vineri, 2 decembrie 2016

Sperante tomnatice

   Îmi citeşti blogul, şi te redescoperi prin ochii mei, nu? Când scriu, şi nu scriu despre tine, te întristezi...dar nu spui nimic, ai vrea că tu să fii totul meu, ai vrea, în orice fac să fie bucăţi din tine, iar atunci când nu sunt nu e că te superi, e doar că sperai că şi acolo, în micul meu colţ să nu uit de tine, să nu te rătăcesc cumva, aşa cum am făcut cu toate celălalte amintiri.
   Nu te teme, nu te voi rătăci, cum ţi-am zis marea mea frică este demenţa, şi doar ea poate şterge urmele adânci lăsate de voi, voi cei care v-aţi gravat numele pe inima mea, prin cuvinte sau chiar prin lipsa lor. Nu poţi decât să te bucuri de noi, de ce avem acum, să încerci să-mi laşi micul meu colţ de delir aşa cum e, plin de nebunie şi de goluri care aşteaptă cu nesaţ alţi parteneri de fantezie. În zilele astea, de sfârşit de toamna, mă ia depresia, sau mă ia un dor nebun de ceva, ceva care parcă nici nu l-am avut. Tu doar fii acolo, nu încerca să mă înţelegi, sunt doar o eu sezonieră, căreia nu trebuie să-i placi, sau ea să-ţi placă ţie.

I was wearing Bershka coat, no name bag and boots, American eagle dress, handmade necklace Atmosphere blouse.

Today's quote: "Change is a measure of time and, in the autumn, time seems speeded up. What was is not and never again will be; what is is change."

You read my blog and you rediscover yourself through my eyes, isn't it? When I'm writing, and I don't  write about you, you're getting sad...but you don't say a word. You wish it was all about you, you dream about finding little pieces of yourself in anything I do, and when you don't discover any piece of you, in what I wrote, it's not like you're upset, it's just that strange feeling that you fantasized about being there in my hidden spot, this way you're sure I'll not get rid of you, as you think I did with all the other memories. 
   Don't be scared, i'll not lose you, as I always told you, my biggest fears is insanity, and only this disease can remove the scars left by you, all of you which engraved your name on my heart, using words or just their absence. Just be happy for what we are, of what we did together so far, try to let my little delirium corner as it is, full of folly and goals eagerly awaiting other partners of fantasy. These days when autumn leaves us, and winter comes, i feel down, because i crave for something, something that i didn't ever had, something unknown to me. You, just be there, don't try to understand me, it's just a seasonal me, which you don't have to like and she doesn't have to like you back.

2 comentarii:

Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!