vineri, 19 decembrie 2014

Christmas time!

It's almost Christmas. We all can feel it by just looking at the shops showcases, on the streets or at the people's windows. Definitely the mood is on, so there is one little thing to do. Go shopping and find the perfect gift for the people you love.  If you don't wanna go shopping, which is annoying with all the people in search for the same thing as you, then go shopping online. I recommend you the aprons made by my friend Smaranda. We have them for the chefs but also for the chefs help. 
 Just take a look at this wonderful aprons and let the Christmas mood overwhelm you, go bake some cookies,or help mom in the kitchen!:) 

For more details contact Smaranda at

Today's  thoughts: “Out of love I made you a cake. Also out of milk, eggs, flour, sugar, and vanilla.”

joi, 11 decembrie 2014

A smile on their faces.

Tind sa ofer prea mult si din pacate astept tot atat inapoi sau macar recunostinta (cand dai, nu astepti nimic inapoi, insa eu da, Eu cred ca toti oamenii sunt buni). Am realizat ca ofer prea multa iubire iar lucrul asta este interpretabil. Imi iubesc prietenii si imi doresc ca prietenia sa fie eterna, insa oamenii sunt complicati si dificili. Imi accept prietenii cum sunt poate mai incerc sa le deschid ochii, daca nu imi iese, ii iau asa  cum sunt. Ce poate fi mai placut la vedere decat oamenii veseli? Ca sa vad mereu fete zambitoare ma pun in tot felul de situatii stupide sau fac cadouri simbolice  neasteptate . Imi e dor de unii din prietenii pierduti pe drumul inspre maturizare sau autocunoastere. Mi-ar placea sa le zic ca imi lipsesc, insa unii nu merita sa stie asta si ceilalti nu m-ar intelege. Sa tin atatea sentimente in mine, devine uneori coplesitor si cred ca as avea nevoie de cineva care sa ma asculte, dar fara opinie personala. Am nevoie de un psiholog?:) Oricum nu uita sa le zici celor dragi ca, conteaza si ca fac o diferenta in viata ta, pentru ca nu stii cand iti vor aluneca printre degete.

 I was wearing Bershka skirt, Pull&Bear scarf, H&M blouse, Miniprix boots, gift necklace. 

I tend to offer too much and aspect the same (which it's pure egoism, since giving should be when you expect nothing in return, not even gratitude) I realized that sometimes I offer too much love, and this can be interpreted as something else. I love to have friends, and I wish friendship could last forever, but unfortunately people are difficult. I love my friends as they are, sometimes I tend to open their eyes, if that doesn't work, I take them as they are. I love to see people smile, so I do silly things (dancing like a monkey, stupid jokes, small gifts) only to bring a smile on their faces. I miss so many of my friends, or people that were in my life at a given point..I wish I could tell them how I feel, but they don't understand or some just don't deserve to know this.  Keeping inside so many feelings sometimes is overwhelming, this is why I need a person to just be there, and listen to me but without saying their opinion back. I need a shrink, hah?:))) Anyways, always let people that they count and that they make a difference in your life!Never know when they forget that and they fly away...

Today's quote: "Only the really young are fearless, have the optimism, the romanticism to take unimaginable risks."

duminică, 7 decembrie 2014


  Este minunat cum oamenii incearca sa te cucereasca/surprinda, cu adevarat delicios cum se chinuie sa te faca sa te simti magulita. Este prima data cand cineva a reusit sa ma impresioneze cu un simplu buchet de flori, si tot in premiera este faptul ca anul acesta mos Nicolae a reusit sa ma surprinda. Din gama surprize, prietena mea Smaranda chiar m-a socat prin descrierea facuta, cum ma vede ea, si cat de mult a reusit sa surprinda din caracterul meu. Astea fiind spuse trebuie sa admit ca sunt usor de placut si faptul ca sunt nitel ciudata nu este un lucru rau, ci doar diferit. Va multumesc oameni frumosi ca imi sunteti alaturi.

I was wearing: Zara dress,  Mely Melo accessories, BBup shoes, and Mango coat.

Looks like Saint Nicholas visited me. Oasap's Saint Nicholas of course. ;)

    It's amazing how people may surprise you, it's absolutely delightful to see how they struggle to make you fell cuddled. It's the first time in my life when someone impressed me with a bouquet of roses, and also it's the first time in a long years row when Santa Nicholaus comes as a really surprise for me. Also Smaranda really surprised me with the ways she sees me and how well she could describe me. That being said, I must admit that I'm a pretty loved person, and the fact that I'm a bit weird it's not a bad thing, it's just unusual. Thank you people for standing by me and.

 Today's thoughts: "But people who do not know me are surprised to see me as a real person I guess."