vineri, 31 ianuarie 2014

Better losing it, than to lose yourself.

 Toti, fiecare om in parte are o poveste de care nu poate scapa. O poveste cu un prieten, cu un iubit, o poveste trista si grea. Te lupti din rasputeri, tu stii cat transpiri si cat timp pierzi luptand impotriva tuturor, insa in definitiv impotriva simtamintelor tale. Crezi ca ai uitat si ai mers mai departe, e nveoie de un gest, sau o boare a parfumului bine cunoscut ca totul sa se naruie. Si iar iei puzzle-ul de la capat. Simti cum genunchi te lasa, cum picioarele deja iti sunt amputate, cand crezi ca este prin preajma. Da, ai piredut o alta lupta ,dar totusi asta e doar o lupta razboiul l-ai castigat in momentul in care ai decis sa mergi mai departe. Asa ca nu lasa amintirea unui parfum sau a  unui om sa te schimbe. Focuseazate pe ceea ce va urma nu pe ceea ce a  fost. Lasa rana sa se cicatrizeze in model ei. Nu o "asalta" cu tratamente. Pentru un timp, fi doar constiinta si uita ca ai si sentimente.

Everyone has a love story, a friend story, a story that he/she wants to forget... And you struggle, only you know how much, you fight with your thought, friends, family...but practically  with yourself! You think you've moved one...but when you fell a breeze of his perfume, something that remembers your about the story, a simple gesture of the "forgotten" person or if you see the person itself, you feel like your knees can't sustain you and that big burden..You are defeated, you've lost another battle, but still you have win something bigger, you've learned how to stay focused, how to breath, how to be detached...Be focused and don't let external negative thought influence your spirit. Don't force yourself to forget if you haven't moved on, because is better to let the wound to heal in her own way..don't force things, let it flow. Just give the needed time for healing, without any pressure, cover your ears, and close your heart.

 Motto-ul de azi : “ long as nothing happens between them, the memory is cursed with what hasn't happened.”

sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014


Cu totii simtim nevoia de validare. Simtim nevoia sa stim ca existam, ca suntem vazuti, ca suntem auziti. Ca, contam! Asa ca atunci cand simti un impuls de a spune cuiva ca este important, nu te opri. Spune ceea ce gandesti, spune-i ca este un model, spune-i ca este frumos , te gandi ca deja stie. Toti avem nevoie din cand in cand sa auzim ca suntem importanti.. Gandeste-te , ultima data cand cineva ti-a zis ca esti o persoana care'i inspira, sau ca esti frumoasa, sau inteligenta sau orice alt mod de validare al existentei tale pozitive, a  fost bine, nu?! Hai sa imartim atunci, si spune celor din jur ca ii vezi si esti constient de existenta lor.

 Motto-ul de azi:  “Just like children, emotions heal when they are heard and validated.”

We all need validation. We all need to know that we are seen, heard, and that we are important for others. So whenever you feel like telling people they are important to you, don't stop. Tell them how important they are, tell them what you like about them, what is inspiring about them. All the good things that we forget to say, because we think that they already know that. Think how good you felt last time when a  person told you how important/brave/beautiful/ smart or something else you are. Didn't you felt wonderful. Make others know that they exist not just for them, that they are important for you also.

Congratulation to the winner from  Dressales  giveaway Dianne Tho  .  

sâmbătă, 18 ianuarie 2014

Runaway and free your mind!

Sunt vulcanica si plina de energie. Uneri am impresia ca pot exploda de la cata energie am in mine. Iubesc sa alerg, ma relaxeaza si ma tonifica. In zilele de vara este sportul meu preferat. Sunt lenesa si acest lucru m-a facut sa merg la sala in loc sa alerg. Totusi la sport nu pot renunta, e ca si cum as renunta la viata. Sincer pentru mine unele lucruri sunt vitale , printre ele se numara sportul si animalele.

          This lovely jogging outfit was sponsored by Oasap

                                Oasap Leggings- Here
                                Oasap Sweater- Here

I love sports all kind of!! Jogging I have to say that is my favorite sport. But unfortunately because of my laziness I have to go to gym with other colleagues so I can be sure I do some sport. In summer season I love to run, my, myself and my thoughts... It's quite interesting how can a run calm your spirit, never mind talking about your body. Since I was a kind a  had plenty energy, unfortunately I still have to much energy, gym/sports calm me down for a while.. I said unfortunately because sometimes I fell like I will explode, so full of energy I fell. anyways, this post is about reminding you people that any type of sport is good for body and mind.

Mott-oul de azi: "Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." 

P.s Don't forget about the lovely giveaway. Here you can join it. It's available until 25.01.2014

miercuri, 8 ianuarie 2014

I love sweets!

Imi e dor sa manac dulciuri fara ca acest lucru sa ma afecteze, asta ma face sa imi fie de copilarie, de mesele la ore fixe, de vorba mamei si a  bunicilor "nu mananci mancare, nu primesti dulce". Desi primeam ceva simbolic, gen o gogoasa sau o bomboana stiam clar ca dupa masa ceva bun tot o sa primesc. Imi e dor sa nu imi fie frica sa manac cu pofta ceea ce vreau. Acum dupa ce termin de mancat tind sa completez cu ceva dulce, insa stiu ca un minut de placere cere 1 ora de sala...Cum se face ca acum dulcele imi este dusman?!:))) Dar ce e o ora la sala in comparatie cu ceva dulce? Un mare NIMIC!

Thank you Klaudia for this lovely "cotton candy" day!:)  

            OASAP cardigan, you can find it here , I love it.

 Motto-ul de azi : "Forget love - I'd rather fall in chocolate!"

Beside the fact that when I was a child I could eat as many sweets as I wanted without getting fat, again I have to say that I miss my childhood. I miss my mother and grandparents saying " eat your food, or no sweets for you " even if I would get only a candy or a donut I was happy because I knew that after meal something sweet will make me smile. Now after I finish my plate I can eat a truck full of sweets (nobody is stopping me or condition me)  but I know that a second on my lips will end with a lifetime on my hips. How comes that sweets are now my enemies?! :))) 

Also sweets, do not forget that Rosegal giveaway is valid until 12.01.2014. Here you can register for this giveaway.

joi, 2 ianuarie 2014

Happy new year with RoseGal giveaway! is a fast growing global online fashion store which offers the very best in retro style and unique vintage fashion products as well as the latest style dresses, rings, watches , bags etc. Timeless and inspired, each design is infused with culture and history, carried in its own inspirational story. Different cultural backgrounds make the vintage clothing shine with the unique charm of specific era. With thousands of iconic styles and affordable product lines, you will definitely find your unique fashion product to add to your wardrobe, from . I made a  Short introduction in  fashion world.

And now let's go back to business. For this giveaway  there are some easy steps to follow:

1. You have to like RoseGal Facebook here. (mandatory)
2. Leave a comment with your  favorite item from RoseGal  also your email address. (mandatory)
3. Like my Facebook here  or follow my blog on GFC. (mandatory)
4. Share this giveaway on Facebook! (optional)

These are the steps you should follow. Easy isn't it?
The winneer will receive one of these items, or some other item that costs maximum 20$.

Here some of my suggestions:

Vintage Cotton Shirt   -$18.65
 Zipper Sleeveless Dress -$18.73

Ladylike Skirt -$17.39
Beaded Long Sleeves Blouse -$17.45


This is an international giveaway.
I wish you all happy new year and good luck! This giveaway is Open until 12.01.2014 !