sâmbătă, 25 ianuarie 2014


Cu totii simtim nevoia de validare. Simtim nevoia sa stim ca existam, ca suntem vazuti, ca suntem auziti. Ca, contam! Asa ca atunci cand simti un impuls de a spune cuiva ca este important, nu te opri. Spune ceea ce gandesti, spune-i ca este un model, spune-i ca este frumos , inteligent..nu te gandi ca deja stie. Toti avem nevoie din cand in cand sa auzim ca suntem importanti.. Gandeste-te , ultima data cand cineva ti-a zis ca esti o persoana care'i inspira, sau ca esti frumoasa, sau inteligenta sau orice alt mod de validare al existentei tale pozitive, a  fost bine, nu?! Hai sa imartim atunci, si spune celor din jur ca ii vezi si esti constient de existenta lor.

 Motto-ul de azi:  “Just like children, emotions heal when they are heard and validated.”

We all need validation. We all need to know that we are seen, heard, and that we are important for others. So whenever you feel like telling people they are important to you, don't stop. Tell them how important they are, tell them what you like about them, what is inspiring about them. All the good things that we forget to say, because we think that they already know that. Think how good you felt last time when a  person told you how important/brave/beautiful/ smart or something else you are. Didn't you felt wonderful. Make others know that they exist not just for them, that they are important for you also.

Congratulation to the winner from  Dressales  giveaway Dianne Tho  .  

20 de comentarii:

  1. Perfect look, dear!! Your blog is very cool!)
    Follow you via GFC #321!
    And I'll be happy, if you follow me)
    Baby’s On Fire Blog->Welcome!)

  2. You look fantastic ;) I think you are positive crazy woman!
    Blond Yasmin❤

  3. nice look !


  4. you look amazing! love this sweater! :)

    follow? :)

  5. I love the pictures and your outfit.
    Glitter And Blush

  6. wow, you do a good job in match again,pretty girl!!!!!!!
    No matter what you're going through, it's always better if you have people to share it with.
    thank you for sharing this to us ,enjoy here
    Hope to be your friend soon Pls post more!
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  7. What a beautiful and fun necklace. I lovve these colours together and the touch of pattern. That's a great place for photos, all the buildings look like they have so much character.

  8. I dont know why but this outfit makes me happy haha :D



  9. imi place mult trendul asta stratificat si iti vine tare bine ! manusile sunt super cute !!

  10. Thanks for comment my blog!

    my instagram: goodbyemylover
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  11. great colors!! really love the outfit! :)


  12. I totally agree with you, life is too short and we shouldn't spend it for
    angriness and depressions, we should be more kind to our dearest and nearest, we should spread love and should be more outspoken and tell them more often how much we care. Maybe then this world will be a better place to live in)
    By the way that picture with cats and a dog is just a knockout! That is so so cute!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I also like your outfit, casual yet chic)

  13. Imi place tinuta, colorata si ce culori faine! Nu trebuie sa exageram cu cuvintele, doar sa spunem ce simtim. Si ce daca ne repetam sau spunem ce deja au spus altii, prin cuvintele noastre intarim ceea ce au spus si altii. :)

  14. Lovely pics and blog!! Follow you right now, you can visit my blog and follow me back

    Kiss kiss http://majissh.blogspot.com.es

  15. foarte draguta tinuta, iar tu ca deobicei esti veselia in persoana, si pe langa ca iti sta tare bine iti bine-dispui si cititorii! :) Te prinde tare bine portocaliul iar manusile sunt uber cute! :) pupici

  16. Fajnie wyglądasz. Pozdrawiam : ) http://jusinx.blogspot.com/

  17. You look so lovely in this outfit! I really like how you layered it- the shirt looks awesome underneath that sweater! :) And I really like your necklace- it is so beautiful! :)


  18. Woow, You look amazing on those photos! So crazy but still classic and elegant <3



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