vineri, 26 septembrie 2014

About collaborations.

Hey all,

Well today I was thinking to talk about blog collaborations. We all collaborate with one or another site. I want to say that Oasap has been so far my greatest collaboration right beside the Ucca project. They are constantly reward me and their clothes, jewellery,etc are good quality. I encourage collaboration with Oasap team, you'll not regret it.  I do have other nice collaborations but Oasap is the constant one.
I wanted to talk about Oasap since they are an international online shop. And because in this post I'm wearing their lovely skirt. :)

I was wearing H&M cardigan, Fishbone t-shirt and  Oasap skirt

 Today's quote: “Collaboration is about “team work.” It’s not a cliché, it’s a practical reality.”

luni, 22 septembrie 2014

Fall I want to love you less!

   A venit si toamna. Sunt in mijlocul unui sezon ciudat care imi aprofundeaza sentimentele de tot soiul, le inmulteste, le simplica, le amplifica si le reduce la 0.  Asta imi face toamna mie, ma debusoleaza mai rau decat sunt eu in mod normal. As vrea sa urasc toamna, dar mereu ma surprind cochetand cu ea. Imi place acest sezon, ma regasesc in acest mix haotic. Impredictibila si nestatornica, incat este imposibil sa nu iubesti toamna. Vorbind de mixuri, ce ziceti de mixul meu vestimentar.
   Clar Oasap este un magazin online pe placul meu, gasesti de toate pentru toate bugetele, iar calitatea este buna in raport cu pretul. Hainele Ucca sunt deosebite si de calitate, iar bijuteriile Neo's Biannchy nu sunt deloc de ignorat.

I was wearing Oasap sweater , Ucca skirts, Terra Nova tops, Neo's Biannchy necklace, Outlet boots,Converse sneakers.

 You should definitely visit they have such a variety of clothes, you will find something to fit your taste on Oasap.

Mottou-ul de azi: “I want to say something so embarrassing about September that even the leaves start blushing and turning red.”

Well I have arrived to this, again... I'm in the middle of a strange season, and in the middle of my mixed feelings. This is what fall does to me, confuses me even more than I'm regularly. I want to hate her, but I find myself loving this season even more. It's like me, never know what to expect, it's unpredictable and you just can't not love this season.

sâmbătă, 13 septembrie 2014

Ucca project!

Atunci cand cineva iti propune sa fi imaginea unui site, ramai fara cuvinte. Treci peste soc si incerci sa asimilezi ce ti s-a zis. Iti suni familia si prietenii sa  impartasesti vestea..;))) Sincer nici prin cap nu mi-a trecut acum 1 an cand m-am apucat de blogging ca voi avea colaborari sau ca ma voi tine de treaba mai mult de 1 luna. Ucca pentru mine  a fost un imbold si o realizare. La prima intanlire cu baietii, am ramas fascinata de lejeritatea in conversatii de care am dat toti dovada. A fost ca si cum ne cunosteam de ceva timp si totul nu era decat o revedere cu o propunere de colaborare. E greu sa gasesti oamnei cu asa mult bun simt cum sunt baietii Ucca. Si mai greu este sa ai o colaborare bazata  pe intelgere reciproca. Sincer produsele inca din poze m-au fascinat. Culori, ce poti cere mai mult, decat o sumedenie de culori? Apoi cand am primit produsele pentru pozat, am ramas din nou impresionata de calitatea produselor si de povestea lor. Recomand cu caldura un lucru calitativ si cu o poveste decat un lucru mondern si tras la indingo. Primul shooting m-a prins intr-o stare excelenta, cum se poate vedea in poze. Toata echipa a pus la dispozitie cate ceva is uite ce minunatie am reusit sa scoatem.  Diversitatea la Ucca este vasta, de la zeci de modele la diferite culori de la maiouri la rochite, tot ce trebe este niscaiva timp sa treci prin toate produsele Ucca si putere de decizie. Eu una sunt o indecisa prin definitie. Si cand imi pui sub nas o asa armata de produse unde nu's doua la fel, ma debusolez complet. Klaudia nu conteneste sa ma uimeasca cu talentul ei. Sincer cu un asa fotograf si asa produse colaborarea nu putea duce decat la ceva frumos.
Multumesc Ucca pentru incredere  si multumesc Klaudia pentru sinceritate si rabdare. :)

I was wearing&bracelets  Neo's Biannchy earrings, Ucca  top&bag , Converse sneakers, Miss Miss jeans, Fishbone skirt, Levis shorts, and Meli Melo glasses. 

A small part of Ucca project, I'll do another post with their bags soon.

 This post is about my collaboration with Ucca team.  The Ucca boys have asked me if I want to be the image of their site. I didn't realize the importance of this request until the site was online. This project was one of the best thing that happen to me in the last few years regarding personal achievements. Their colorful products, their  ambitions, good will and friendly nature, Klaudia's talent and my looks gave life to their project. In a few words this is how Ucca got life.

 Today's quote: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.”

marți, 9 septembrie 2014

Getting to know each other!

In prietenie ca intr-un mariaj ajungi la o intelegere mutuala, la permisivitate si toleranta mai ridicate. Asta este frumusetea prieteniei uneori, alteori daca 2 personalitati puternice sunt puse in acelasi milkshake, e posibil sa nu fie tocmai cel mai reusit mix. Ador prieteniile colorate si cu personalitati diversificate, intrucat sunt genul de persoana care se muleaza. Daca grupului lipseste o persona vesele uite-ma, daca lipseste personajul morocanos, sunt prezenta..etc. Si uite asa m-am ales cu personalitati multiple (GLUMESC)ci doar cu mai multe grupuri de prieteni. Un exemplu de poli opusi, de milkshake reusit, suntem eu si Smaranda, prietena mea de mai bine de 7 ani. In prietenie pe langa capricii si nazuri e nevoie si de sutinere si sinceritate. Prieteni dragi va iubesc, dar mai cititi-mi blogul! Din prietenie daca nu din interes. ;)

I was wearing BB-up sandals, Atmosphere shirt, Accessorize bag, no name skirt and Atelier de creatie Biannchy earnings.

In friendship like in marriage we get to a mutual understanding to higher permissiveness and tolerance. This is the beauty of friendship, but sometimes if you mix too many strong personalities, you might get not such a great taste for your milkshake. I'm a big fan of colorful friendship,because I'm  the kind of person that fits no matter what. If the group lacks a cheerful persona, you've got me, if there isn't a grumpy character around, damn I would be thrilled to be that one. so on...This is why I have multiple personalities (kidding) but this is why I belong to a few groups. Me and my friend Smaranda are the perfect example of friends with totally opposite personalities for more than 7 years. Well friends I love you and all, but you could read my blog, I know you already know what is in my mind, but I do need  views. ;)

Today's quote : “The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”