miercuri, 5 noiembrie 2014

Going back and forth.

 Este asa de usor sa zici "decide-te odata" ..atunci cand problema nu este a ta. Este asa dificil sa iei o decizie. Si mai greu este sa zici, gata am terminat aici, este timpul sa o iau de la capat. Iubesc inceputurile dar in acelasi timp le urasc. Senzatia de piele de gaina si fluturasii in stomac sunt partea buna la inceputuri, insa finalul este de cele mai multe ori in lacrimi si regrete. Din pacate nu cred in "happy endings" dar cred in inceputuri fericite...desi, daca stau sa ma gandesc bine, nu am avut multe inceputuri. O parte din mine este asa visatoare, crede in oameni, in natura, in soarta, in dragoste, cred in orice ma poate face sa ma simt bine si imi incalzeste ziua. Tu in ce crezi? Frumosilor nu uitati sa vizitati magazinul online TB.

I was wearing  my lovely TB coat, H&M hat, Bershka necklace, Terra Nova skirt, Miniprix shoes.

It's so easy to say "make up your mind"...when the problem doesn't concern you...And it's so difficult to make a decision. Damn it's too hard to say I'm done, I'm able to start over. Man I love and hate at the same time beginnings. They give you goosebumps and butterflies, but they also could end in tears and deception. Unfortunately I don't believe in happy ends but I do believe in happy beginnings...although I didn't have many..:) I'm a believer. I tend to believe in people, nature, faith, love and everything that could make me feel better and would worm up my day. What do you believe in? Well don't forget that you could by lovely and cheap clothes from Tbdress, online shop. You never know how many secrets could lie in HERE

 Today's quote: "When you smile about the life you live, you end up living a life worth smiling about."

12 comentarii:

  1. making up mind in difficut situation , ahhh , su[er easy to suggest and really difficult to do .. and I am really bad at handeling the mixed feeling at the bwggning new.
    DO I havr to say , u look gorgeous and I loved your outfit , I guess must be bored of hearing that but cant help it , have to say , u look fab

  2. Lovely coat! I loved the color ^^

    Join my International Giveaway with OASAP ^^
    xoxo :*

  3. Pfff... tot ce poti sa faci e sa pierzi nopti in fum de tigara gandindu-te care-i cea mai buna solutie, ce trebuie sa faci! Si intodeauna impreuna cu prietenele!

  4. Coat is fantastic!!


  5. Great post... I really like this colorful combination :)

    Have a nice day ♥

    Dragica | Blog| Instagram| Facebook

  6. I really need an orange coat <3 That one is fantastic! Thank you for stopping by my blog, by the way! It was nice to have you! I appreciate your support on Chictopia, also. Keep up the wonderful style!

    - Anna


  7. I love this coat :)


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!