joi, 17 aprilie 2014

Make good memories!

Amintirile  sunt un lucru neperisabil asa ca fi atent ce lasi in urma ta, la amintirile ce vrei sa te urmeze. Petrece timp cu familia si prietenii facand lucruri interesante! Daca memoria te lasa balta, cum face a  mea, fa poze sau scrie undeva amintirile care iti ridica moralul. De asemenea, amintiți-vă lucrurile bune sunt chiar după colț, o bauta buna sau o baie cu niște lumânări și sare de baie. Un râs bun la un stand up comedy show, hmmm ce zici de o masă bună ... sau cine știe ce face viața ta speciala. Sunt lucruri care la un moment dat au fost bune pentru mintea ta! Știu lucrurile materiale, stau o vreme cu noi și apoi dispar insa  pe de altă parte, amintirile nu pot fi vândute, luate, răpite sau demodate, ele sunt efectiv parte din noi si raman cu noi pana cand murim. Deci, creeaza momente memorabile cu sau fara bunuri materiale.

 Memories are all you take inevitably with you  in your life journey, so make them count! Make good memories with friends and  family. Do awesome  things! If you have a lazy  memory as mine, take maybe some photos, or write them down somewhere ,so you  can always remember tat life is pure joy. Also remember that good things are just around the corner, a  good hangout or a bath with some candles and  some bath salt. A good laugh with some stand up comedian, hmmm what about a good meal ...or who knows what makes your life special, are things that at some moment were good for your mind! I  know, that material thing, stay just a while with us and after that they vanish, on the other hand  memories can't be sold, taken, kidnap or outmoded are stick with you until you die. So make good memories with or without material goods.

Motto-ul de azi : “People leave strange little memories of themselves behind when they die.”

20 de comentarii:

  1. What a joy to see you so smiley, wid your fab tatoos!! You're a light Ella Keep enjoying life Love ! M-C

  2. I have really lazy memory so I try to take pics and write everything down.. Nice dress
    This is such cute spring outfit

  3. Ai dreptate în tot ceea ce spui. Aşa să facem!
    Îmi place la nebunie acest look. Rochia te avantajează maxim.

  4. I love your tattoos, you look amazing! Im new follower :)

  5. Imi place la nebunie cum iti vine rochita :D

  6. You are very nice. The delicate beauty. You look beautiful. <3
    Jesteś bardzo ładna!

  7. Wow,you look the dress and your tatoo awesome
    Keep intouch

  8. I agree with you, sometime all those good memories help to stay positive and move on. We live in such a material world and material things can make up feel satisfied or even happy for a while, but I don't really think that any person could live without such intangible things as love, friendship, care, understanding, trust and so on:) All those nice memories is all what we can call really ours, we can't borrow them or buy. Our life experience belong to us only and it's really great.
    I also want to say that I'm absolutely enchanted with your outfit and kind smile today, you look just brilliant in red:)
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Hi Ella! You look beautiful and adorable, the photos are so cool and you pose so beautifully! Love love love love your outfit from head to toe, and your tattoos are GORGEOUS and definitely make them appealing to look at! Great post sweetie, memories are all good, even through the good and the bad, it's all good!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you have a Happy Easter filled with chocolate heaven and peep clouds and family fun<3


    "Saúde & Beleza - Health & Beauty"

  10. The dress is so fun and playful, it really brings out your personality. :)) You're right we have to make good memories daily, and for that we should be present mentally. I try very hard to be in the moment everyday. Have a great weekend!


  11. pretty :) very cute dress

  12. Awesome blog. I love your outfit.Amazing pics! Would you mind following each other? Just let me know

  13. The colour of that dress looks great on you! Very positive blog - just followed! Please check out my blog and follow back if you like it! It would mean a lot to me! Thanks! :)

  14. Cute dress! Loving the colour

    Please check out my blog, thank you


  15. Your outfit is amazing! I'm in love with all of your tattoos *_*


  16. Nice Outfit!! <3

    Att. Alexa Bernal

  17. este superba rochita rosie si iti vine minunat!

  18. Ce frumoasa e combinatia asta, ghetele si geanta sunt super!!

  19. Super! Îți stă grozav cu rochia (o am și eu pe albastru)! Și arată tare bine cu ghetele!


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!