miercuri, 12 octombrie 2016

Emotions, jazz, and a grasshopper

   Mă impresionează te miri ce tâmpenie, cum ar fi lăcusta ce am văzut-o ieri cu'n picior rupt, încercând să se ridice. Am stat şi m-am uitat la ea, i-aş fi curmat viaţă, însă nu sunt Dumnezeu, aş fi dus-o afară însă nu mai era de ea, la insecte un handicap de genul, e sfârşitul lor. Aşa ca am stat, m-am uitat la ea, m-am întristat, mi-am dat seama ce neajutoraţi suntem şi noi şi mai rău e atunci când trebuie să înveţi să accepţi că nu poţi face nimic, decât să asişti la suferinţă şi poate să încerci să diminuezi puţin din durere.
   Repriza doi de simpatii, empatii, emoţii mixte, etc a venit de la Lady Gaga cântând jazz cu Tony Bennett, şi tributul lui Stevie Wonder. Şi ce m-a mişcat a fost naturaleţea ei de a cânta jazz, m-a mişcat atât de tare încât aproape am plâns. Am văzut omul simplu din spatele măştilor, omul cu care mă pot identifica, am văzut talent şi pasiune. Apoi enșpe mii de artişti cântau pentru Stevie Wonder.                  
  M-am trezit cu o lacrimă pe obraz, pentru că mi-am dat seama că nimic nu te poate ţine în loc dacă ştii ce vrei, dacă ai talent şi munceşti, Stevie Wonder a fost şi este pentru artiştii de peste tot un zeu. Mă simt bine şi mândră că pe mine încă mă mişcă lucrurile mărunte, mă simt mândră de sensibilitatea mea, deşi adesea lumii i se pare nenatural să te bucuri pentru o acadea sau un pix primit la o conferinţă. Mă mişcă tot ce-mi provoacă o cât de mică emoţie, un fior sau o amintire de mult uitată.

I was wearing ClockHouse blaser, no name pants and accesories, MONTI shoes, Zara shirt. 

   I'm impressed by you wonder what nonsenses such as the grasshopper that I saw yesterday with her broken leg, trying to get up. I stood and looked at her, I would have disrupted her life, but I'm no God, I would've took her out, but there isn't any place for her out there,a handicap like that for an insect, it's the end. So I stayed, I've looked, I grieved, and I realized how helpless we are, and  worse is when you have to learn to accept that you can't do nothing but watch the suffering and maybe you can try to diminish the pain.
   Half-two sympathy, empathy, mixed emotions, etc. came from Lady Gaga singing jazz with Tony Bennett and the Stevie Wonder's tribute. What moved me was her naturalness of singing jazz, moved me so hard that I almost cried. I saw the simple person behind the mask, the person with whom I can identify, I saw talent and passion. Then countless artists sang for Stevie Wonder. I woke with a tear on the cheek, because I realized that nothing can hold you  back if you know what you want, if you have talent and if you work  hard, Stevie Wonder was and still is for all artists a God.
   I feel good and proud of me, that little things still move me, I feel proud of my sensibility, though often it seems unnatural to this world to enjoy a small gift like a lollipop or a pen received at a conference. Whatever causes me a small emotion, a thrill or even an old forgot memory, it moves me and makes me want more.

Today's thought : "University can teach you skill and give you opportunity, but it can't teach you sense, nor give you understanding. Sense and understanding are produced within one's soul."

8 comentarii:

  1. I completely love your hair color and the place where you took the photos !!

    Nice outfit and nice booots !

  2. Your hair color is love
    Keep in touch

  3. imi plac pantalonii, imi place parul, ghetutele si sacosica...imi placi :)

  4. Foarte faine pozele si tinuta ta cool! Imi plac mult pantalonii ❤️ Te pup


  5. Matthew 4:17 Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven has come near. Matthew 18:11 For The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

  6. You are so cool! Love your casuals all the time. And your hair color is just hair goals!

  7. That is sucj a quirky and cute outfit! You are totally rocking the violet hair & I adooore the colour of your shoes <3



Thank you very much for passing by and for your opinion.Hope you will come back soon. Have a wonderful day!