duminică, 20 decembrie 2015

Poetry reminds me of you!

   Cândva, cineva mi-a trimis acest poem, a zis că citindu-l gândul i-a zburat la mine:
"I ache for you. It’s three in the morning, and I’m grasping for an excuse not to call you. I used to be fearless. I used to be invincible. But now my fingers are fumbling for the empty space of your outline on my bed sheets. I’m sitting here trying to convince myself that I don’t want you –but the more I say it the less I believe it. I am starting to accept that you never loved me. And it’s sad because I don’t think you see how beautiful you are to me. Your face was the light that chased away the shadows, every nightmare, every fear. But you burned out and now I’m learning to be afraid of the dark once again."  Simt cu adevărat fiecare cuvânt al acestei poezii, și doresc să o adreseze tuturor celor pe care, odată i-am iubit și i-am văzut fără cusur.
   Sărbători fericite oameni buni și nu uitați să oferiți dragoste și bunătate. Nu o să recomand ținute de Crăciun sau rochii elegante întrucât eu, îmi petrec Crăciunul cu familia purtând "acel" flanel urat specific Crăciunului.

I was wearing C&A hat, Dressin skirt, ClockHouse scarf, Stradivarius shoes, Sisley bag,no name sweater & coat

  Once someone send me this poetry, said that reading is, it reminded of me. :
"I ache for you. It’s three in the morning, and I’m grasping for an excuse not to call you. I used to be fearless. I used to be invincible. But now my fingers are fumbling for the empty space of your outline on my bed sheets. I’m sitting here trying to convince myself that I don’t want you –but the more I say it the less I believe it. I am starting to accept that you never loved me. And it’s sad because I don’t think you see how beautiful you are to me. Your face was the light that chased away the shadows, every nightmare, every fear. But you burned out and now I’m learning to be afraid of the dark once again." I truly feel every word of this poetry, and I wish to address it to all the mean I once loved and seen flawless.
   Happy holidays, folks and have don't forget to spread love and kindness. I'll not recommend any dress or outfit for the Christmas party, since I like to spend the Christmas home, with my family, wearing "that" ugly Christmas sweater.

 Today's quote: "Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone."

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2015

Someone who knows how she likes her coffee.

În fiecare zi se trezește devreme ca să-și savureze cafeaua cu lapte de soia. Uneori, adoră liniștea căminului ei, însă alteori ar mai sta la "hârjoneală" înainte de muncă cu cineva care știe cum îşi bea cafeaua, pentru că ea deja știe cum "el" o preferă pe a lui. Are 2 opțiuni când vine vorba de a merge la muncă, cu tramvaiul sau pe picioare, depinde de starea de spirit. Atunci când merge pe picioare, abia ce rămâne conectată la ceea ce este în jur, poate un om fără adăpost o mai scoate din visare și, uneori  îi dă bani, însă doar dacă nu cere. Când merge cu tramvaiul are obiceiul de a analiza mult oamenii, citește mâhnirea, plictisul sau fericirea de pe chipurile lor, apoi se întoarce la visarea cu ochii deschiși. (De obicei, mâinile și ochii spun despre om, mai mult decât ar face-o el însuși.) Își dorește să schimbe lumea, chiar dacă schimbarea ar fi la o scară prea mică. Azi și-a făcut un prieten în stația de tramvai, un cățel minunat, cățelul a petrecut-o până la tramvai, apoi a stat cuminte şi s-a uitat cum ea pleacă spre rutina zilnică. Asta a întristat-o dar, a și bucurat-o în același timp şi asta din cauză că, pentru câteva minute a avut parte de un moment sincer de prietenie și bucurie. Aceste momente sunt rare și amândoi s-au bucurat de moment din plin. (Toată ziua, și ziua următoare s-a gândit la amicul din stația de tramvai, trebuie să-și cumpere o casă ca apoi să înceapă schimbarea la care visează)

I was wearing Deichmann boots, Meli Melo hat, handmade earrings and gloves, H&M scarf Stradivarius belt, Sisley bag and ZNU dress.

Every day she wakes up earlier to enjoy her coffee with soya milk. Sometimes, she enjoys the solitude of her home, but other times she wishes, she could giggle with someone one before work, someone who knows how she likes her coffee, as she already know how 'he' likes his. She goes to work, with tram or by feet, it depends on her mood. When she goes by feet, she barely notice the people's faces, cuz radio music takes her far away, she might notice the homeless people, sometimes she gives them money, but only to those who don't ask . When she's in tram, she inspects all the faces, she sees the pain, the joy, the boredom all the human expressions, and after she begins her daily daydreaming.(Usually the hands and the eyes of people say more about them than, they will ever know how to express with words) She wishes she can change the world, even if that is in small proportion. Today she made a friend while waiting the tram, a lovely dog. When she got in the tram, the dog stand there and looked at her, as she was going to her daily routine. That made her sad and happy in the same time. Happy, because for a few minutes, she and the dog had a sincerely moment of bounding and joy. These moments are rare and both enjoyed the moment fully. Sad, because she couldn't help to much the dog. (All that day,and the day after she thought about that friend, she has to buy a house in order to do that small changed she's dreaming about)

Today's motto: "One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm."

joi, 10 decembrie 2015

What's the deal with LOVE?

Care-i treaba cu DRAGOSTEA? Pare a fi lucrul cel mai greu de atins. Într-un cerc infinit de oportunităţi, noi ne limităm la o singură persoană şi doar la aceea. Personalitatea ta pare a fi ciudată, dar pentru cineva e cea mai frumoasă. Poate nu-ţi plac picioarele tale, dar alţii le văd minunate. Şoldurile tale sunt feminine şi, nu, nu eşti grasă eşti doar cu forme "rubensiene". Deci, din nou, de ce este atât de greu -ţi găseşti sufletul pereche? Ai o mulţime de oameni care te plac pentru diverse motive, dar tu, tu, te-ai blocat undeva cu cineva. Noi toţi ne plângem nu putem găsi pe cineva care se potrivească perfect cu noi, dar poate avem nevoie ne ajustăm un pic aşteptările, sau scoatem ce e mai bine din ceea ce avem deja. Tânjesc după sentimentul de "îndrăgostire", şi am avut parte din belşug de el în acest an, însă eu încă îmi mai doresc asta. E ca ciocolata, o dependenţă care te face te simţi bine şi rău în acelaşi timp

I was wearing Shein dress, Meli Melo sunglasses, Oasap jacket, and many "no name" items.

Today's quote: "Love isn't something you find. Love is something that finds you."

What's the deal with LOVE? Man... this seems to be the hardest thing to achieve. It's a big circle of opportunities but still we limit ourselves around one person, and that one only. Your personality might be strange but, for someone it's the best one, you don't like your legs, but others see them lovely. You're hips are feminine and you're not fat, just big boned. So again, why it's so hard to find your soul mate?  You have lots of people that like you for various motives, but you're stuck somewhere with someone. We all complain that we can't find someone that will perfectly match with us, but maybe we need to lose a bit of our expectations or, to take out the best from what we already have. I crave for the "in love" feeling, and I had it a lot this year, but i still want more. It's like chocolate, an addiction that makes you feel good and bad in the same time.