Acum ceva timp am fost in primul meu team building (oficial) undeva langa Timisoara. A fost tare fain si interesant sa imi vad colegii linistiti si intr-o stare de "coziness". Mereu am crezut si inca cred ca nu m-as integra intr-o companie mare, unde oamenii nu se cunosc. Cand trebuie sa vorbesc cu colegii din US, colegi care pentru mine nu au fata sau personalite, e un chin. Mie imi place sa cunosc omul de la celalalt fir, nu doar o voce si o descriere sumara de la alti colegi. Poate iau totul prea personal, dar asta mi-s. A fost fain sa petrec(bem si altele) /petrec timpul cu colegii mei si asta pentru ca sunt oameni faini. A fost timp si de un mic shooting yeyyyyy .
I was wearing TBdress coat , Oasap sweater , Mango jeans, Accessorize purse.
Some time ago I went in my first (official) team building out of the
city. It was nice to hang around with my colleagues, to know each other a
bit more. I always say that I wouldn't want to work in a big company,
where people that work together don't really know each other. I hate
when I have to talk with coworkers from US at the phone or messenger,
and I haven't seen them in my life. It' strange to work with people that
have no face or personality for me (I need to put a face next to the name). But that is just me, I need to know
everything and everyone. Anyways it's nice to spend some good quality
time with awesome people as the people I work with. I had time for a
small shooting, yey to that.
Today's thought: "T.E.A.M. = Together Everyone Achieves More!"
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