joi, 29 ianuarie 2015
Valentine's Day
Hi babes's,
Valentine's day it's almost here. Sheinside has some cool outfits that will help you impress ya boy!
Here are few of my favorite combo:
1. Here you can find each item: Shoes - dress - necklace
2. Here you can find each item: Fur - necklace - bag
3. Here you can find each item: Dress - fur - shoes
4. Here you can find each item: Necklace- shoes - dress
Valtine's Day Sale!
Valtine's Day is coming,come and get your sexy look!
Extra US$8 Discount Over US$55 Code:valentine8
Extra US$18 Discount Over US$115 Code:valentine18
Ends:Feb/14 here: Valtine's Day Sale!
sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2015
Behind scenes, what's the story of the carousel ?
De ce ne simțim asa atrași de carusele, ce poveste ascund?
De când ma știu am vrut unul, nu știu de ce dar ma simt iremediabil atrasa de ele. Parca îmi șoptește ceva magic. Când te gândești la carusel, mintea ta zboară la magie, la fantezie, la ceva ieșit din comun și asta pentru ca ele sunt veselie pura. Cu siguranța ai remarcat muzica lor, ciudata și care te vrăjește incontrolabil. Efectiv te desprinzi de realitate și pleci spre fantezie atunci când te contopești cu muzica caruselului. Nu cred ca se poate nega ca, carusele au ceva magic, dar ce?
I was wearing Oasap dress, ClockHouse comforter, Stradivarius coat, Benetton hat.
For more lovely cheap items visit OASAP
Why do we feel so attracted to the carousel, what's the story behind?
I've been wishing for a carousel since I was a child, dunno why, but I feel so attracted towards. It's whispering me something magic. When you think about carousels, you thinks about, fantasy, magic or something out of ordinary , they inspire freedome just seeing them... Have you notice their songs; creepy but somehow catchy? You don't know if there is reality or fantasy once you go deeper into the song, you feel lost in pure joy. We can't deny that there is something charming in carousels, but what and why?
Today's thought: "Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone?"
De când ma știu am vrut unul, nu știu de ce dar ma simt iremediabil atrasa de ele. Parca îmi șoptește ceva magic. Când te gândești la carusel, mintea ta zboară la magie, la fantezie, la ceva ieșit din comun și asta pentru ca ele sunt veselie pura. Cu siguranța ai remarcat muzica lor, ciudata și care te vrăjește incontrolabil. Efectiv te desprinzi de realitate și pleci spre fantezie atunci când te contopești cu muzica caruselului. Nu cred ca se poate nega ca, carusele au ceva magic, dar ce?
I was wearing Oasap dress, ClockHouse comforter, Stradivarius coat, Benetton hat.
For more lovely cheap items visit OASAP
Why do we feel so attracted to the carousel, what's the story behind?
I've been wishing for a carousel since I was a child, dunno why, but I feel so attracted towards. It's whispering me something magic. When you think about carousels, you thinks about, fantasy, magic or something out of ordinary , they inspire freedome just seeing them... Have you notice their songs; creepy but somehow catchy? You don't know if there is reality or fantasy once you go deeper into the song, you feel lost in pure joy. We can't deny that there is something charming in carousels, but what and why?
Today's thought: "Did you ever notice that the first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone?"
marți, 20 ianuarie 2015
I'd rather..or maybe not!
M-am decis, mai bine te urăsc decât sa mai pierd un minut gândindu-mă cum ar fi fost DACĂ.. Știu ca nu ai fost bărbatul viselor mele. Iubesc sa ma îndrăgostesc, fac asta de parca este un hobby. Îmi place sa ma chinui, sa întâlnesc oameni noi, sa ii înțeleg. Îmi place sa ma cert, sa iubesc și sa urăsc în același timp, îmi plac provocările, iar tu ești una din ele. Însa adevărata eu, vrea sa se îndrăgostească nebunește, sa se stabilească la casa ei și sa ducă o viata normala. Dar tu, tu ce vrei cu adevărat? Oare ma vrei? Atunci lupta, lașule! Nu mai contează acum. Știi ca dacă m-ai fi vrut, m-ai fi putut avea la o bătaie din degete. Însa tu, știi ce vrei și nici eu, încă.
I was wearing ClockHouse neckcloth (Thank you UCCA), Oasap dress, StoneCreek boots, Oasap necklace, Stradivarius bag.
Oasap dress is still on sale. Check it NOW.
I have decided! I rather hate you than to lose another minute thinking about how things could've been IF.. I know that you've never been the man of my dreams. I love to fall in love. I do this like it's a hobby. I like to struggle, I like to meet new people, to try to understand them, to argue, to love and hate in the same time.. Meanwhile the true me, wants to fall in love once, to settle down and have a normal life. What about you? What do you really want? Is it me,that you really want? Then fight, you coward. Never mind, you know that if you've really wanted me you could've had me at "Hello". You, you.. don't know yet who you are or what you want, and neither do I.
Today's quote: “As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.”
I was wearing ClockHouse neckcloth (Thank you UCCA), Oasap dress, StoneCreek boots, Oasap necklace, Stradivarius bag.
Oasap dress is still on sale. Check it NOW.
I have decided! I rather hate you than to lose another minute thinking about how things could've been IF.. I know that you've never been the man of my dreams. I love to fall in love. I do this like it's a hobby. I like to struggle, I like to meet new people, to try to understand them, to argue, to love and hate in the same time.. Meanwhile the true me, wants to fall in love once, to settle down and have a normal life. What about you? What do you really want? Is it me,that you really want? Then fight, you coward. Never mind, you know that if you've really wanted me you could've had me at "Hello". You, you.. don't know yet who you are or what you want, and neither do I.
Today's quote: “As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.”
vineri, 16 ianuarie 2015
Dream big or stay cozy..
Deseori ma intreb cum vreau sa imi petrec restul vietii. Iubesc orasele mari, din cauza diversitatii lor si din cauza ca am senzatia ca pot visa cu ochii deschisi. Imi place sa vad strazile pline de oameni pe care nu ii stiu, de ciudati..Pe de alta parte imi place sa fiu eu ciudata din multime, imi place sa cred ca aduc ceva nou acolo unde merg.Intr-un oras mare, oamenii sunt prea ocupati sa mai arunce o privire in stanga sau in dreapta si totusi e plin de visatori si lunatici in cautarea unui scop pe pamant. Un oras mai mic, iti ofera confort. Oriunde te duci, te simti ca acasa, mereu vei gasi o fata cunoscuta,in orasele mici nimic extraordinar nu se intampla si cu usurinta poti deveni o stea peste noapte.Alegerea ne apartine, vrem sa visam cu ochii deschisi sau sa stam comozi? Inca ma intreb, cat mai pot ce sa aleg. Dar tu, tu ce preferi? As vrea sa traiesc intr-un oras modest dar sa am buget de calatorii nelimitat.
I was wearing no name coat, Zara blouse, Miniprix shoes, Accessorize purse, H&M pants.
I often wonder where I would really like to spend my life. I love big cities because of the diversity and the big dreams. I love to see people on the streets, people that I don't know, weirdos.. On the other way around, I like to be noticed in a crowd of people because I like to believe that I bring something new wherever I go. In a big city, people are too busy to notice each other on the streets, there are lots of lunatics and all we can dream of. A small city has that coziness. Wherever you go, you feel like home. You see people that you know, or people that some day will cross your way. The small city offers a normal life, if you want, but also can make you a star. It's your choice. So what is fit for me? What about you? I think I would like to live in a normal city, but to have enough money to visit lots of other places.
Today's motto: "In a big city like L.A. you can spend a lot of time surrounded by hundreds of people yet you feel like an alien or a ghost or something."
I was wearing no name coat, Zara blouse, Miniprix shoes, Accessorize purse, H&M pants.
I often wonder where I would really like to spend my life. I love big cities because of the diversity and the big dreams. I love to see people on the streets, people that I don't know, weirdos.. On the other way around, I like to be noticed in a crowd of people because I like to believe that I bring something new wherever I go. In a big city, people are too busy to notice each other on the streets, there are lots of lunatics and all we can dream of. A small city has that coziness. Wherever you go, you feel like home. You see people that you know, or people that some day will cross your way. The small city offers a normal life, if you want, but also can make you a star. It's your choice. So what is fit for me? What about you? I think I would like to live in a normal city, but to have enough money to visit lots of other places.
Today's motto: "In a big city like L.A. you can spend a lot of time surrounded by hundreds of people yet you feel like an alien or a ghost or something."
duminică, 11 ianuarie 2015
Tough, so damn tough!
Greu, al naibi de greu este sa fi bun in zilele noaste! Nu pot sa
inteleg de ce e stanjenitor sa spui vorbe frumoase oamenilor si atat de
usor sa arunci cu cuvinte grele in stanga si in dreapta. Iti mai aduci
aminte cand ai zis unei rude sau unui prieten"Te iubesc"? Am realizat ca
bunicului meu, nu i-am zis niciodata "te iubesc". Dar cand vine vorba
sa arunc cu cuvinte grele " Bai boule" sau "prostule" nu imi e deloc
greu. Uneori ma simt prost sa zic "te iubesc" din "n" motive, oamenii se
uita ciudat cand zic asta, rad isteric sau unii imi simt zic "si eu"
dar mecanic, din obligatie... Oamenii sunt prea obisnuiti cu cruzimea
si rautatea, ei nu stiu sa aprecieze bunatatea. Atunci cand faci o fapta
buna, trece neobservata, dar sa nu dea sfantul sa zici de rau, ca
atunci toti or sa zica: " asa sunt oamenii, rai". Nu suntem rai,
fratilor, devenim rai. Nu ne nastem rai.. societatea ne inraieste. Ne
este frica sa fim expusi, ne este frica de suferinta si uneori rusine sa
spunem ca iubim!
I was wearing Oasap dress, Oasap necklace, Oasap cardigan, H&M hat, BBUP boots.
Tough, so damn tough to be kind! Why is so difficult to say kind words to people and so damn easy to just spit something mean? Do you remember when you said last time "I love you!" to your aunt or cousin or to a relative ? I just realized that I have never said "I love you" to my grandfather, never.. But when comes to say I "hate you", or "you stupid" it comes so natural. Sometimes I felt ashamed to say to a relative or a close friend "I love you", because they would look weird at me, or they would laugh or the worst scenario they would say "me too", just to make this awkward moment pass. People are not used to kindness, don't know how to act, meanwhile when you're rude, every one says: "well this is how people are". We aren't rude or mean, we became like this , because people are afraid to reveal their feelings or the fact that they have a soul, which can be harm.
Today's quote: "I always think that I've embarrassed myself. Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again."
I was wearing Oasap dress, Oasap necklace, Oasap cardigan, H&M hat, BBUP boots.
Tough, so damn tough to be kind! Why is so difficult to say kind words to people and so damn easy to just spit something mean? Do you remember when you said last time "I love you!" to your aunt or cousin or to a relative ? I just realized that I have never said "I love you" to my grandfather, never.. But when comes to say I "hate you", or "you stupid" it comes so natural. Sometimes I felt ashamed to say to a relative or a close friend "I love you", because they would look weird at me, or they would laugh or the worst scenario they would say "me too", just to make this awkward moment pass. People are not used to kindness, don't know how to act, meanwhile when you're rude, every one says: "well this is how people are". We aren't rude or mean, we became like this , because people are afraid to reveal their feelings or the fact that they have a soul, which can be harm.
Today's quote: "I always think that I've embarrassed myself. Do not be embarrassed by your failures, learn from them and start again."
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