Puzzle-ul noului an, un lucru asupra caruia trebe sa meditam putin. Inceputurile sunt promitatoare, tindem sa credeam ca un an nou ne-ar putea imbunatatii. Ne facem planuri, promitem sa fim mai buni in noul an, dar toate astea isi pierd valoarea cand ne dam seama cine suntem. Suntem tot "noi" de anul trecut, de acum 2 ani, cu mici schimbari, poate. Tot visatorii care stiu ca noul este doar o chestiunede percepție. Ceea ce e nou pentru unii, pentru altii e demul invechit. Nu iti faceti planuri pentru noul an, doar actioneaza si in timp o sa vezi ca ai schimbat multe si ca planurile sunt facute doar ca sa te incurce uneori... Anul asta o sa incerc sa traiesc fara planuri. In lipsa de planuri si imaginatie Oasap mereu imi da o mana de ajutor pentru un outfit reusit.
I was wearing Oasap dress, Oasap necklace, Miniprix shoes, and no name vest.
The new year's puzzle, something to think of... Beginnings are so promising, we tend to believe that a new year could improve us. We make plans, we promise to be better in the new year, but all this fades when we see the true us. We are almost the same, person we were last year, or the year before, hopeless dreamers, new it's just a matter of perception. What is new for me, for you might be a far far away past. So, don't make plans for the new year, just act and you'll have something to look back at. I'll try this year to live and not to make plans...
Today's quote: “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.”
Cool blog you have here! Keep up on this level and it will grow bigger. In the meanwhile, see some cool sexy junior clothingto raise your mood! This is a true body enhancer.
E superbă rochia! Un an nou fericit îți doresc!
RăspundețiȘtergereBeautiful photos, love the dress! Eszter
wonderful dress)
I am really impressed with that dress. It looks gorgeous! Happy New Year! :)
Tweed & Leopard Style
Love the necklace ;)
adorable , romantic chic ! ♥ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 !
RăspundețiȘtergereImi place freza f mult :) si rochia e preferata mea
RăspundețiȘtergereCool blog you have here! Keep up on this level and it will grow bigger. In the meanwhile, see some cool sexy junior clothingto raise your mood! This is a true body enhancer.
RăspundețiȘtergereIti vine foarte bine rochia si te prinde culoarea :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI've been looking for this style of dress for a party I'm attending next week. :D Simple and elegant, right?
RăspundețiȘtergereRight my dear. Have fun to the party!
ȘtergereFoarte bune rezolutiile tale pentru 2015 :)
RăspundețiȘtergereLookul este minunat !!
looking gorgeous
RăspundețiȘtergerexxx Keep in touch
BeautyDrugs new blog post click & comment
Wow, you look so pretty in this dress, it has amazing color :) Would you like to follow each other? Let me know and I'll follow you back ASAP :)
Happy 2015 <3
i love your blog !! you are so pretty and stylish =)
RăspundețiȘtergerebe friend and support each other?
Ce frumoasa esti! Rochita e superba si imi place mult parul tau :) An nou fericit! Pupici
Beautiful. <3
RăspundețiȘtergerexx Nicole Rose