marți, 29 aprilie 2014

Just don't give up!

Trec printr-o perioada nu tocmai roz..Incerc in felul meu sa fiu puternica si sa imi tin zambetul pe buze. Am momente in care clachez si vreau sa plang ore in sir si vreau sa spun lucrurilor pe nume sau sa fug...Dar apoi intorc capul si vad ca si daca fug durerea, ma va urma. Ma irita oamenii care nu inteleg de ce lupti si iti zic simplu : "este cazul sa renunti ca doar te chinui". Urasc oamenii care cred ca stiu prin ce trec si ma urasc pe mine in cele din urma ca imi pasa prea mult...Dar toate trec si in timp, perioada asta precum alte perioade, bune sau rele  va fi doar o amintire. Asa ca nu am sa renunt. Pur si simplu nu vreau!!! Lupt pentru ca imi pasa.

                  I'm wearing a lovely dress from Sheinside.

                         You can order the dress from HERE
I'm going through a rough time.. I'm trying on my own way to be tough and to keep going with  the positive vibe. It's true I have moments when I just can't play this game anymore. I want to cry, until I forget why I'm crying, I want to slap people with my heavy words, I want to run..But I realize that even if I run, the pain will follow me. I started to hate people that won't fight, and they judge you because you do that, you fight  even if you struggle a lot. I also hate people that assume what I'm going through and in the end I hate myself because I care too much. But all these will be forgotten in a few months like other good or bad things in life. I just don't give up! I fight because I care!

Motto-ul de azi : “Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.”

24 de comentarii:

  1. I have no idea what exactly had happened to you, but I really hope everything will be all right in the end. I know, sometimes it's just impossible to be cool and stay strong, but such state of mind will not last forever. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise, you know.
    When I'm scrolling down your photographs I always think how joyous and vivid person you are, but at the same time we are only humans in flesh and blood. Picture can be perfect, but the soul may cry at the same time.
    Sending you a virtual hug:) Take care!

    1. Life happened. :) Well thank you very much Alexandra I've got your hug ;) I know that better days are to come!:)

  2. All I can say is that sometimes we are in a stouts ruin where it's imposible to think positive, no way to get rid of frustration and just can't take any more, tjis is the last phase of our worries.. As its said night is the deepest before sunrise..
    Be strong..
    You u look gorgeous in the pics and such pretty dress , it really suits you
    Keep in touch

  3. That is a wonderful dress! I really like the fact that you chose to add those cute socks! They look adorable in the look! :)

  4. I'm sorry to hear you are going through a tough time - just know that you are not alone. Focus on the things day to day that you can control and try to find the little things that make you happy. I'm wishing you the best and know that you will see the light again because you are a fighter. All the best and thanks for visiting my blog. I'm following you with Google Friend Connect and look forward to seeing more from you :)

    Meag xx

  5. heeei capul sus mereu!! va trece si perioada asta si totul va fi bine :) superba rochita si iti vine perfect, iar tu esti o draguta! pupici

  6. Just so gorgeous! The entire look is lovely and your dress magnificent. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog. Check out MY LOOKBOOK

    Louisa Moje

  7. Sa gasesti surse care sa te bine dispuna asa cum gasesc eu la tine. Imi place mult cum iti vine rochia! Sandalele cu sosote sunt adorabile. xo

  8. You're beautiful and very Classy.. Thanks for your inspirations,
    Love from, Francy Ugolini

  9. Oh sweety! This post is great!!
    Your blog is amazing! so I'll be happy if we could follow each other. Just let me know in my blog if you do it and I will follow back inmediatly!
    have a great looong weekend!
    xoxo from Spain

  10. Wow you look gorgeous! Cute dress :)

    I'd like to personally invite you to join my Chicnova Giveaway on GIRL ABOUT TOWN BLOG

  11. Im sorry you are feeling so..what I always think is that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, just keep to be strong and think of you. The dress is so cute and you look great!:) Send u a hug!

  12. Hi, your blog is very nice. I really feel what you write about. Thanks for your comment. I hope you will come back to my blog sometimes. I follow you on GFC, Bloglovin, facebook (Eszter Deme). xx

  13. Such a lovely dress!! :)
    You look so fabolous!!! Very in love with this look!

  14. Atitudinea ta este exact cea care trebuie să o avem cu toţii atunci când dăm de perioade mai grele. Indiferent de cât de greu ajunge să ne fie trebuie să luptăm până la ultima răsuflare.

    Arăţi excelent, iar ţinuta este YOU!

  15. Gal you look beyond beautiful!! Gorgeous outfit! All the pics were like a treat to eyes! You look like a princess!! <3

    Well I was wondering if we could follow each other via bloglovin, gfc, instagram, twitter, facebook and g+? Do visit my blog and let me know where you follow and I will follow back right away!! :)

    Have a happy week ahead!!

  16. frumoasa rochie! capul sus!!
    Bob este preferatul meu!!!


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!