miercuri, 29 octombrie 2014

Tam Tam Tam..

Hello oameni frumosi.
Halloween-ul bate  la usa. V-ati pregatit costumele? Eu nu mi-am pregatit costumul, nu am unul, asa ca m-am decis sa fiu eu, asta fiind mai mult decat suficient. ;)
Am primit de curand aceasta rochita/flanel de la TB. Pot spune ca materialul este bun iar ea este tare versatila. Poate fi purtata cu o pereche de blugi sau pe post de rochita. Pentru Halloween va propun sa vizitati site-ul TBdress , sunt sigura ca o sa gasiti un costum sau un outfit interesant. 
I was wearing TB dress, United Colors of Benetton jacket , Bershka belt, Meli Melo necklace and no name shoes.

                     More TB  sweaters you could find HERE.

Castigatoarea giveaway-ului meu de la Oasap este Oana. Felicitari draga mea!
Hello beautiful people.
Halloween is almost knocking at our doors. Did you prepared the costume? Well I didn't. I decided that I could wear my everyday outfit, and this could be more than enough.
I was wearing a lovely dress/ sweater  from TB . I might say that I love it. Could be worn with some jeans, or could we worn as a dress. I love the color and the material is nice. For this Halloween you should definitely visit TBdress.com and maybe buy something fun.

Today's quote: "If human beings had genuine courage, they'd wear their costumes every day of the year, not just on Halloween."

luni, 27 octombrie 2014

Some dream in black and white!

Nu toti oamenii viseaza in culori. Cercetatorii estimeaza ca o persoana din opt are visuri in alb si negru.
Cum e oare lumea in doar doua culori? Era la un moment dat si un episod din Powerpuff girls in care lumea ramane fara culoare, totul este alb si negru...ciudat. Sunt oameni care traiesc simplu cu "Da" sau "Nu" fara "Poate" fie alb, fie negru.. Eu imi pierd viata petrecand printre nuante, oare cum e mai bine cu doua culori sau cu o mie? Cum iti place sa iti traiesti viata; intr-un mod complicat sau simplu?

I was wearing Oasap cardigan, no name dress, Miniprix boots, Stradivarius bag, and Meli Melo earrings.

Did you knew that not everyone dreams in colors? Researchers estimate that one out of eight persons dreams in white and black. How is the world in two colors? There was at some point, an episode of The Powerpuff Girls when some malefic person made the world without colors....strange. There are people that live their life simple, with just "Yes" and "No" no "Maybe" either black or white. I spend  my life among shades, and I ask myself  it's better with two colors or a thousand? How do you like your life, simple or full of uncertainties?

Today's quote: " If you're searching for that person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror."

joi, 16 octombrie 2014

Time for something fresh, try a watermelon.

Iubesc lubenita (pepenele rosu). Iubesc atat de mult acest fruct ca m-am hotarat sa imi iau un tricou cu acest imprimeu de la Oasap . Orice stil vestimentar adopti, ciudat, clasic, boem, elegant..well Oasap are ceva si pe gustul tau.  Iarna vine asa ca eu zic sa o incalzim cu ceva fresh ca o lubenita.

I was wearing Oasap t-shirt, Terra Nova top, Miniprix boots, no name bag and pants, and same old Miha's smile.

I love watermelon. I love this fruit so much that I decided to wear a t-shirt with it. Oasap has so many cool things, that is absolutely impossible to not find something to fit you or  your out of ordinary look. Winter in almost at the door, so I say that is time for something fresh, try a watermelon.

Motto-ul de azi: “What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.” 

luni, 13 octombrie 2014

Some things never grow old!

   Printre lucrurile care nu au varsta pentru mine, se numara muzica. Pe langa muzica mai jonglez cu imaturitatea/copilarosenia si prima mea iubire. Viata, o adevarata calatorie care este uneori cam grea este drept, dar in definitiv este asa cum si-o face fiecare. Unele lucruri nu imbatranesc niciodata iar altele parca sunt de o vesnicie batrane. Incerc sa ma formez inca mai incerc sa ma maturizez frumos, sa pastrez cat mai multa estenta " de mine"  desi fiecare pas care il fac ma modifica putin. Fieacre cuvant si fiecare om, fara sa vrea incearca sa schimbe ceva. Incearaca sa te pastrezi cat mai intact, esti pefect cum esti, nu sunt 2 de tine pe aici!

I was wearing Bershka jeans, Converse sneakers, Stradivarius shirt hand made bag, ice cream erring from Terra Nova.

  One of the things that for me didn't got older by a day, it's music. Beside music is the joy of being immature and childish, and my first love (obsession,maybe). Life's a journey that sometimes is maybe too rough, but in the end it's like we make it. Some things never grow old and some things are like forever old. Well..I try to grow up beautiful and I try to keep myself as much as I can, since every step I do changes me a bit. Every word and every human being tries to change you in a way or another. Keep yourself as much as you can, you are beautiful and perfect as you are!

Today's quote : "Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional."

marți, 7 octombrie 2014

Fake it until you make it!

Fericirea, vine din interior. Asa ca eu merg pe principiul prefa-te pana te crezi si tu. Te simti deprimat si simti ca nu iti gasesti locul? Atunci zambeste, razi cu pofta, razi pana simti ca esti cu adevarat fericit. Eu asa am invatat sa trec cu fruntea sus prin viata. Nu conteaza ce iti ofera ziua, gandeste-te ca la orice problema este si o rezolvare. Nu exista IMPOSIBIL!

I was wearing Stone Creek boots, Tally Weijl dress, Mely Melo accessories, Hand made bag, no name scarf.

 Today's quote : “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”

The joy, it's a state of mind. So I say fake it until you make it. You feel sad and blue, then it's time for you to fake a smile until, the smile becomes the reality of your day. Smile until you feel the joy. That is how I keep myself going through life. I always smile and I barely let myself feel the sadness of life.. No matter what smile and think PINK!