duminică, 31 august 2014

Eternal wandering.

Stii cine esti? Esti pe drumul spre ceea ce ti-ai propus? Esti fericit? Intrucat nu sunt sigura de ceea ce ar trebui sa devin, inca ratacesc. Pana o sa gasesc locul special pe care il caut, am ales sa coexist alaturi de celalalte suflete ratacite. In speranta de a nu fi vazuta sau judecata.  Deseori ma intreb care este telul meu pe pamant. Este suficient sa respir, sa imi pese si sa traiesc? Oare trebuie sa fac mai mult decat atat? Trebuie sa fiu curajoasa si puternica? Sau sa exist ca toti ceilalti? Doar intreaba-te cine esti? Te las acum sa iti gasesti singur drumul tau, in speranta ca nu vei rataci ca mine...

I was wearing Terra Nova top and sneakers, Pull and Bear skirt, and Bershka purse. Handmade necklace from Bianca Luminita and her lovely boutique Atelier de creatie Biannchy

Do you know who you are? Are you what you've dreamed to become? Are you happy? Since I'm not sure who am I supposed to become I'm still wandering in my fantasy. Until I find my special place I would love to just co exist. To not be seen to not be judged. I often wonder what is my purpose on Earth. It's enough to just breath, care and live? Do I have to do much more than this? Do I have to be brave and powerful? Or I just have to live like everyone else..? Just ask yourself who you are? I'll let you find you own way, or maybe you'll get lost like me in the eternal wandering..

Today's quote: “Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF.” 

sâmbătă, 23 august 2014

Animal print preconception...

In mod normal, animal print-ul nu este o optiune pentru mine. De ce? Mereu asociez animal print-ul cu prost gust-ul. Am vazut atat de multe "pitipoance" purtand excesiv acest imprimeu. Am decis totusi sa dau o sansa imprimeului intrucat el vine de la un animal magnific. Asa ca uite-ma acum cu destul de mult animal print pe mine. M-am decis sa fiu curajoasa si sa port cu drag ceea ce credeam ca are o reputatie deja distrusa.  Nu imi e frica de un imprimeu mai "greoi", intrucat stiu cum sa il amortizez si sa creez o tinuta decenta si frumoasa. Indispensabil acestui outfit este un fotograf bun dar si o prietena.

 I was wearing Meli Melo sun glasses, Fishbone dress, Accessorize bag, Bershka necklace and Terra Nova sneakers.

Normally I would never ever wear animal print. Why? Because I always associate it with bad taste. I've seen so many animal print outfits in such a bad combination that I've said I'll never wear animal print, since is cheap and bad taste. And here you see me, wearing plenty of animal print. You know what, if you find a good combination a bit of this wild taste won't ruin it, it will add a bit of spice. Enough with this. I'm not scared to wear anything, since I know how to make it look nice and in good taste. Of course a good photographer and a friend are always a great help when comes to such a sensitive outfit.

Mottp-ul zilei: "Never say never!"

marți, 19 august 2014

Sheinside Publisher Program

Sheinside Publisher Program

This is the first time that I'm writing about Sheinside Publisher Program. People, Sheinside Publisher Program is a good way to earn commission for fashion bloggers who loves writing anything that is fashion related. There are two collaboration methods, which are "By Orders", in which you'll get 10% commission per order, or "By Sign-ups" where you can get $0.3 per sign-up. You'll simply publish any Sheinside's promotion and wait for the commissions to come.

Occasionally, Sheinside would do special activities for you to earn extra credits. You could also submit links to them and earn $15 monthly.


  • Earn commissions while blogging,cool isn't it?
  • Whenever you post a promotion, it helps your readers who are an avid shoppers.
  • No ideas, no problem you can write about Sheinside.
  • You need to apply to join the said program. You must input all information needed completely.
  • You should fill the Social Platform Option with all your social links. Not just "Tumblr, Facebook. Instagram", but with the whole URL to those site.
  • You should share one Sheinside promotion along with three products.
  • Log in to your account and submit the link in "PP- $ 5 for the new members” in the “Submit Links” option. " You will get $5 commission on your account as soon as you submit the link.
  • Each person can only register once.
NOW, they have a new activity for new members of Sheinside Publisher Program. If you join now, you could get $5 commission.

Register now to Sheinside Publisher Program, create an introductory post by sharing a promotions and three products from Sheinside. After publishing your post, submit the link to Sheinside and you'll get $5 after they evaluate it. Simple as that.

What are you waiting for? Join now! :)

vineri, 15 august 2014

Surprise me!

  Cui nu ii plac surprizele? Te simti special atunci cand din senin cineva iti ofera un mic cadou. Cand mi se intampla mie sa primesc un cadou spontan ma pierd toata. Sunt efectiv asa fericita si ma simt asa importanta ca imi vine sa tip de fericire. Nu conteaza ce este, ci gestul in sine. Ideea ca cineva s-a gandit la mine pur si simplu. Si eu fac surprize placute, dar si unele mai neplacute pentru ca sunt amuzante. In definitiv ideea postarii era sa nu uitam din cand in cand sa le spunem oamenilor, sa le spunem ca, conteaza, ca sunt importanti..pentru ca altfel nu stii cand pleaca din viata ta. Nu avem nevoie de un alt corp cald langa noi, avem nevoie de trairi si gesturi spontane. De aceea spun "Surprinde-ma!"

I was wearing: Bershka jeans, Deichmann shoes, Meli Melo earrings, Terranova shirt no name bag and hat.

  Who doesn't like to be surprised? Don't you feel special when you receive a gift for no reason at all? Well, when this happens to me, I feel the most special person in the galaxy!:) Could be a candy, a necklace, a flower or something how small I feel like that person thought about me for one moment. I love to surprise people, unfortunately I do also bad surprises, it's more fun! Anyways we should care more and we could let people know that they are important, because you never know when they'll turn their back, because they feel unimportant! We don't need warm bodies near us we need warm words and acts! So I say "Surprise me!"

Today's quote :"You take away all the other luxuries in life, and if you can make someone smile and laugh, you have given the most special gift: happiness."

vineri, 8 august 2014

How and when to draw a line?

Trezirea, cel mai dificil lucru pentru mine. Ador vacantele si somnul profund, visarea fara limite. Ma gandeam cand decidem ca este suficient, cand tragem linie si mergem mai departe? Si totusi de ce avem nevoie de limite? Nu putem sa vedem cand ne abatem de la drum? Nu folosesc prea des cuvantul STOP, doar atunci cand este cazul pentru ca sunt departe de drumul meu. Libertatea, ce senzatie placuta dar inselatoare. Deci cand este nevoie de linii? Nu am creioanele cu mine, dar am prieteni care la nevoie ma palmuiesc si ma trag din visare. Si acum niste poze din concediu, unde am fost LIBERA!!! 

Wake up, vacation is over. Stop dreaming! This is what I have to deal with every morning. When do we draw a line? When do we decide that we had enough and we have to move forward? Why we drawing lines? Aren't we able to see when we lose the right path? I don't find very often the word STOP in my vocabulary, so when I have to use it, it means I exceeded all lines. I like being free, but sometimes freedom is quite tricky. So when do we need to draw a line? I don't have a pencil, but this is when my friends know that I've overcome a limit, and they slap me. I wake up but my mind is still free! I'll let you enjoy some pictures I've did this summer.

Today's motto : "The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever."