vineri, 8 august 2014

How and when to draw a line?

Trezirea, cel mai dificil lucru pentru mine. Ador vacantele si somnul profund, visarea fara limite. Ma gandeam cand decidem ca este suficient, cand tragem linie si mergem mai departe? Si totusi de ce avem nevoie de limite? Nu putem sa vedem cand ne abatem de la drum? Nu folosesc prea des cuvantul STOP, doar atunci cand este cazul pentru ca sunt departe de drumul meu. Libertatea, ce senzatie placuta dar inselatoare. Deci cand este nevoie de linii? Nu am creioanele cu mine, dar am prieteni care la nevoie ma palmuiesc si ma trag din visare. Si acum niste poze din concediu, unde am fost LIBERA!!! 

Wake up, vacation is over. Stop dreaming! This is what I have to deal with every morning. When do we draw a line? When do we decide that we had enough and we have to move forward? Why we drawing lines? Aren't we able to see when we lose the right path? I don't find very often the word STOP in my vocabulary, so when I have to use it, it means I exceeded all lines. I like being free, but sometimes freedom is quite tricky. So when do we need to draw a line? I don't have a pencil, but this is when my friends know that I've overcome a limit, and they slap me. I wake up but my mind is still free! I'll let you enjoy some pictures I've did this summer.

Today's motto : "The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."

6 comentarii:

  1. drawing a lone , speccially with vacation is so difficult .. i just came back from mine and still thinking about it
    u got amazing shots of your super fun holiday
    keep in touch

  2. Ai ai ai ce de poze frumoase, marea mea draga in seara asta o sa ma gandesc indelung la ea! <3

  3. oh, my, looks like you had an amazing summer:) Those photographs turned out so great, you are glowing from happiness, I swear. The place is also marvelous, I do love spending time near the sea shore, such moments impossible to forget!
    Wish you a great day ahead, dear Ella:)

  4. Great photos, makes me wana go on holidays! Visit me on my blog, maybe follow? kisses x

  5. Ce frumoase sunt pozele !


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