Este timpul sa judecam putin. Incerc sa nu judec, eu fiind de cand ma stiu judecata. Dar am si eu limitele mele iar atunci cand vad oameni vanitosi si prosti limitele tolerantei sunt cu mult depasite. Cand incerci sa intelegi si sa ajuti pe toata lumea, e posibil sa ai si surprize, nu chiar placute, pentru ca uneori prostia merge mana in mana cu vanitatea. Pe de alta parte imi displac profund oameni lasi care se ascund dupa functia/pozitia lor de la locul de munca. Oamenii care au frustrari si tind sa improaste cuvinte grele pe fraierii care sunt sensibili sau putinii oameni care mai au inima, si le pasa de cum se simte X sau Y azi. As zice ca oamenii vanitosi si cei lasi sunt acei oameni care imi pun limitele la incercare. Tie ce iti displace profund la caracterul uman?
I was wearing C&A purse, Mango jacket,Kenvelo t-shirt,Meli Melo neckace.
It's time to judge, even if it's not a good thing to
do. I try to not judge people, since I've been judged almost all of my
life. But when I see a shake of stupidity and vanity, man that's my
limit. I don't get people that are too vain, when they really don't have
any reason to be... When you try to help and understand everyone, you may have a surprise. There are people that don't want to be helped, even if they really need a strong hand, they are too proud to admit that. On the other hand we have revenging people
usually people that have a bit of power. If they are injured and they
can't harm back that person, they will stab and bit the first person
that is sensible or the first person they see an d gives a shit about
them. Vain people and coward people are the people that I really can't
stand and I wish I could scream this in their faces. What get on your nerves? Today's quote: "Vanity can easily overtake wisdom. It usually overtakes common sense."
The winer from the Oasap giveaway is Georgiana Boiasu lucky number 50! Congratulations my dear!
Nice said! Blog is nicely maintained. Fashion is moving on. To stay trendy, see yourself in cute juniors clothing! They really add a nice shape to your body.
Nice look pretty.
This awesome blog is nice! To be in line with nowadays trends, enjoy yourself in booty lifting jeans ! Will shape you like a charm or a diet.
RăspundețiȘtergereBeautiful layering! This is super cute and I love your bag <3 Congrats to the giveaway winner! :D
RăspundețiȘtergere- Anna
Great look :)
RăspundețiȘtergereI absolutely love this outfit!!!
Those kind of people make me mad too! They really are hard to understand!
RăspundețiȘtergereLove this sweet fall outfit! Your skirt is beautiful and I really love that jean jacket!
Beautiful Outfit
RăspundețiȘtergereIch würde mich freuen, wenn du meinen Blog besuchen würdest & mir vielleicht auch folgst, wenn er dir gefällt. :)
Nice said! Blog is nicely maintained. Fashion is moving on. To stay trendy, see yourself in cute juniors clothing! They really add a nice shape to your body.