miercuri, 22 aprilie 2015

No need to be "sparkly" to be noticed.

 In călătoria vieții noastre, cunoaștem oameni, tot soiul de oameni. Oameni care vor rămâne și ne vor schimba, alții care sunt trecători și poate ne schimbă și genul de oameni care trec prin viata noastră ca niște umbre, fără sa lase urme. Ei bine..iubesc oamenii colorați care marchează locurile unde au fost. Nu ne-au schimbat, nu au contat și totuși când ne gândim la ei pur și simplu râdem.
Îmi place sa cred despre mine ca sunt o umbră colorată. Nu schimb vieți, nu am opinii puternice, nu intru în contradicții des și totuși, pe unde am trecut am presărat pudra colorata ca sa "marchez" cumva trecerea mea. In felul acesta oamenii își vor amintii mereu de acea fătucă nebună care râde și vorbește mult. Nu este nevoie sa fi "sclipitoare" pentru a fi remarcată. 

I was wearing Zara jeans, Accessorize bag, Oasap jacket, Meli Melo jewelries, Miha's cotton candy.

In our lifes journey we meet people, all sort of people. People that might stay and change us, others that are passing by, changing us or not, and some that don't count, they pass through our lives without marking them, like shadows. Well.. I love those colorful people that mark the places where they've been. They didn't change us, they didn't count but still, whenever you think about them or see them you simply smile.
I like to think about myself like a colorful shadow, I don't change lives, I don't have strong opinions, I don't argue often, but wherever I've been, a little mark has been left behind. This way people will always remember that insane little girl that laughs and talks a lot. There is no need to be "sparkly" to be noticed.

Thanks KK for being always the best! And thank you people for crossing/changeing my life all day long!

Today's quote : "We don't meet certain people by accident, they are meant to cross our path for a specific reason..."

13 comentarii:

  1. you are so beautiful
    new post : http://melodyjacob1.blogspot.com/

  2. Childhood happiness is written in your smile. :)
    You are "sparkly" in a good way!

  3. Hi there babe, how isit going?
    Lovely blog, great post darling, thanks for sharing this with us..
    U look amazing and u got me raving for a candfloss now :(
    Follow back if you don't mind.

    Visit me whenever you have time;

    Anyway have a lovely week!
    Stay in touch.

  4. Foarte faine fotografii! Îmi place mult ținuta!

  5. Love this look :)


  6. great post! I love your style! have a nice day^^

    would you like to follow each other? If you follow me, please let me know.
    I will follow you back for sure. thank you so much! =D

  7. Perfect look! I love the flower details on the purse. so cute.

    xo, Bry


  8. Perfect look! I love the flower details on the purse. so cute.

    xo, Bry


  9. Miha, esti tare faina si inauntru si pe afara! :)

  10. This look is indeed noticeable even without "blings". :)

  11. Esti o tipa tare dragalasa. In toate pozele esti asa zambareata. Pup


  12. I like the looks, all cute! <3


Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!