What is more stylish and comfy in the summer than a volatile long sleeve floral maxi dress? The long maxi dress it is a must in your wardrobe, because you can wear it when you go to a beach party, a cocktail party, to shopping, when you walk the dog and who knows in which circumstances might be the perfect choice. Here is a discount for any item both from Rosegal, just use this code: "RosegalVilian".Spring is here and the prices are OFF, in all shops, even in the online shops as Rosegal,which has promotions that promise up to 70% OFF from full price, can you wish for more? Be prepared for the summer and be smart, buy your clothes from time.
Don't forget to use the discount coupon "RosegalVilian" when you shop on Rosegalpage, the money that you save with this discount, you may spend it on a new pair of jeans or a new bag. :) Think pink and stay colored.
Shopping, is there something more delightful than this? Beside chocolate of course:) Since i'm a big fan, of having cheap good quality clothes, I've ordered from Zaful.
I hate going to malls, since everyone goes there and it's crowded.. This is why I've become a big fan of online shopping. Zaful has lovely clothes and the price it's ok, plus you might get coupons, or even better, if you upload a picture if the item, you get point, which are $ that you might use on the next order. You should check the spring 2017 collection. Maybe you will find the mesmerizing white see through dresses for the parties on the beach.
P.s have I told you that Zaful offers discounts up to 70 % OFF? If you buy anything from Zaful site use this coupon code, you'll have a surprise discount "ZafulVilian".
Here is my wish list, for my next order. I can't wait to receive the current one, the pressure of waiting... :)) You get me, don't you?
Am început de puţin timp să fac yoga, şi nu genul de yoga, pe care-l făceam acasă cu draga de Adriene pe care o recomand tuturor, ci genul ăla în care chiar înveţi să meditezi. Avi (cel care ţine clasele de yoga) spune lucruri înţelepte mereu, ieri s-a lipit de mine acest gând "Ca să-ţi poţi controla mintea, trebuie mai întâi să îţi controlezi corpul".
Eu, sunt o fire agitată, aşa m-a făcut natura şi a sta locului pentru a medita, credeam că este un calvar, lucru totatal neadevărat. Gândindu-mă la cele ce le-am auzit la clasa de yoga, mi-am zis că nu văd de ce eu nu sunt zen, întrucât îmi menţin corpul sănătos. Merg pe principiul: un corp sănătos o minte fericită, însă cred că buba este că nu am stat să-mi ascult corpul, să-l cunosc. Am tins mereu să fiu rea, să-mi desconsider corpul, să fiu nemulţumită de el şi să-l supun la tot soiul de nebunii, fără să mă gândesc că poate şi el ripostează şi că poate şi el e nemulţumit de mine.
Prima zi de yoga, m-a lăsat cu o mie de nervi, nu ştiu de ce, dar am ajuns acasă foarte nervoasă, probabil călătoria în subconştient nu a fost tocmai una faină, sau poate statul într-un loc m-a enervat. A două oară când am fost, am revenit tot drăcoasă şi pusă pe harţă, în sinea mea decisesem că yoga doar mă irită..Insă, de e dragul Oanei, fata care m-a corupt să merg la yoga, am zis să mai încerc şi o a 3-a oară. A fost o decizie înţeleaptă să nu mă dau bătută, căci de data asta m-am întors acasă bine, m-am întors acasă mai mulţumită de mine şi cu o atitudine bună, de care îmi era dor. Ideal ar fi, ca măcar 10 minute pe zi, să-ţi acorzi, 10 minute în care să stai locului şi să te bucuri de ce ai, să-ţi mulţumeşti şi să te apreciezi.
I was wearing Levi's jeans, Forever 21 blazer, Oasap jacket, Rosegal necklace, Accessorize backpack, no name shoes.
Today's motto: "I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul."
I have just started to do yoga, and not that kind of yoga I used to do at home with the lovable Adriene which I recommend to you all, but the kind in which you really learn how to meditate. Avi (who holds the yoga classes) says wise things always, and from yesterday this thought stuck to me "In order to control your mind, you must first control your body."
I am an agitated person, nature made me like this, I always thought that to keep calm and meditate, for me might be a mischief, but guess what, this is a totally untrue thing. Thinking of what I heard in the yoga class, I did not see why I wasn't a zen person because I kept my body healthy. I live my life on the principle: a healthy body is a happy mind. Though I think the issue is that I don't really listen to my body, I don't know it. I always tend to be bad with my body, to despise it, to be dissatisfied with it, and to subject it to all sorts of madness, without thinking that he might fight back and that maybe he is also dissatisfied with me.
The first day of yoga, left me with a thousand nerves, I do not know why, but I got home very nervous, perhaps the journey in the subconscious was not exactly a nice one, or perhaps the fact that i had to stay calm, without moving annoyed me. The second time I was, I went back home still angry and ready to fight with anyone, in my mind I decided that yoga just irritates me. But, for the sake of dear Oana, the girl who made me go to yoga in the first place, I said i'll try again, the 3rd time it's lucky. It was a wise decision not to be beaten, because this time I returned home well, I returned home more satisfied with myself and with a good attitude which I kinda missed. Ideally would be, to give ourselves as much as 10 minutes per day, to sit and meditate, to enjoy what we have, to thank and appreciate ourselves and what we have.
De ceva timp, mă tot confrunt cu ideea de îmbătrânit. Anul acesta schimb prefixul, şi acest lucru mă îngrozeşte, pentru că cine sunt, este în contradicţie cu cine mi-am propus să fiu, încă din copilărie.. Dar oare câţi reuşim să fim cine ne-am propus? Cred că ne pierdem pe drum, sau poate găsim doar o alee mai înflorită pe care ne rătăcim. Alt bai cu care mă confrunt este problema ridurilor. Pe faţa mea au apărut de ceva vreme riduri de expresie, care până nu demult, mă amuzau şi le iubeam. Însă acum când realizez că oamenii le numesc, urme ale procesului de îmbătrânire, m-am cam panicat. Sunt o fire expresivă, prea expresivă..iar chipul meu şi când este inexpresiv nu ezită să spună o poveste conturată de diferitele expresii faciale care m-au definit de-a lungul timpul.
Dar gata cu subiectul asta plicticos şi enervant, să trecem şi la shopping, că parcă şi despre asta e blogul meu, nu?În urma unei colaborări recente, mi-am achiziţionat de la Rosegal nişte produse de care sunt mai mult decât mulţumită. O parte din produse am apucat să le pozez, iar restul aşteaptă cuminţi în dulap.
P.s have you heard about Rosegal spring 2017 Promotion ?
I was wearing Rosegal necklaces, Rosegal purse, Rosegal cat ring, Rosegal fish bone ring, Bershka skirt, Atmosphere jacket, One blouse, and gift boots, for which I must say thanks to my friend Claudia!:)
Today's quote: "It depends on you whether you want wrinkles or dimples on your face."
For some time I'm facing the idea of aging. This year I'll change the prefix, this terrifies me and that's because who I am it's in contradiction with who I always have dreamed to become since I was a child. But how many of us manage to be who they have dreamed of? I think we get lost on the way, because we wonder on alleys with blooming trees. Another issue that I face is the problem of wrinkles. Some time ago expression wrinkles have appeared on my face, which, until recently I found them amusing and lovable. But now that I realize that the people call them traces of the aging process, I'm a little panicked. I am an expressive, too expressive person, and my face even when it's inexpressive does not hesitate to tell a story outlined by the different facial expressions that have defined me over time.
But enough with that boring and annoying topic, let's talk about shopping, that's one of the topics, my blog is about, isn't it? Following a recent collaboration, I bought from Rosegal some products that I'm more than satisfied with. Some of the products I've taken hold of are in this post, but the rest are still waiting in the closet.
„Nu există nici o viaţă fără scop. Singura întrebare este dacă tu îţi creezi acest scop sau îţi laşi instinctele a decide pentru tine.“ Acesta este unul din miile de citate care pentru o clipă, m-a făcut să realizez o mulţime de lucruri, insă după acea nanosecundă, m-am întors înapoi la întrebările mele eterne despre viaţă şi scopuri. Oooo, am uitat cumva să menţionez că aşa eram eu, cu câteva luni în urmă, persoana care caută întotdeauna un scop. Îmi place să cred că viaţa are un scop anume, deşi un guru indian, a spus ceva de genul: viaţa nu are nici un scop, trebuie doar trăită.“ Îmi place să cred că am un scop precis, şi că după ce îl îndeplineasc, voi putea evolua spiritual. Deci...are viaţa un scop anume sau nu, tu ce crezi?. „Sincer, nu-mi pasă“, spune noua eu, prima dată în viaţa mea când doar TRĂIESC momentul fără să-l analizez prea mult sau să pun sub semnul întrebării orice întâmplare. Cui îi pasă de scopuri, atunci când copacii sunt înfloriţi iar eu pot merge printre ei, pot să îi miros şi să îi văd? Suntem norocoşi că ne-am născut şi că putem să ne bucurăm de ceea ce avem, scopul e acela de a te bucura de ce ai, şi de a nu te pierde în ceea ce ai vrea. I was wearing Jennifer cardigan, American Eagle dress, Swarovski accessories, no name fillet, BBup shoes, Miniprix handbag, Ray Ban sunglasses
Today's motto: “You were put on this earth to achieve your greatest self, to live out your purpose, and to do it courageously.” "There is no life without a purpose. The only question is whether you create these purposes yourself or leave it to your instincts to decide them for you." This is one of the thousands lines I've read and for a glimpse of a moment it made me realize lots of things, but after that nanosecond, I've went back to my eternal questions about life and purposes. Ohhh forgot to mention that this is the new me from a few months back, the person who always searches for a purpose. I like to think that living has a purpose, though an Indian guru, said something like this: life doesn't have any purpose, just live it". I like to think I have to accomplish my goal, so I can evolve spiritually. So...does life has a purpose or not, what do you think? The new me says: "Honestly I don't care", first time in my life when I just LIVE, without questioning. I'm just living the moment without analyzing it too much. Who cares about purposes when trees are blooming and I can walk by them, smell them and see them? We are fortunate that we are born and that we can enjoy what we have, the goal is to enjoy what you have and to not lose yourself in what you want to have.