Cum definesti dragostea, sau dragostea te defineste pe tine? Maturitate frumoasa vesta a celor care stiu sa te poarte. Incerc mereu aceasta vesta dar parca culoare nu ma prinde. Desi mai pacalesc uneori, ca in aceste poze, cum ca, maturitatea ma prinde. Incerc sa tin pasul cu varsta mea, cu asteptarile mele, dar in final se pare ca respir spontaneitate si naivitate de copil. As vrea sa fiu nebuneste indragostita, toata viata, as vrea ca rutina sa nu existe. As vrea sa pot imbratisa, schimbarile si durerea intrucat sunt parte importanta a vietii, dar nu's perfecta, asa ca inca invat sa accept multe. Pana una alta inca am lumea mea, unde totul este exact cum desenez eu. Acolo nu sunt legi si limite, acolo e pura creativitate si orice linie poate lua orice forma fara a ii fi afectat conceptul initial.
I was wearing Miniprix shoes & purse, United Colors of Beneton jacket, no name skirt and blouse.
How would you define love? Does love define you as a persons? I try to be more mature, at least my figure is more mature in these pics..But somehow the childish part is always the one who keeps me going through the day. It's who I am. I try to keep the step with my age, I try to be more retained, but it looks like spontaneity is all I breathe and It's all I am.
I wish I could be madly in love all my life, I wish routine would not exist and I wish we all could be brave and embrace every change and pain, since these 2 thing are a big part of life. But we are humans, we aren't perfect! Meanwhile I'll keep dreaming at my perfect life, where I can be madly in love with every one. Where no prejudice exist, where you can act like you feel, where you can jump from one dream to another. Where nothing can stop you from doing whatever you want.
Motto-ul de azi: "Your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady."
well, its very difficult to be totally in love with life ,and i dont think its real too
RăspundețiȘtergereu look just amazing in the pics, i so with i could seal your outfit
keep in touch
very nice blouse :)
RăspundețiȘtergereBeautiful look!!
superba fustita :)
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I would love to be in love all my life too, this wonderful feeling makes us being a better human, to my mind. More happy, more inspired. But Life is not a piece of cake, sometimes we just have to feel sad and indifferent to the whole what is going on around.
RăspundețiȘtergereI've got to say that I'm absolutely enchanted with this outfit of you, it's so elegant and feminine. Besides, it still shows your sense of fashion, that little bag is definitely correspond to your personal style which we all know:)
You look extremely chic, dear!
Superbă! Îmi place tare mult fusta!
RăspundețiȘtergereCu geanta aia arati ca inca esti tu. Lovely!