sâmbătă, 23 august 2014

Animal print preconception...

In mod normal, animal print-ul nu este o optiune pentru mine. De ce? Mereu asociez animal print-ul cu prost gust-ul. Am vazut atat de multe "pitipoance" purtand excesiv acest imprimeu. Am decis totusi sa dau o sansa imprimeului intrucat el vine de la un animal magnific. Asa ca uite-ma acum cu destul de mult animal print pe mine. M-am decis sa fiu curajoasa si sa port cu drag ceea ce credeam ca are o reputatie deja distrusa.  Nu imi e frica de un imprimeu mai "greoi", intrucat stiu cum sa il amortizez si sa creez o tinuta decenta si frumoasa. Indispensabil acestui outfit este un fotograf bun dar si o prietena.

 I was wearing Meli Melo sun glasses, Fishbone dress, Accessorize bag, Bershka necklace and Terra Nova sneakers.

Normally I would never ever wear animal print. Why? Because I always associate it with bad taste. I've seen so many animal print outfits in such a bad combination that I've said I'll never wear animal print, since is cheap and bad taste. And here you see me, wearing plenty of animal print. You know what, if you find a good combination a bit of this wild taste won't ruin it, it will add a bit of spice. Enough with this. I'm not scared to wear anything, since I know how to make it look nice and in good taste. Of course a good photographer and a friend are always a great help when comes to such a sensitive outfit.

Mottp-ul zilei: "Never say never!"

18 comentarii:

  1. Super look. Pozdrawiam :) jusinx.blogspot.com

  2. iti vine tare bine! eu nu port, imi pare prea mult pentru mine!

  3. Exact impresia asta o aveam si eu pana de curand si am inceput sa mai port acum, imi place :)
    Faina rochia si desi imi pare originala si interesanta combinatia cu sneakersii, cred ca eu as fi ales ceva nude... cred ca nu sunt asa curajoasa :D
    Foarte faine pozele si culorile, te pup!


  4. Cunosc, cunosc, și eu simțeam la fel, dar am realizat că se poate purta și cu bun gust. Tu ești un exemplu în acest sens. :) Îmi place mult rochia, iar geanta e superbă...vreau și eu! :D

  5. this dress is so cool!:) I love how you styled it!♥


  6. wow! lovely dress, you look fantastic!

  7. black and white looks so good :D

  8. Love te outfit!

  9. The dress is so cool! I'm in love with the bag, the color is amazing. :))


  10. Woa, you look hot young lady! Si eu eram de aceeasi parere in legatura cu acest print din cauza multitudinii de exemple negative ce le vazusem, dar in ultimul timp a inceput sa-mi placa si mi-am mai achizitionat una alta. Atat timp cat nu se exagereaza cred ca e chiar dragut, ca in cazul tau. Imi plac mult rochita si tenisii <3


  11. I was trying this dress in New Yorker, gorgeous!

    If you up for following let me know :)


    Katja from Slovenia

  12. Purtat cu stil , leopardul poate arata super chic, imi place combinatia asta. Nici eu nu prea sunt adepta "leo" dar arata atat de bine cand e purtat cu gust !!!:)

  13. beautiful post, really intresting!

  14. You are gorgeous. I'm not big animal print fan, but it's look amazing on you. Love that dress. <3


  15. I really like your shoes & the bag too. Amazing post! Thanks for sharing this post here! Would you like to follow each other on GFC,
    Google+ & Bloglovin? Lemme know &
    keep in touch!



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