Asta e acel cardigan, asa-i? :) Imi place rochita! Well nu am visat niciodata in alb&negru, dar stiu oameni carora li se intampla asta. Viata o complicam si acolo unde nu ne dorim. :D

  2. Your dress are really nice ! And love your shoes :)

  3. Ce draguta esti! Imi plac foarte mult cardiganul si ghetutele <3 Pupici

  4. Imi place tare mult cardiganul :)

  5. Lovely ! Great style of dress !! ♥


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!